1 技术设备 Technical Preparation 2 钢筋,钢筋机械连接用钢套筒等原材料进场,报验 Delivery and Inspection of Incoming Rebar, Steel sleeves for mechanical connection of rebar, etc. 施工现场质量管理应有相应的施工技术标准,健全的质量管理体制,施工质量控制和质量检验制度; 有施工组织设计和施工技术方案,并经批准。 The contractor’s related construction technical standard; Completed quality management, quality control system and inspection regulations should be available at site; The approved construction execution plan and technical proposal should be available. 检查物资出厂质量证明文件及检测报告是否齐全;对有抗震设防要求的框架结构,其纵向受力钢筋的强度应满足设计,规范要求;物资表观质量符合要求,按规定须抽检的材料,配件是否及时抽检; 按施工方案编制的见证取样计划进行取样复试 Check material ex-work quality proofing document and test report for the completeness; the strength of re-bar in longitudinal direction should meet the criteria of design and code, if frame structure has anti-seismic requirement. Visual check on appearance is acceptable, spot checks of material and accessories to meet the requirement. Sample testing has been done in accordance with witness sampling plan prepared by construction contractor. 符合设计,规范要求 Conform to design and Code requirement 审查现场质量管理体制,审查施工组织设计和技术方案,分包资质 Review contractor’s Site Quality control System, construction execution plan and technical proposal, and sub-contract qualification. 审查质量证明文件,目测材料外观是否合格 全数检查 按施工方取样计划30%抽检 Review quality certificate and proofing document, visual check the material conformity. 工程开工/复工报审表,施工组织设计报审表,分包商单位资格报审表 GB-50319-2000-A1 GB-50319-2000-A2 GB-50319-2000-A3 I &QR W&R W&R W 工程材料/构配表/设备报审表,材料,构配件进场检验记录,物资出厂合格证,质量保证书,商检证,钢材性能检测报告,钢材试验报告,XX报验申请表 Site Inspection Record for construction material/component and fittings; Ex-work Quality certificate; Material Warranty document; Commodity Inspection certificate; Steel material performance testing report; Steel testing report; I&T &QR W&R W&R W GB-50319-2000 全数检查 100% inspection MAR 钎探记录,隐蔽记录,地基验槽记录,XX报检申请表 GB-50319-2000-A4; I W W W 3 地基验槽 Ground Inspection 4 平面放线 Plane Setting Out 轴线位置,底模表面标高,截面内部尺寸,预埋件位置,标高,预留洞大小,位置,标高等。 Axial line position, elevation of bottom form-plate; interior size of cross section; Position and elevation of built-in component; size, position and elevation of pre-cast holes. 钢尺检查及测量仪器观测 Inspection by steel ruler, and observation by measuring instrument. 5 钢筋加工 Re-bar fabrication 钢筋的弯钩和弯折符合规范要求,钢筋调直方法,加工的形状,尺寸符合要求 Rebar bending and hooking is in accordance with code requirement, the straightening, configuration and size meet the requirement. 6 钢筋连接 Steel Rebar Connection 纵向受力钢筋的品种,规格,数量,位置等;钢筋连接方式,接头位置,接头数量,接头面积百分率等;箍筋,横向钢筋的品种,规格,数量,间距等;预埋件的规格,数量,位置等 Type, specification, quantity and location of rebar of longitudinal tension application; Rebar connecting method, location, quantity, and percentage of 钢尺检查每工作班同类型钢筋,同一加工设备抽查不少于3件 Inspect with steel ruler Spot check of 3 pieces of same type rebar, same processing machine for each shift. 目测,尺量,检查产品合格证,接头力学性能试验报告等 Visual Check, inspect with ruler, check quality certificate, mechanical test report of the Compactness test record, work cover-up record, ground inspection record. 工程定位测量记录,基槽验线记录,楼层平面,标高放线记录,分项/分部工程报检表,XX报验申请表 GB-50319-2000-A4; Location setout measurement record; ground setout inspection record; floor plane and elevation setting out record; Divisional/ sub-divisional work inspection record; 钢筋加工检验批质量验收记录表,XX报检申请表 GB-50319-2000-A4; Batch acceptance inspection record for rebar fabrication and inspection. 施工检查记录(通用),钢筋接头的试验报告等 Record of construction inspection (general application), rebar connection testing report. I W W - I W? W? - T&I&QR W&R W&R W 7 钢筋验收 Steel Rebar Acceptance Inspection. 8 模板配板 Formplate Configuration 9 模板支设 Formplate Erection connecting area etc.; type, specification, quantity, spacing of hoop reinforcement and lateral reinforcement; specification, quantity and location of embedded items/component. 纵向受力钢筋的品种,规格,数量,位置等;钢筋连接方式,接头位置,接头数量,接头面积百分率等;箍筋,横向钢筋的品种,规格,数量,间距等;预埋件的规格,数量,位置等符合设计要求 Type, specification, quantity and location of rebar of longitudinal tension application; Rebar connecting method, location, quantity, and percentage of connecting area etc.; type, specification, quantity, spacing of hoop reinforcement and lateral reinforcement; specification, quantity and location of embedded items/component. 模板及其支架应根据工程情况设计,应具有足够的承载能力,刚度和稳定性,能可靠承受施工荷载Formplate and its support should meet the construction load with enough carrying capacity as per the engineering to the actual application; Rigidity and stability should meet the requirement. 模板支撑满足施工要求,模板隔离剂不得沾污钢筋和砼接槎处,模板接缝不漏浆,按设计要求起拱,不遗漏固定在模板上的预留孔洞,安装偏差满足规范要求等 Per construction requirement, isolating agent should not contaminate rebar and connections, etc. 目测,尺量,条全数检查 Visual Check, inspect with ruler. 分项、分部工程施工报检表,隐蔽工程检查记录,钢筋安装工程检验批质量验收记录表, 报验申请表 Division/sub-divisional work inspection record; Inspection record. Batch acceptance inspection record for rebar installation, Request for acceptance inspection of Material; Work cover-up inspection record. 施工组织设计报审表 GB-50319-2000-A2. I W W - 审查施工方案,全数检查 Review constructor’s construction proposal. I &QR W&R W&R - 目测,尺量,水准仪或拉线钢尺检查 Visual inspection, ruler metering, level gauging or pull wire ruler inspection. 施工检查记录(通用) Construction inspection record (for general application) I W - 10 模板验收 Formplate acceptance inspection concrete interface, no mortar leaking in the formplate joint, arch camber should follow design requirement, no miss of pre-cast holes in formplate, installation deviation should meet the requirement. 模板支撑满足施工要求,模板隔离剂不得沾污钢筋和砼接槎处,模板接缝不漏浆,按设计要求起拱,不遗漏固定在模板上的预留孔洞,安装偏差满足规范要求等 Per construction requirement, isolating agent should not contaminate rebar and concrete interface, no mortar leaking in the formplate joint, arch camber should follow design requirement, no miss of preserve holes in formplate, installation deviation should meet the requirement. Timbering; complete check of isolating agent, 100% inspection. 目测,尺量,水准仪或拉线钢尺检查 支撑;全数检查 隔离剂;全数检查 Visual inspection, ruler metering, level gauging or pull wire ruler inspection. 100% inspection. 11 混凝土搅拌 (商砼运输) Concrete Agitation (Ready- mix concrete transportation) 原材料及其进场报检资料,配合比设计资料符合规范和设计要求,混凝土原材料每盘称量的偏差符合设计要求 Document for material inspection and material receiving inspection, engineering document on mixing proportion meet code requirement; deviation of material for each weight meet engineering requirement. 分项/分部施工报检表,预检记录,模板安装工程验批质量验收记录表 预制构件模板工程检验批质量验收记录表 Section/Division work inspection record; pre- inspection record; formplate erection acceptance batch inspection record; Form of acceptance batch inspection on pre-cast components of formplate. 1.水泥袋:?200T不少于1混凝土浇灌申请,开盘鉴次;散袋?500T不少于1次 定,预拌砼运输单,配合比Cement bag package? 通知单 200T inspection in 1 Application of concrete time (minimum) pour; verification 2.外加剂:按批次和产品document for concrete 抽样检验方案确定 mixing proportion, Admixture: to be fixed shipping notification of as per batch time and pre-mixed concrete; product sampling notification of mixing inspection plan proportion. 3.配合比设计:全数检查 Mix design: 100% inspection. I W W - T&I&QR W&R W 12 混凝土浇筑 Concrete Pouring 混凝土强度等级符合设计要求,按规范要求留置试件,混凝土运输,浇筑及间歇的全部时间不应超过混凝土的初凝时间,混凝土浇筑完毕按技术方案和规范要求及时采取养护措施 Concrete strength grade meets design requirement; keep testing coupon as per- required; Total time period for shipping, pouring and time interval should not exceed the initial setting time of concrete; Curing measures should be taken timely as per the technical proposal and Code requirement upon completion of each pour. 4.称量:每工作班不少于1次 Weighing: not less than 1 time for each working shift. 检查施工记录及试件强度试验报告;全数检查 Check the construction record and the coupon strength test report; 100% inspection. 1.试件: Test cube: 3a.100盘且?100M,取样 不少于1次 3For 100 pans and ?100M, sampling is required not less than 1 time. b.每工作班不足100盘,取样 不少于1次 For less than 100 pans per shift, sampling is required not less than 1 time. 3c.一次超过1000 M,每3200 M不少于1次 For pouring more than 31000M in 1 time, sampling not less than 混凝土浇灌申请,开盘鉴定,预拌砼运输单,配合比通知单,养护测温记录,混凝土施工检验批质量检收记录表 Application of concrete pour; verification document for cube test on concrete mixing proportion, shipping notification of pre-mixed concrete, notification of T&I&mixing proportion. QR W&R W&R W