Exercise 2 Translation
Section A C-E Translation
Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the parentheses.
1. 推销员想尽一切可能的办法来促销公司的产品。(promote) 2. 形式正朝着有利于我们的方向发展。(favorable) 3. 他们公司靠谨慎投资赚了一大笔钱。(investment) 4. 我们不会再相信他了,因为他言行不一。(reconcile)
5. 一种民族文化对在它的氛围中成长起来的人会产生根深蒂固的影响。(influence)
6. 如果我能得到这个职位,我向你保证我会尽力让你满意的。(assure) 7. 试验证明这种化肥能加速苹果树的生长。(accelerate)
8. 在某些争论中,男孩子和女孩子总是站在对立的两边。(opposing) 9. 这位老师特别欣赏这些学生,把他们称为\早晨的太阳”。(refer) 10. 尽管侦探没有明说,但是他暗示杀手来自伦敦。(imply)
Section B E-C Translation
Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. Almost everybody wants to get through school, or, rather, get around it, the easy way.
2. The concept of future-focused education envisioned here will abolish
inflexible schedules and their inevitable concomitant, the school bell. 3. Don't try to get word-rich quick, by memorizing a lot of fancy words whose meanings are unconnected with any actual experience.
4. A few names, it is true, will remain puzzling: foreign names, perhaps,
crudely translated, adapted or abbreviated; or artificial names.
5. More than two-thirds of the planet's surface is covered with ocean ― and of this submerged terrain a bare five percent is well mapped.
6. Neither in medicine, or in law, government, or the social sciences can there be comfort in the old saying, \you.”
7. Pursue not so much the material as the ideal, for ideals alone invest life
with meaning and are of enduring worth.
8. Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a hear trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.
9. \associations, will take on wholly new connotations.
10. There is abundant luxury in the room but a minimum of taste.
Section A答案
1. The salesman tried every possible means to promote the sale of his company's products.
2. The situation is developing in a direction favorable to us. 3. Their company obtained a big profit by careful investment. 4. We won't trust him anymore, for he failed to reconcile his statements with his conduct. 5. A nation's culture will have an enduring influence on those who have grown up in it.
6. I can assure you that, given the post, I'll do my best to your satisfaction.
7. Experiments have proved that this fertilizer can accelerate the growth of apple trees.
8. Boys and girls are always on opposing sides of some arguments. 9. The teacher is especially appreciative of these students and often
refers to them as \morning sun.” 10. Although the detective did not say so exactly, he implied that the murderer was from London.
Section B答案
3. 不要试图以死记硬背大量与实际经验脱节的漂亮词汇来迅速扩大词汇量。 4. 诚然,有些名字一直令人费解,诸如,外国名字,也许被粗制滥译的,或被改写的,或 被缩写的,或是杜撰的名字。
5. 三分之二以上的地球表面被海洋覆盖着――而这片被水淹没的地域只有百分之五被地 图标出。
6. 无论医疗界、法律界、政府机构还是社科界,都不能从\不知者,
不为所害”这句老话中得到安慰。 7. 与其一味追求物质生活,倒不如追求理想,因为只有理想才赋予人生以意
义,才具有永久的价值。 8. 因为知道马拉德太太患有心脏病,所以在告知她丈夫的死讯时,他们特别小心谨慎。
9. \水”,原本就是一富于象征意义和感情色彩的词,将被赋予全新的含义。 10. 房间布置得豪华奢侈,但却十分俗气。
Difficulties can a person's best qualities.
A:bring up
B:bring out
C:bring about
D:bring over
参考答案:B 2:[单选题]
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参考答案:B 3:[单选题]
Nowadays advertising costs are no longer in reasonable to the total cost of the product.
参考答案:A 4:[单选题]
It seen to be believed.
B:has been
C:has to be D:was
参考答案:C 5:[单选题]
\me some clothes.” said the customer.
A:show B:see
参考答案:A 6:[单选题]
It five years since the famous singer left her hometown.
A:was B:is
C:has passed
D:had been
参考答案:B 7:[单选题]
In your first days at the school you'll be given a test to help the teachers to you to a class at your level.