【期刊名称】《黑龙江农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)005
【摘要】中国古典园林艺术向现代室内设计的渗入是新的发展方向,指出了室内建造古典园林景观时意境设计的重要性,并以实例解析古典园林景观在室内建造时"小中见大""以少胜多"的意境创作手法的具体运用,"意境"的创造是室内古典园林景观设计的重点和难点,也是急需研究的课题。%This is a new direction that Chinese classical garden art infiltrate to modern interior design,the importance of designing the artistic conception on the interior classical landscape was pointed out.The specific application of the creative approach of artistic conception on 'Small in the large' and 'Little win the more' was analyzed when constructing the classical landscape in the room.The 'artistic conception' of indoor classical landscape was important and difficult,and was the subject of urgent research.Artistic conception. 【总页数】2页(100-101)
【关键词】中国古典园林;意境;室内园林景观 【作者】张涛
【作者单位】太原科技大学艺术学院,山西太原030024 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TU986.2
1.浅议中国古典园林与现代园林景观意境融合 [J], 古丽巴哈尔..木合热木 2.借鉴中国古典园林提升乡村景观意境研究 [J], 林锦浩; 翁佳丽; 吴小刚 3.中式园林景观意境与现代园林景观融合的探讨 [J], 楚芳芳
4.探讨中式园林景观意境与现代园林景观的融合 [J], 张晓茜; 张晓娟; 周小武 5.中国古典园林景观中的意境设计 [J], 王益民