《学科教学法(二)》(TEFL Methodology II)
The Final Project
Teaching Plan for Reading 1, Unit 1 Friendship, Bixiu 1, SE, Renjiao 1. The background of students
2. The textbook material analysis (in Chinese) 3. Learning objectives 4. Teaching procedure
5. Blackboard writing design (hand-written copy) 6. Teaching Aids (photo copies) 7. A part of verbatim plan 8. Reflection (in Chinese)
Designer: 徐春梅 School No. 200903101105
3 , Class 09 (1)
Date: June 11 , 2012
Reading-analysis Report for Unit 1, S1 Go for it!
1. The backgrounds of students
There are 72students in the class, 38 girls and 35 boys. They sit in night lines and eight rows, and every 6 Ss form one small team, every 24Ss form a big group. T usually asks questions to the whole class, and most of the Ss are willing to answer. Usually, T asks different levels of questions, most of them are common questions that more than half students can answer them. A few questions that is too different that only few top students can answer them. Ss usually follow the T’s instructions and prefer group work. The language level of this class is OK, they communicate with each other in English most of the time in class.
2. 文本分析
(1) 文本的中心意义: A true friend, no matter a person or a thing, can share your
feelings and comfort you when you are in trouble.
(2) 文本的细节信息和逻辑关系: 1) 细节信息
a. 第一段说明安妮的最好朋友是她的日记本。
b. 第二段具体解释为什么安妮的最好朋友是她的日记本并交代其背景信息。
c. 第三段(日记)通过她的最好朋友---日记本来让读者感受到她在隐藏时期的心情及
2) 逻辑关系及语篇结构:
开篇通过一个选择问句引出安妮的做好朋友是她的日记本,引起读者的好奇:为什么安妮的最好朋友会是一本日记本呢?然后自然而然的阐述其原因背景,最后直接引用安妮的一片日记让读者亲自感受在那艰苦的逃亡隐藏时期,安妮的心情及感受。 (3) 学生理解文本的目的和基本思路
1) 目的:学生通过多Anne’s best friend 这一课的学习,学会根据关键词及topic sentences 是
学生能够自己归纳段落大意。然后在掌握每段的段落大意基础之上掌握全文意义;通过skimming, guessing, key sentences等提高学生的阅读能力;让学生明白友谊和朋友的重要性;学会用用所给的形容词描述朋友。通过对安妮日记的学习,理解安妮在躲藏期间对自然的渴望,对自由的渴望。
2) 基本思路:现根据文章warming up 中的调查引出学生对朋友的定义应该具备哪些素质,
然后在引出朋友是否只能是人这一问题。接着根据Anne的背景信息介绍,让学生对本篇文章做预测。然后引导学生理解归纳每段的段落大意,在同学们理解了每段的主要内容之后再引导学生理解全文意思及深层含义。 (4) 学生理解文本的主要困难
1) 生词短语的不理解(add up, upset, calm…down, have got to, be concerned about, walk the dog, loose, go through, Netherland, German, set down, a series of,
outdoor, spellbound, in order to, on purpose, at dusk, thunder, entirely, power, face to face, curtain, dusty.)
2) 对文章的背景信息不够了解,如二战时纳粹党对犹太人的迫害,安妮一家人的逃亡背景;
3) 对于有一些词如 nature, outdoor, thundering cloud, entirely power等词所代表的隐
难以理解文章的真正隐含意义:To get Ss to realize the importance of friends &
friendship: A true friend, no matter a person or a thing, can share your feelings and comfort you when you are in trouble; to understand Anne’s feeling (she was so eager to get outdoors) towards the nature during the hiding time.
(5) 促进学生理解的主要措施和手段 1) 通过课前预习和学生自己搜索信息。
2) 根据同学们讨论pre-reading 部分的问题,呈现关键词及短语。同时让学生根据上下文猜
3) 老师介绍一些相关背景信息给学生。
4) 教授一些阅读技巧,如找出每段的主题句来帮助学生掌握文章的中心意思。 5) 通过提问的方式一步一步引导学生理解。 (6) 分析教材所提供的活动
1) Warming up
Warming up是一个问卷调查,通过调查学生Are you good to your friends?这样的问题来
使学生理解作为一个真正的好朋友应该具有哪些素质,怎样才算是对朋友好,且每一个调查问题背后就有一个核心关注点(Q1 deals with how thoughtful you are towards others;
Q2 is concerned with fairness; Q3 deals with your concern for others; Q4 is concerned with responsibilities to a friend; Q5 is concerned with honest.)我打算在教学过程中的
pre-reading中使用这个调查表,这个调查表有助于学生树立正确的朋友观,对于分辨是否是真正的朋友有很重要的意义。同时,这个调查表对于引入课文主题,friend & friendship 也有很大帮助,可以使我们自然过渡到what is a true friend? what qualities could a good
friend have? 2) Pre-reading
Pre-reading部分有3个问题, 第一个问题 why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you. 第二个问题 Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend? 第三个问题 Skim the first paragraph of the reading passage below and find who was Anne’s best friend. 3个问题环环相扣,
一步一步的引导学生进入本单元的话题---Anne’s best friend. 且这三个问题启发了学生对文章可能遇到的问题进行思考,为以下的阅读做了很好是铺垫,学生在阅读的过程中一方面可以把自己的观点和文章的内容进行对比,另一方面也可以从文中学到新的东西,从而丰富对朋友这一话题的认识。所以我打算在pre-reading部分主要使用这几个问题来引导学生,为阅读做准备。