【期刊名称】《计算机学报》 【年(卷),期】2011(034)009
【摘要】图像上采样是可视媒体技术的重要组成部分.作者提出一种新的方法,将图像上采样问题转换成基于运动受限弹簧质子模型的力学平衡和基于变形网格的上采样问题.首先,根据图像放大的特点,作者调整传统弹簧质子模型中拉伸/排斥力的传统方法定义方式,避免质子对邻域外其它质子的运动产生拉伸干扰;设计向心力,限制质子活动区域;基于源图像梯度场模的梯度场定义模型外力,使所有边缘质子所受外力垂直指向图像边缘方向,非边缘质子所受外力几乎为零;基于Helmholtz- Hodge定理引进光滑正则项,保证变形的光滑性.然后,通过弹簧质子模型确定图元控制区域网格,并基于该网格实现上采样.作者提供了若干实验数据说明方法是有意义的.%Image upsampling is an important area in visual media technologies. In this paper the authors propose a new method for upsampling images by considering the image upsampling as the problems of mechanics balance based on moving-constrained spring-mass model and upsampling based on deformed grid. According to the characters of image upsampling, the authors modify the classical definition of stretching force in spring-mass model to reduce the stretch disturbing on those masses outside the neighborhood of the mass from the mass' s moving. A centripetal force is also introduced to restrict the mass' s moving scope. The external force is designed based on the