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2019智慧树知到超星尔雅网课答案大全 第1章 单元测试

1、Men first came to Britain probably before the

Great Ice Age, who were called____ or the stone age men. 答案:cave men

2、British recorded history began with the Roman Invasion. 答案:T

3、The ancestors of the English people were the Normans. 答案:F

4、The AngloSaxons were Christianized in the century. 答案:climax

5、__ best represented the Elizabethan Age. 答案:1

第2章 单元测试

1、lived in the 7th century and was a cowherd of a monastery at Whitby. 答案:str[]=bcdef

2、learned to compose poems in his dream. 答案:1

3、Beowulf was wounded while fighting with______ and then died.

答案:the Fire Dragon

4、Romances were brought to England by the Normans. 答案:T

5、Ballad is a story told in song, usually in line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。

6、Geoffrey Chaucer was the last important poet in the Middle English Literature. 答案:T

7、Geoffrey Chaucer’s best known work today is The Canterbury Tales.

答案:Answer: 1.apologized 2.agency 3.inropriate 4.emotive 5. intolerance

8、The Tabard Inn is in the southern suburbs of. 答案:London

9、Only____ tales were written in The Canterbury Tales due to Geoffrey Chaucer’s death in 1400. 答案:24

10、The General Prolgoue was written in____. 答案:heroic couplet 第3章 单元测试

1、The first theatre in London was called “The Theatre”, which was open to the public in 1576. 答案:T

2、The most prominent dramatist of the University Wits was .

答案:Christopher Marlowe

3、The Spanish Tragedy is the first in English literature. 答案:revenge tragedy

4、William Shakespeare was once the shareholder of the____ theatre. 答案:Globe

5、is a play of youth and love and combines a tragic situation with comedy and gaiety.

答案:第一空: 传动轴 第二空: 转轴 第三空: 心轴 第四空: 转轴

6、is William Shakespeare’s longest play, and is

considered among the most powerful and influential works of the world literature.

答案:解: ( 3 分) ( 1 分) ( 1 分) ( 3 分) ( 1 分) ( 3 分) 满足要求。

7、In the soliloquy “To be, or not to be, that’s the question”, _ realizes his own weakness. 答案:Hamlet

8、William Shakespeare’s sonnets were didicated to a Mr.__.

答案:will there

9、In Sonnet 18, the poet compares his beloved to the season


10、was the first Chinese translator to complete the translation of all William Shakespeare’s works by himself.


第4章 单元测试

1、_ were looked upon as the model of English composition by British authors all through the 18th century. 答案:0

2、Essay on Man is a poem in heroic couplets. 答案:sp?t

3、was an intellectual movement in the first half of the 18th century.


4、In 1704, Jonathan Swift published two works together, and _, which made him wellknown as a satirist. 答案:Make the kettle full of fresh water. 5、Henry Fielding’s first novel is _ . 答案:Joseph Andrews

6、 compiled the A Dictionary of the English Language which became the foundation of all the subsequent English dictionaries.

答案:Samuel Johnson

7、Which of the following novels is not epistolary (written in letter form) novels? 答案:TomJones

8、Defoe’s works include_____ 答案:√

9、In his “An Essay of Dramatic Poesy”, ____ showed his famous reciation of Shakespeare. 答案:Dryden

10、With the establishment of the bourgeois dictatorship,

Charles II became the Protector of the English Commonwealth. 答案:F

第5章 单元测试

1、The first generation of the English romanticism is also called____.

答案:all of the above

2、The main figures of the Lakes School were William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and . 答案:climax

3、”Suspension of disbelief” was coined by. 答案:Samuel Taylor Coleridge

4、The Story of the Three Bears was written by . 答案:in the 1960s

5、made William Wordsworth turn his eyes to nature and take an interest in the peasants’ life. 答案:0

6、The Lyrical Ballads was published in . 答案:3 percent

7、”I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” is also commonly known as.

答案:“The Daffodils”

8、In 1804, inspired by his recalling of the experience and his sister Dorothy’s , William Wordsworth wrote the poem, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”. 答案:journal

9、Each line of “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” is metered in iambic .



