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英语面试,事前一定要好好准备自我介绍,别人的可以参考,但你自己一定要写,要突出自己与众不同的地方,比如你的实习经历等等,不要背,但要自己事前演练。一般自我介绍不错的话,面试官对你印象很好。接下来就是用英语聊天了, 这几个问题我觉得该准备下: 1.Why do you select our university?
For one instance, my tutor,Mr zhang changqiao, a graduate of East china institute of chemical technology, he often tells us about this univeristy,and i am impressed by his pride in his graduated university.Besides, last year, i came here to attend the summer camping, i visted the State key labortory of chemical engineeing, it deeply impresses me by the top-end scientific reserch foundation.
2.what is your graduate design?
The name of my my graduate paper:Synthesis of graphene membrane functionalized by cyclodextrins
because the time is occupied by the post-graduate examination, It will continue the innovative experimental project.up to now,i just search some papers on the net, and only to submit the thesis proposal.so, next stage, i will accelerate the process.
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3 please make an introdution of your university?
Okay,Shandong unversity is the second university established by the government, owing a 115 year long history, excellent in literature, philosophy,history and mathematics. 4.introduce the city you stay or your hometown? My hometown is ankang, a beautiful tourism city in the southest of shanxi province, located in the bottom of Qingling mountains, and the vegetation rate is very high, creating beautiful environment. It is really a good tourist attraction for relaxing your nerver and tired spirit.
诸如此类,事先比较好准备,提醒一点,回答一定要真诚。 建议大家自我介绍要精心把握好,因为老师通常会从你的自我介绍里面抽问题问你。比如,我说我在催化剂厂做过见习生,他问了几个关于催化剂的问题,比如说催化剂的最主要的中毒是什么(结焦)、催化剂参与反应吗。还有,我说我英语还不错,能够比较轻松的阅读英文专业文献,他马上问我, 你知道有哪些知名的期刊吗。当然,我事先的准备是天衣无缝的,我马上用英语丢出一大串诸 如AIChE J.、CES、CET、CEJ、IECR 之类的顶级期刊, 1若两个物质他们的分子式相同,他们的物理性质相同吗?化学性质相同吗?
不一定啊 ,空间结构可能不一样 也有可能是异构体
2.农民经常在湖水中,夏天晒盐,冬天晒碱,请你解释一下这种现象。 碱是什么?
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夏天温度高,利于水的蒸发,盐结晶而析出 溶解度随温度变化碱随温度的下降而下降 Na2CO3 3.乙醇的水溶液,怎样在不分离的情况下判断出他的浓度? 重铬酸钾的显色反应,乙醇+重铬酸钾,从橙色变为灰绿色,可以检验它的量。
4.乙醇溶液怎么把乙醇和水进行分离,列举两种方法 采用特殊精馏:恒沸精馏或萃取精馏 5.什么是三传一反?三传和一反分别指什么?
动量传递、热量传递、质量传递 化学反应工程 单元操作 6.化工常用的反应器有哪些?列举三个
釜式、管式、塔式;列管式固定床,流化床、涓流床,鼓泡塔 7.常用的文献检索,中英文的各有哪些?
中国知网、万方数据库;web of science, EI( The Engineering Index), ACS(American Chemical Society),spring link全文数据库 8.请你说出一个文献的格式? 作者 题名 来源 年 卷 期 页码
9.有一些数据,现在需要做出这些数据的线性方程,你用什么软件能完成? 直线的线 性方程和线性关系怎么求出? 第三个老师 组长) orinlab.
11.现在给你两分钟时间,给研究生们做一报告,关于学术规问题! 12.请问,我国的两会是什么,今年两会的主题是什么?
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