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二副PSC检查项目自查表 - 图文

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1, 航海出版物(NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS) Updated Version Provided/Corrected (提供最新版本/修正) Yes Charts(海图) Notice to Mariners(航海通告) Tide Tables(潮汐表) Nautical Almanac(航海年鉴) Sailing incetions and Supplements(航路指南和附表) List of Light(灯塔表) Lists of Radio Signals(无线电信号表) International Code of Signals(国际无线电信号规则) ITU Publications(国际电信联盟出版物)

2, 航海相关资料(AUTICAL RELATED INFORMATION) Information(资料) Catalogue of admiralty charts and publications (航海图书总目录) Chart Correction System(海图修正系统) Life-saving signals illustrated table(救生信号图解表) Ship Manoeuvring Information(操船信息) Captain`s Night Order Book (船长夜航命令簿) Radar Log Book(雷达记录簿) Chronometer Error Book(天文钟误差表) Provided(提供) Yes No Remarks(备注) No Remarks (备注) Publications(出版物)

3, IMO和其他资料(IMO & OTHER MARITIME RELATED PUBLICATIONS) Publications(出版物) SOLAS consolidated edition 2001+Amendment 2000 (SOLAS2001综合文本+2000修正案+2002修正案) MARPOL consolidated edition 2002 (MARPOL2002综合文本) LOADLINE 1966 Regulations + Supplement to Load Line Regulations 1966 and Protocol of 1988 to Line Regulations (66载重线公约及附录和88议定书) Collision Regulations(避碰规则) International Convention on Standard of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers,1978 as amended in1995 (STCW CONVENTION)(1995年修正的1978STCW公约) IMO Ship`s Routeing(IMO船舶航路) International Safety Management Code(国际安全管理规则) Provided(提供) Yes No Remark (备注) 船舶自查检查表————二副 ISPS Code(国际船舶和港口设施保安规则) IMDG Code,supplement and errata(国际危规,附录和勘误表) Code of Safety Practice for Cargo Stowage & Securing (not for dry bulk carriers and OBO carriers) (货物装载和系固安全操作规则)(不适用于干散货船和油矿船) Code of Safety Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code) (固体散装货物规则) International Grain Code(国际谷物规则) Code of Safe Practice for ship`s carrying Timberdeck Cargoes (载运木甲板货物安全操作规则) International Life-saving Appliance Code (LSA Code) (国际救生设备规则) International Code for Fire Safety Systems(国际安全消防系统规则) IMO Bridge Procedure Guide(IMO过桥程序指南) Guide to helicopter/ship operations(from ICS)(直升机/船舶操作指南)

4, 日志/记录簿填写(LOG/RECORD BOOK ENTRIES) PSC CODE NO Entries in Log/Record book Description(说明) On board training and instruction(船上人员训练和指南) Not later than two weeks after joining the ship,on the use of ship`s LSA including survival craft equipment and in the use of ship`s FFA (登轮两周内应进行救生消防训练包括救生艇筏设备) (填写日志) Yes No Remarks (备注) 0190 0190 At interval not more than four months,in the use davit-launched Liferafts (if fitted)不超过4个月应使用救生筏机械降落装置(如有) Lifeboat falls(救生艇吊艇钢丝) Turn end to end at intervals not more than 30 months (每不超过30个月应掉头) Renewal at intervals not more than 5 years(每不超过5年应换新) Falls certificate available(吊艇钢丝证书) Within 12 hours before departure from port(离港前12小时) Testing of steering gear and change over procedures (操舵和转换程序试验) 0190 1599 0190 Weekly(每周) Visual inspection of all survival craft,rescue boat and launching appliance (救生艇筏,救助艇及降落装置外观检查) All engine of lifeboats and rescue boats run ahead and astern for a total period of not less than 3 minutes(所有救生艇及救助艇应进行不少于3分钟正反转试验) Test of general emergency alarm(通用报警试验) Monthly(每月) LSA including lifeboat equipment check(救生设备包括救生艇检查) 0190 0190 0190 To refer to new requirements fter July 1,2006 2006年7月1日后应符合新要求 船舶自查检查表————二副 Crew muster for abandon ship and fire drill(船员弃船和消防演习) Emergency lighting for mustering and abandonment tested(应急照明和弃船试验) 0190 Rescue boat launched and maneouvred in water(maximum allowable period 3 months)(救助艇降落和水上操作)(最长不超过3个月) Enclosed space entry and rescue(封闭处所的进入和救助) Three monthly(每3个月) Emergency steering drills(应急操舵演习) Six monthly(每6个月) Free-fall lifeboats launched and maneuvered in water(if fitted) (自由降落救生艇降落和水上操作)(如有) Routine Log Book Entry(常规记录) Garbage Record Book(垃圾记录簿) SOPEP Drill Record Book(防油污应急计划演习记录簿) Engine Log Book(轮机日志) 0190 Lifeboats launched and manoeuvered in water(救生艇降落和水上操作) 0190 1710 2330 1705 0190

5, GMDSS无线电设备(GMDSS RADIO INSTALLATION) Items PSC Code No. Requirements(要求) conditions 1699 The appearance of the equipment is in satisfactory condition(外观检查满意) Radio Installation -General 无线电概况 Checking the satisfactory operation of the independent lighting from reserve energy 1699 for illumination of radio controls(确认独立照明正常,电源来自无线电室照明的备用能源) 1651 1699 Checking the satisfactory operation of the VHF control at bridge (驾驶台的VHF工作正常) Checking that the call sign. The station identity and other required codes are clearly Marked(呼号,电台识别号和其他识别码清楚标识) 1651 The appearance of the equipment is in satisfactory condition(外观检查满意) VHF Radio Installation Checking the operation of the VHF installation。Preferably using reserve source of energy。On the prescribed channels(dsc channel 70,Radio telephony channels6,13 and 16)by using routine test calls to a coastal station or another ships,and 1651 watching other known stations(检查VHF无线电装置,最好使用备用电源,在选定的频道进行(DSC70频道,无线电话6,13,16频道)通过常规呼叫岸台或另外船舶或监视其他已知站点) 1651 Checking dsc function,verify own ship identity(MMSI)and position updating (from GPS)(检查DSC功能,验证己船MMSI码,通过GPS验证最新船位) 1623 The appearance of the equipment is in satisfactory condition(外观检查满意) MF and MF/HF installation Checking the operation of the MF station,preferably using reserve source of energy, on a number of prescribed frequencies(DSC frequency2187.5khz and 1623 radiotelephony frequency 2182khz,Transceiving of general radio communication using radiotelephony or direct printing telegraphy within either 1605khz and 4000khz,or 4000khz and 27500khz(检查MF无线电装置,最好使用备用电源,船舶自查检查表————二副 在选定的频道进行(2187.5KHZ频道)通过无线电话和直接印字电报在(1605KHZ,4000KHZ或4000KHZ,27500KHZ)进行通话) 1623 If fitted,Checking the operation of the MF/HF installation,preferably using reserve source of energy(如有,检查MF/HF无线电装置,最好使用备用电源) Distress and safety frequencies using DSC,radiotelephony and direct printing telegraphy between 1605khz and 4000khz and between 4000khz and 27500khz(在1623 1605KHZ,4000KHZ或4000KHZ,27500KHZ频道上使用DSC,无线电话,直接印字电报试验遇险和安全频率) DSC watch on 2187.5khz and 8414.5khz and one of the other frequencies 4207.5khz 1623 Or 6312khz or 12577khz,or 16804.5khz(DSC值守在2187.5KHZ和8414.5KHZ和下列之一:4207.5KHZ,6312KHZ,12577KHZ,16804.5KHZ) 1623 Checking DSC function,verify own ship identity and position updating(from GPS) (检查DSC功能,验证己船MMSI码,通过GPS验证最新船位) 1625 The appearance of the equipment is in satisfactory condition(外观检查满意) INMARSAT ship Earth Station Checking the operation of the ship earth station,preferably using reserve source of 1625 energy,according to the approved test procedure (按照认可程序检查船舶地面站,最好使用备用电源) Examination of the supply of main source of power to the radio installation and to 1677 the charger of the batteries used as reserve source of energy(检查无线电装置的主供电源,和作为备用电源的蓄电池充电器) Source of Energy Examination of the supply from the reserve source of electrical power。If battery operated,checking of the batteries installation,capacity,voltage,discharge current,1677 and checking the means for automatic charging(检查备用电源,如果是蓄电池,检查电池容量,电压,放电电流和浮充方式) Confirming that adequate methods to ensure maintenance are available and applied: duplicated equipment,validity of the contract with a maintenance company or 1635 adequate manning(确认有足够的方式保证:保养和使用双套设备,保养合同的有效期或人员配备充分) Other GMDSS Installation Checking the operation of the EGC facilities through incoming message or running 1699 the self test programme if provided(通过接收信息检查EGC设备,或运行自检程序,如有) Checking the operation of the HF NBDP receiver through incoming message or 1699 running the self test programme if provided(通过接收信息检查NBDP设备,或运行自检程序,如有) 1699 The appearance of the equipment is in satisfactory condition(外观检查满意) 1699 The appearance of the equipment is in satisfactory condition(外观检查满意) NAVTEX Receiver Testing the NAVTEX receiver by incoming message or running the self test 1699 programme if provided(通过接收信息检查NAVTEX设备,或运行自检程序,如有) 1671 The appearance of the equipment is in satisfactory condition(外观检查满意) Checking the EPIRB position and mounting for float free operation。Confirming the 1671 condition of the battery and hydrostatic release device expiry date(检查EPIRB位置和安装便于自浮,确认电池和静水压力释放装置有效器) 1671 Self-test routine to be carried out according to the Manufacturers instructions (按照生产商的要求进行自检) Satellite EPIRB 1671 Confirming that the ship`s identification number is clearly marked outside the 船舶自查检查表————二副 EPIRB(确认EPIRB识别码清楚的标注在外部) 1671 Checking annual testing and maintenance record of equipment(检查设备的年度试验和保养记录) 1671 Testing of EPIRB at 12 months interval(EPIRB每12个月试验一次) 1651 The appearance of the equipment is in satisfactory condition(外观检查满意) Radio Life saving Appliances Checking the operation of the portable two-way VHF radios (3 nos.)on channel 6, 1651 13 &16. checking the expiry date of the primary batteries(3 nos.)(检查三套移动式双向VHF无线电话于6,13,16频道,并确认主电源有效期) 1675 The appearance of the equipment is in satisfactory condition(外观检查满意) Checking the conditions of the 9GHZ radar transponders(2 nos.),their position and 1675 mounting and the expiry dates of the batteries (检查2具9GHZ雷达应答器,安装位置和确认电池有效期) Apply to existing vessels from 01.07.2002(see explanatory notes to surveyor) (2002.7.1起适用于现有船舶)(参见检查员注解) Position Updating Systems(位置更新系统) Radio transponder 2000 SOLAS amendments

6, 操作控制检查的检查表(checklist for the inspection on operational control) Items Requirements Are radio watch arrangements satisfactory?(无线电值班安排满足要求?) 1, Does the ship,while at sea,maintain a continuous watch: a) On VHF DSC channel 70,if fitted with a VHF radio installation; b) On the distress an safety DSC frequency 2187.5khz,if fitted with an MF installation; c) On the distress an safety DSC frequency 2187.5khz and 8414.5khz and also on at least one of the distress and safety DSC frequencies 4207.5khz,6312khz,12577khz or 16804.5khz。appropriate to the time of day and the geographical position of the ship。If fitted with an MF/HF radio installation: d) For satellite shore-to-ship distress alerts,if fitted with an INMARSAT ship earth station。 2, Does the ship,while at sea,maintain a radio watch for broadcasts of maritime safety information on the appropriate frequency or frequencies on which such information is broadcast for the area in which the ship is navigating。 3, Does the ship,while at sea,maintain,when practicable,a continuous listening watch on VHF channel 16 at the position from which the ship is normally navigated。 4, Is adequate information provided to enable to be properly operated and maintained? 5, Are adequate tools and spares provided to enable the equipment to be maintained? 6, Have satellite EPIRBs been tested at intervals not exceeding 12 months for all aspects of operational efficiency with particular emphasis on frequency stability,signal strength and coding?(In cases where it appears proper and reasonable, the Administration may extend this period to 17 months。) S74/CIV/R15 Is appropriate MSI received on board?(船上能接收合适的海上安全信息?) Does the ship receive appropriate navigational and meteorological warnings,meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety related message? Are satisfactory radio communications records kept? (船上保存符合要求的无线电通信记录?) Are records kept,to the satisfaction of the Administration and as required by the Radio Conditions S74/CIV/R12 S74/CIV/R17 船舶自查检查表————二副 Regulations,of all incidents connected with the radio communication service that appear to be of importance to safety of life at sea? Has the working language been correctly identified,established,recorded and employed? (工作语言正确确定,建立,记录和使用?) 1, Has the working language been established and recorded in the ship`s Log-book? 2, Can the master inform the PSCO which languages are used as the working language? 3, Does each seafarer understand and,where appropriate,give orders and instructions and to report back in that language? 4, Are all key crewmembers able to understand each other during the inspection or drills? 5, Are crewmembers able to communicate with each other and passengers as appropriate,so that the safe operation of the ship is not impaired,especially in emergency situations? 6, Are crewmembers assigned to assist passengers able to give the necessary information to the passengers incase of an emergency? 7, If the working language is not an official language of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly,do all plans and lists required to the posted include a translation into the working language? 8, On ships to while Chapter 1 applies,is English used on the bridge as the working language for bridge-to-bridge and bridge-to-shore safety communications as well as for communications on board between the pilot and bridge watch-keeping personnel? Are passage plans satisfactory?(航次计划满足要求?) 1, Prior to proceeding to sea,does the master ensure that the intended voyage has been planned using the appropriate nautical charts and nautical publications for the area concerned,taking into account guidelines and recommendations developed by the Organisation? 2, Does the voyage plan shall identify a route which? a) Takes into account any relevant ship`s routing systems; b) Ensures sufficient sea room for the safe passage of the ship throughout the voyage; c) Anticipates all known navigational hazards and adverse weather conditions,and d) Takes into account the marine environmental protection measures that apply,and avoids,as far as possible,actions and activities that could cause damage to the environment。 S74/CV/R14 S74/CV/34 Are steering gear tests,drills and operating procedures satisfactory? (操舵装置试验,演习和操作程序符合要求?) 1, In areas where navigation demands special caution,do ships have more than one steering gear power until in operation when such units are capable of simultaneous operation? 2, Is the ship`s steering gear checked and tested by the ship`s crew within 12 hours of departure? 3, Does the test procedure include,where applicable,the operation of the following? a) Main steering gear; S74/CV/R25-26 b) Auxiliary steering gear; c) Remote steering gear control systems; d) Steering positions located on the navigation bridge; e) Emergency power supply; f) Rudder angle indicators in relation to the actual position of the rudder; g) Remote steering gear control system power failure alarms; h) Steering gear power unit failure alarms;and i) Automatic isolating arrangements and other automatic equipment。 船舶自查检查表————二副 4, Do checks and tests include? a) Full movement of the rudder according to the required capabilities of the steering gear; b) A visual inspection of the steering gear and its connecting linkage;and c) Operation of the means of communication the navigation bridge and steering gear compartment。 5, Are simple operating instructions with a block diagram showing the changeover procedures for remote steering gear control systems and steering gear power units permanently displayed on the navigation bridge and in the steering compartment? 6, Are all ships` officers concerned with the operation and/or maintenance of steering gear familiar with the operation of the steering systems fitted on the ship and with the procedures for changing from one system to another? 7, In addition to the routine checks and tests prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 2,do emergency steering drills take place at least once every three months? 8, Do these drills shall include direct control within the steering gear compartment,the communications procedure with the navigation bridge and,where applicable,the operation of alternative power supplies? 9, For ship that regularly engage on voyage of short duration are these checks and tests carried out at least once every week? 10,Are the dates upon which the checks and test prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 2 are carried out and the date and details of emergency steering drills carried out under paragraph 4 recorded?

二副PSC检查项目自查表 - 图文


