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现代大学英语精读3unit12 练习答案复习过程

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现代大学unit12 语精读练习答案




一. Into Chinese

1. 他那毫无表情的黑眼睛 2. 他那像啤酒桶一样的胸脯

3. 一幅办正经事情是有板有眼的样子 4. 一阵强烈的恐惧感 5. 崎岖的小路 6. 一系列复杂的圈圈 7. 猎狐的全部学问 8. 狐狸躲避猎人的全部伎俩 9. 布满茂密树林的山谷 10. 向四周铺开的树枝 11. 勉强凑合地 12. 一个狩猎狂 13. 世界死一般的寂静 14. 天空中的一抹暗灰 15. 树叶组成的屏障 16. 紧张的肌肉 17. 憋着的一口气 18. 异乎寻常的本领 19. 因恐怖引起的哆嗦



20. 传遍他的全身 21. 锐利的眼睛 22. 伸出的树干 23. 浓密的植被 24. 竭尽全力 25. 猛烈的攻击 26. 一种平静的消遣活动 27. 被雷电烧焦的一棵树 28. 轻轻的脚步声 29. 削尖了的桩子 30. 难以想象的一线机会 31. 一个男人消瘦的身影 32. 小树的反弹 33. 房子的阴沉灰色石墙 34. 一片绿色的水域 35. 一丝不快

36. 虽然累但心情十分舒畅的 37. 一只困兽 Into English

1. raise one’s eyebrows 2. acknowledge one’s defeat 3. sip one’s wine



4. keep one’s nerve 5. leave a trace

6. take stock of the situation 7. blunder into the swamp 8. recover one’s confidence 9. varnish the sky

10. get down on one’s knees 11. hold one’s breath 12. smash the enemy 13. dress the wound 14. sink into the ooze 15. tighten one’s belt 16. strain one’s eyes 17. hum a tune 18. shrug one’s shoulder 19. snap the gate shut 20. strike off from main road 21. get a grip on oneself

22. concentrate one’s attention on 23. postpone the visit 24. live a year in a minute



1. kept her nerve/got a grip on herself after a fashion 2. being spring futile

3. Deliberately uncanny on guard at sake 4. dodged at bay pressed on 5. But for exceedingly 6. scored dense 7. stakes fine claimed

8. leapt up place of concealment ran for his life 9. give away claiming the lives of 10. regarding it blundered into a trap

1. A peasant woman found him lying unconscious in the grass. She carried him home ,dress his wound after a fashion, and hid him in the attic.

2. Had it not been for the shift of focus in our development policy from the coastal areas to the central and western regions, the lives of our national ethnic groups would not have improved so rapidly.

3. The defense lawyer claimed that the photo was completely out of focus and thus could not be used as evidence.


现代大学英语精读3unit12 练习答案复习过程


