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2017年上期永华中学六年级英语Unit 3检测卷

时间: 45分钟 满分: 100分

( )1. A. health B. healthy ( )2. A. keep B. clean ( )3. A. jog B. dog

( )4. A. take care of B. take a walk

分三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。每小题听两遍。(10分) 001 ( )1. A. We should eat healthy food every day.

:分 B. We should do exercise every day. 满 ( )2. A. He is a 5-year-old boy.

钟 B. The boy is 5 years old.

分( )3. A. At night, he sometimes reads newspaper.

54 B. At night, he sometimes watches TV.

:间( )4. A. I have rice and chicken for lunch.

时 B. I have rice and fish for lunch.

( )5. A. Listening to music is good for us.

B. Playing is good for us.



Ff Kk Pp

Ss Ww

二、连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号)(15分) 1. can , strong, we , then , be , (.)

2. are , we , happy , (.)

3. keep, should , our, body, we, clean (.)

4. should, you, take , of, yourselves, care (.)

5. bad, it, us, for, is (.)


( )1. We should ________ to take care of ourselves.

A. learnt B. learns C. learn

( )2. We should ________ our hands ________ eating.

A. wash, after B. washes, before C. wash, before ( )3. I want ________ healthy.

A. to B. to be C. be

( )4. He ________ exercise every day. A. do B.did C. does

( )5. It is good for us to eat more ________ food.

A. clean B. health C. healthy 四、按要求写单词。(10分) 1. go(三单形式)3. health(形容词) 2. jog(现在分词) 4.foot(复数)

A. Good habits. B. Bad habits.

( )2. How many times(次数) do we exercise in a week is a good habit?

A. Two. B. Three. ( )3. What should we drink is good for our health? 5. 照顾(翻译)


( )1.What time do you get up? A.Thank you.

( )2.Do you have a ticket? B.It’s blue.

( )3.What color is your dress? C.Yes, it is. ( )4.Is that your English book? D.At 7:00.

( )5.Here you are! E.No,I don’t. 六、根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(10分)

It is important to keep healthy. Having good habits(习惯) is helpful for achieving(实现) goals(目标). What are good habits? For example, exercising three times a week is a good habit. Getting enough sleep is another. It is good for us to go to bed and get up early. It is also helpful to drink a lot of water and eat healthy food, such as fresh fruit and vegetables. Never eat too much. More importantly, eating junk food(垃圾食品)will make you fat and even sick(生病). ( )1. What habits should we have?

( (


A. Water. B. Drinking. )4. What should we eat?

A. Junk food. B. Healthy food.

)5. What do you learn from this text?

A. We should keep our body healthy.


词组和单词: 节日;假日 小册子 旅馆 瀑布 看一本小册子 住在一家很棒的酒店里 乘竹筏漂流 看山 看瀑布 看山水 赏花 在10月1号 天气预报 一次武夷山之旅 句子:

1.你们将要上哪儿度假? Where will you go for the holidays? 2.你们将在那儿做什么? What will you do there? holiday booklet hotel waterfall 预报 旅行 竹筏;木筏 forecast trip raft look at a booklet stay at a nice hotel go on a raft trip see the mountains see the waterfalls see the river and mountains see the flowers on Oct. 1st. weather forecast a visit to Wuyishan 3.你们将怎么去? How will you go there? 4.哇!一次武夷山之旅。 Wow! A visit to Wuyishan. 5.我相信你们会玩得很开心的。 I’m you’ll have a very good time. 6. 这是武夷山的天气预报。 This is the weather forecast for Wuyishan.



