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2017人教版英语五上《Revision 2》阶段测试卷

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2017人教版英语五上《Revision 2》阶段测试卷

Revision2 阶段测试卷

一、请您找出短语的汉语意思。 (1) would like (2) turn on (3) a lot of (4) arrive at (5) talk show

(6) have a birthday party 二、请您选用所给的单词填空。

happy exciting only host chores cute (1) I’d like to be a ________ on the talk show、 (2) That’s a ________ job、 (3) He is a ________ toy dog、 (4) It's ________ 20 yuan、

(5) Joy is ________ to open the boxes、 (6) I like doing ________、 三、请您选出合适的一项填空。

( ) 1、 They fit me ________ are they?

A、 How much

B、 How many

C、 How

A、 许多 B、 到达

C、 开生日联欢会 D、 谈话节目 E、 打开 F、 想要

( ) 2、 Please send it t0 12 Apple Street ________ Sunday ________ two o'clock、

A、 on; to

B、 in; at

C、 on; at

( ) 3、 It may ________ supermarkets for food、

A、 have

B、 has

C、 having

( ) 4、 I want ________ a news announcer、

A、 be

B、 to be

C、 is

( ) 5、 We need some things ________ winter camp、

A、 to

B、 with

C、 for


2017人教版英语五上《Revision 2》阶段测试卷

1、 —Can I help you?

—Yes、 I need some ________and ________、

2、 —I’d like to be a singer、 What about you? —I want ________ ________ a ________ ________、

3、 Let’s go to the supermarket、 I want to ________ ________、 五、请您用所给的单词组成正确的句子。

1、 do, make, how, and, egg, soup, tomato, you (?)

_____________________________________________________________________ 2、 do, to, do, want, you, what (?)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3、 Andy, the, to, talks, lady, the, shop, in (、) _____________________________________________________________________ 4、 come, my, birthday, please, to, on, Sunday, party (、) _____________________________________________________________________ 六、请您按要求写句子。

1、 The cute toy dog is 30 Yuan、 (对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 2、 Two of them are sitting in the living room、 (对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3、 I like to see animals、 (否定句)


2017人教版英语五上《Revision 2》阶段测试卷

4、 What do you want to do? (用 do a nature show回答)

_____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一、

(1)—(6) FEABDC 二、

(1)-(6) host; exciting; cute; only; happy; chores 三、 1-5 ACABC 四、

1、 tomatoes; eggs 2、 to be; news announcer 3、 buy pants 五、

1、 How do you make tomato and egg soup? 2、 What do you want to do? 3、 Andy talks to the lady in the shop、

4、 Please come to my birthday party on Sunday、 六、

1、 How much is the cute toy dog? 2、 Who are sitting in the living room? 3、 I don’t like to see animals、 4、 I want to do a nature show、

2017人教版英语五上《Revision 2》阶段测试卷


