Irradiation Effect of γ Rays on Diamond-Like
Carbon Films
【期刊名称】《现代交通学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2001(009)001
【摘要】Diamond-like carbon films, prepared by RF glow discharge on glasssubstrates, were irradiated by γ rays. The as-deposited and irradiated films were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, electrical resistivity, and infrared transmittance. It is shown that the irradiation of the γ rays can lead to the breaking of SP3C-H and SP2C-H bonds, slight increasing of SP3C-C bonds, and induced hydrogen recombination with H2 molecules, subsequently diffusing to the surface of the films. When the γ rays irradiation dose reached 10×104 Gy, the numbers of SP3C-H bonds was decreased by about 50%, the resistivity of irradiated DLC films was increased, and the diamond-like character of the films became more obvious. The structure of DLC films was modified when irradiated by γ rays. The irradiation mechanisms are briefly discussed. 【总页数】6页(75-80) 【关键词】 【作者】佚名
【作者单位】Department of Applied Physics, Southwest Jiaotong University,;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Irradiation Effect of γ Rays on Diamond-Like Carbon Films