The Publisher,
Subject: Submission of [Following are the categories of manuscripts. Delete whatever is not applicable] “Review Article, Original Article, Short Report, Rapid Communication, Case Series, Case In Images, Case Reports, Clinical Images, Letter to Editors” titled, “[Type or copy/paste here the title of the manuscript]”.
Dear Sir/Ma’am
We are submitting a [Following are the categories of manuscripts. Delete whatever is not applicable] “Review Article, Original Article, Short Report, Rapid Communication, Case Series, Case In Images, Case Reports, Clinical Images, Letter to Editors” titled, “[Type or copy/paste here the title of the manuscript]s” for consideration for publication in your Journal “ Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries”
I, ___________________________________________ (Corresponding author) certify that:
? The manuscript is being submitted by me (Corresponding author) on behalf of all the authors.
? Written, informed consent was taken from the patient/parents/legal guardians/next of kin for reporting this case (strike out whatever is not applicable). ? The manuscript is original work of all authors.
? All authors made a significant contribution to this study.
? This manuscript has not been submitted for publication; it has not been accepted for publication and has not been published in any other journal.
? All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Thank you
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英文论文投稿Cover Letter