好文档 - 专业文书写作范文服务资料分享网站


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· Some venue set-up costs (eg tables/chairs or rostra/display stand hire;

signage costs) · Catering BENEFITS

$1,000. The amount available for this award is approximate. It will be

confirmed at the time of awarding and determined by the committee according to

the terms of the award. CONDITIONS

To qualify as a conference or workshop, the following criteria must be


· Event should follow a conference format, eg, the presentation of a series

of papers with opportunity for questions


· Conferences or workshops should be held for one full day or longer

To qualify for the grant, the following criteria must be met:

· A significant proportion (at least 50%) of the papers to be presented at

the conference should be written by graduate students · The conference/workshop should enhance the academic life and experience

of graduates in the Faculty of Arts

· Conferences or workshops must have graduate participants from other

universities and/or institutions (Victorian, interstate or international)

· Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate research students at The

University of Melbourne. Events must be held no more than 12 months from the


time the grant is awarded

Applications that meet any or all of the following criteria will be

favourably viewed by the Selection Committee: · A multi- and/or inter-disciplinary focus · A multicultural approach · No charge to participants

· Financial support from other sources at the University (eg, UMPA,


· Financial support from external sources

· Support from, association with, or promotion assistance from a State or

National Association or group.

Applicants should familiarise themselves with the following conditions

before lodging an application:


· Preference will be given to conferences or workshops that aim to attract

interstate and/or international participants

· Should any significant details of the event change (ie substantial

reduction or increase in expenditure or income, change of venue, shortening of

program) after the application has been approved by Faculty, Research and

Graduate Studies must be notified immediately. After notification, Faculty may

review funding if changes have been made. Faculty will certainly review funding

if changes have been made and applicants fail to formally notify Faculty of



· Written acknowledgement of the Faculty s contribution and the Faculty

logo must be included on any printed marketing or promotional material

associated with the event

· A financial contribution from the applicant s school must be confirmed

and indicated

· A report must be submitted by 1 March of the year following the event

Funding will only be made available to successful applicants through their

schools s nominated account. Access to this funding should be discussed with the

School Manager or Finance Officer. Compliance with the University s financial




