1. The description of a language as it changes through time is a ( ) study. A. comparative B. diachronic C. up-to-date D. descriptive
2. Of the three branches of phonetics, the longest established, and until recently the most highly developed, is ( ) phonetics.
A. auditory B. acoustic C. articulatory
D. none of the above three
3. What the element \is third person singular, present tense, the element \\progressive aspect. Since they are the smallest unit of language and meaningful, they are also ( ).
A. phonemes B. morphemes C. allophones D. phones
4. Since early 1980s Noam Chomsky and other generatvie linguists proposed and developed a theory of universal grammar known as the ( ) theory.
A. speech act B. TG C. principles-and-parameters D. minimalist programme 5. One way to analyze lexical meaning is ( ). A. predication analysis C. componential analysis
B. stylistic analysis D. proposition analysis
6. Of the three speech acts, linguists are most interested in the ( ) because this kind of speech act is identical with the speaker's intention.
A. locutionary act B. illocutionary act C. perlocutionary act D. constative act 7. The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar ( ). A. Sir William Jones B. John Firth C. M. A. K. Halliday D. F. D. Saussure
8. A bilingual speaker often uses two languages alternatively during a conversation with another bilingual speaker, a speech situation known as ( ).
A. discourse role-switching C. social role-switching
B. activity role-switching D. code-switching
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9. And today, the grammar taught to learners of a language is still basically——( ). A. descriptive
B. objective C. prescriptive
D. analytical
10. Which of the following is the correct description of the English sound /k/ ? A. voiceless, velar, stop C. voiceless, alveolar, stop
B. voiced, velar, stop D. voiced, alveolar, stop
11. Which of the following can be said to be the smallest meaningful unit of language? A. Letters
B. Morphemes
C. Words
D. Sentences
12. When a sentence changes from a statement to a general/ special question, which movement is structurally required?
A. NP – movement/WH - movement B. NP – movement/ Aux - movement C. AUX - movement/WH – movement D. WH – movement/ AUX - movement 13. The classic semantic triangle fails to answer--------( ). A. what precisely the link between the symbol and the concept is B. what symbol/form refers to C. what referent refers to D. what thought/reference refers to
14. Depending on specific contexts, \( ).
A. \
B. \
C. \ D. \
15. All the following statements concerning the nature of language change is true except-------( ).
A. language change is inevitable C. language change is universal
B. language change is abrupt D. language change is extensive
16. Which of the following statements about Black English is untrue? A. Black English is an ethnic variety of the English language.
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B. Black English is one of the official languages of America. C. Black English has some vocabulary of its own.
D. Black English has a number of distinctive features in its phonological, morphological and syntactic systems. 17. The term _______ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages.
A. synchronic B. diachronic C. comparative D. historical comparative 18. The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a _______ formula \→NP VP\ A. hierarchical B. linear C. tree diagram D. vertical
19. The fact that children acquire spoken language before they can read or write indicates that language is primary ______.
A. vocal B. arbitrary C. human—specific D. written
20. / p / and / b / can occur in the same environments and they distinguish meaning. Therefore they are ______. A. in phonemic contrast B. in complementary distribution C. a minimal pair D. allophones
21. Y’s utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of________. X: Who was that you were with last night? Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks? A. quality B. quantity C. relation D. manner
22. Of the following items, which one does not belong to the same syntactic category? A. the student B. liked
C. an idea D. the linguistic lecture 23. Cold and hot are a pair of_______ antonyms.
A. gradable B. complementary C. reversal D. converseness
24. Which of the following statements is NOT used by the speaker to perform certain acts?
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A.“I name this ship Elizabeth.’’ B.“I visited my uncle last Sunday.’’
C.“I give and bequeath my watch to my brother.’’ D.“I bet you sit pence it will rain tomorrow.’’
25. What separated the period of Middle English from that of Modern English was _______. A. the Norman Conquest B. the influence of the French language C. the Europe renaissance movement D. the influence of Latin 26. Which one of the following is not a common English address term? A. First Name B. Title alone C. Title + First Name D. Kin term
27. By saying \have left the door wide open,\a speaker might be performing the three acts: locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary ________.
A. at the same time B. one after another
C. two first and then the other D. one first and then the other two 28. ________ proposed that speech act can fall into five general categories. A. Austin B. Searle C.Sapir D. Chomsky 29. Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary? A. photo - copy
B. cackle
C. book
D. rumble
30. According to sequential rules in English, which of the following combinations of sounds is Not possible in English?
31. A focal point of SLA research has been the nature and development of L2 learners' ________. A. second language B. first language C. foreign language D. interlanguage 32. ________ is the category that a noun or pronoun does not have. A. Number B. Aspect C. Gender
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A. bilk B. blik C. kilb D. Ibki
.D. Case
33. Chomsky uses the term ________ to refer to the actual realization of a language user's knowledge of the rules of his language in linguistic communication.
A. langue B. competence C. parole
D. performance
34. In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t][d][s][z][n] share the feature of ________. A. palatal B. alveolar C. bilabial 35. Transformational Generative Grammar was introduced by ________in 1957. A. L. Bloomfield B. F. Saussure C. N. Chomsky
D. M. A. K. Halliday
D. dental
36. Natural languages are viewed to vary according to ________ set on UG principles to particular values. A. Adjacent Condition B. parameters C. Case Condition D. Case requirement
37. Synonyms are classified into several kinds. The kind to which \and \belong is called ________synonyms.
A. stylistic B. dialectal
C. emotive D. collocational
38. The illocutionary point of ________ is to express the psychological state specified in the utterance. A. representatives B. commissives C. expressives
D. declaratives
39. According to its________in the new word, affixes are divided into two kinds: prefixes and suffixes. A meaning
B. function
C. position D. sound
40. Which of the following is NOT included in the advantages of a constituent structure tree? A. It reveals the linear word order of a sentence. B. It shows the hierarchical structure of a sentence.
C. It illustrates the syntactic category of each structural constituent. D. It emphasizes the main suprasegmental features of a sentence.
41. By saying \meaning of a word ____________.
A. is determined by a dictionary B. is determined by a native speaker
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200521普通语言学 作业(专升本)