【期刊名称】《微计算机信息》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)003
【摘要】多媒体视频技术已经与很多课程的教学结合在了一起,包括品牌管理课程教学。使用多媒体技术能够给学生更加直观的印象,便于学生课上理解品牌管理教学内容,课下运用所学内容。鉴于目前的教学实践,多媒体视频在品牌管理课程教学中的应用主要体现在教学内容与多媒体视频的紧密结合上,突出多媒体视频技术在教学中的作用时要选择正确的时机与内容。%Multimedia video technology has been combined with teaching many courses together, including brand management teaching. The use of multimedia technology to give students a more intuitive impression, easy to understand the student class brand management, teaching content, the next class to use what they learn. Given the current teaching practice, multimedia video applications in Brand Management Teaching is mainly reflected in the teaching content and multimedia video closely, highlighting the role of multimedia video technology in teaching to choose the right timing and content. 【总页数】2页(133-133,136)
【关键词】多媒体;视频技术;品牌管理;课堂教学 【作者】何文杰
【作者单位】武昌理工学院,湖北 武汉 430223