呼伦贝尔学院 建筑工程施工管理研究
题 目:建筑工程施工管理研究 学 院:呼伦贝尔学院
专 业:工程管理(本科) 年 级:2013级 姓 名:刘泱
日 期: 年 月 日
呼伦贝尔学院 建筑工程施工管理研究
摘 要
关键词: 建筑工程 施工管理 项目管理 创新成本控制,进度控制,质量控制
The management of the building construction phase is the key to the entire project management, and management is good or bad, will have a major impact on projectquality, safety, schedule, cost control; this
study was to analyze the construction projects, construction managementthe problem on the inevitability of the projectconstruction
management, innovation, innovative principles and programs; andconstruction project management, cost control, schedule control and
quality controlproblems in analysis and argumentation.
Key word: BuildingConstruction ManagementProject Management innovation and cost control, schedule control, quality control