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【期刊名称】《中国园艺文摘》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)008

【摘要】The amino acid contents and the compositions of ‘Hongyang’ kiwi fruits from Houchang, Miluo and Jichang Townships in Shuichen County were analyzed. The results indicated ‘Hongyang’ kiwi fruit included 16 kinds of amino acids and the species are rich. The average total content of amino acids of ‘Hongyang’ kiwi fruit was 629.27 mg/100 g. E/T value of ‘Hongyang’ kiwi fruit was 30.49%, and the E/N value was 44.09%. ‘Hongyang’ kiwi fruit from Jichang Township was most close to the ideal pattern. The total amino acid mass fraction of ‘Hongyang’ kiwi fruit samples relatively was close to the pattern spectrum. The nutrition of necessary amino acids of ‘Hongyang’ kiwi fruit of three origins was in equilibrium, and the nutritional value was relatively high. Valine and Leucine were limiting amino acid of the Shuichen ‘Hongyang’ kiwi. Aspartic acid, glutamate, cystine and arginine were major tasting amino acids.%以水城县猴场乡、米箩乡和鸡场乡的‘红阳’猕猴桃果实为材料,测定分析其氨基酸含量及组成。结果表明:水城‘红阳’猕猴桃含有16种氨基酸,种类较齐全。‘红阳’猕猴桃氨基酸平均总含量为629.27 mg/100 g,‘红阳’猕猴桃的E/T值为30.49%、E/N值为44.09%,鸡场乡的‘红阳’猕猴桃最接近理想模式。‘红阳’猕猴桃中



