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The Training of Memory

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The Training of Memory


? 通过不作记录的即席翻译,培养译员的记忆能力。(记忆力的训练) ? 通过学习口译的记录技巧,翻译长篇演讲。 ? 同声传译的训练。 记忆力的训练

? 译员必需具备的素质中,有一条就是出众的记忆力。

? Importance of a good memory (several seconds~15 minutes,120~220 words/m) 记忆力因人而异

? 1. 有先天的因素,

? 有人先天记忆力好,有的能精确记住讲话人的一段话,有的能记住几句,或大概意


? 我们的训练,通过科学的方法可以帮助记忆好的人更有效的记忆,更多,更好。 ? 记忆力是天生的,可以通过训练来提高吗?Can be trained ? 是的。后天的培养对人们提高记忆力也有很大的帮助。

? 心理学上讲,可以将记忆分为两类,长期记忆和短期记忆。口译中需要的是短期记

忆,或瞬时记忆(instant memory)。它是可以通过训练来提高的。 ? Memory useful to interpreters: the ability to learn by heart (no) ? remember things said moments before (yes)

? Short-term memory (verbal) Vs Long-term memory (non-verbal) ? 7-8 discrete info points capacity unlimited ? 20~30 sec much longer

? active stowed away, need to be activated

? In interpreting, memory last only a short time, therefore, STM should be prioritized in

memory training。

? 一般人未经训练,只能准确记住前6,7秒的内容,但这与我们的要求相距太大。而

经过一段时间的有意识的练习,会有显著提高。因为这部分的能力属于我们的潜力而未得到开发,一旦开发,将潜力无穷…… ? 记忆力的训练

? 首先强调的是:理解是记忆的基础,如果没有听懂,也就根本不可能记住,而如果

理解得很清楚,记忆效果必然更好。 ? Meaning Vs Memory

? meaning> active memory, shorter to be committed, and once broken from original

language form, can stay much longer ? words > only a faint impression

? e.g. movie-goers (able to remember details with no pressure)

? 这就是为什么我们的汉语可以记住很多,而英语往往相对较差的道理。我们来看看


? 1) Develop your own ways of strengthening memory power, retrieval cues (clues for


? 2) Must be interested in/concentrated on topic under discussion ? 3) Interest facilitates understanding and concentration


? 分三个层次:A. 单句记忆

? B. 复句记忆 ? C. 段落记忆 A. 单句记忆:

? 只要掌握一个原则:分意群,抓主干。

? 1. 抓主干:在英语中,一个句子只有一个谓语,它必需在人称和数上与主语保


? 理解和把握西方语言的句子,只要抓住了谓语动词也就抓住了全局的灵魂。 ? 分意群:意群(sense group)或叫意义单位(sense unit)

? 按照意思将听到的句子分成不同的几块。这样句子结构更加清晰。

? (1) Welcome to Wuhan/, I?m Vanessa Hu/, from Hubei Institute of Education/, a

teacher of the English Department/.

? (2) I would like/ to discuss with you /the possibility of /establishing a joint-venture/. ? (3)permit me/ first of all/ to thank you/, our host/, for your extraordinary arrangements

and hospitality/.

? My name is Jane. I?m from the London Tourist Center.

? I will be working as your guide throughout your six-day visit. ? You?ll be staying at the Hilton Hotel.

? The Hotel is located in the downtown area, a few minutes? walk from the office of the

London Tourist Center.

? It is said to be the only man-made project on earth which is visible from a satellite.

? I have been longing to visit China and establish business relations with Chinese


? It is also our hope to establish business relations with our American friends ? B. 复句记忆

? 英语是形合(hypotaxis)的语言。主从句子之间大多数是通过意义鲜明的连接词来


? Premier Zhu further states that/ the States will make earnest effort/ to improve the

working and living conditions of the intellectuals/, protect intellectual property rights/, and set up an incentive mechanism/ favorable to the upbringing of talented personnel/, so as to bring into fuller play the imitative and creativity of intellectuals/ working in the fields of education and science and technology.

? On behalf of all my colleagues/ presented here, I wish/ to thank you/ for your

incomparable hospitality/, for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world/.

? With a joint venture, a foreign partner usually brings into the enterprise or business

capital funds, machinery, advanced technology and management, while the Chinese partner supplies land, labor and a portion of the funds for the infrastructure.

? In that spirit, I ask all of you presented to join me in raising your glasses to the friendship

and cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.


C. 段落记忆

对于一段话的记忆,从宏观上讲,要注意事务的逻辑规律。不论什么主题,它所涵盖的内容都有一定的范围和逻辑规律。 ? 例如:

? 到机场迎接客人,

? 主人一般是表示欢迎,问候,关心客人的旅程; 而客人总要答谢。 ? 作演讲也有一定的主题,所说的话都应围绕一个主题。 ? 例如: 某公司发布一新产品,

? 必然会说这种产品有如何的优势,如何领先世界,如何为顾客考虑,如何具有创新


? 知道了这一点就会信心大增!!!!!!!!!!!! ? 具体而言, 有六种方法来增强效果:

? 注意抓“线索”,沿着线索顺藤摸瓜,把事情一件件的介绍出来。(logical order) ? 例如: 从机场到饭店的途中,主人向客人介绍访问日程。 ? 把事物形象化。(visualization)

? 时间顺序,time order: narrations, stories, histories, etc. ? 地点顺序,(介绍参观地点) spatial order:东西南北中,由远及进,由进及远, 等 ? 具体事由为线索。常用在说理性的情况下。 ? 注意抓论点和论据。

? 记忆的方法不应该拘泥于这些方法,应该根据具体的内容总结出具体的方法,因人



? Welcome to the activities of Australian Week---- A Unique Experience of Australia Flavor.

We have arranged the following activities for the four-day Australian Week.

? On Monday, March the 13th, the Australian Food Festival will be held to show you the

Australian Food flavor,

? “the Australian Week Cup” tennis tournament is to be held on the 14th of March, on


? March the 15th, there will be an Australian Investment Seminar,

? on March the 16th, you can enjoy the Australian Painting Exhibition will be held. ? We hope you will know more about Australia through “Australian Week”. ? 共四天: ? 食品展 ? 网球赛 ? 研讨会 ? 会画展 地点顺序

? This is the main library. There?s also a graduate library in Newman Hall on the other side

of the campus.

? This is the periodical room, mainly for current periodicals. For earlier issues, there?s

another periodical room on the left.

? This is the main reading room. There are several others, at least one on each floor.

? Over there are the audio-visual rooms. You can borrow tapes, cassettes, slides or

filmstrips and listen or watch without disturbing others.


? ?

The Training of Memory


