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(时间:45分钟 满分:100分) Ⅰ.单句语法填空

1.I’m quite satisfied, and I prefer to_rent (rent) such an apartment rather than buy (buy) one.

2.I’m afraid we’ll have to work extra hours, for some problems are hard to_settle (settle).

3.Having_been_persuaded (persuade) to give up smoking in the office, he was allowed to start his new job.

4.Determined (determine) to get ahead of the others in studies, he works day and night.

5.If a person always behaves properly (proper), he will find it hard to realize his dream.

6.We are looking for someone who is reliable (rely) and hardworking.

7.After the flood, many things were seen transported (transport) to the flooded area.

8.Would you be able to put me up for the night when I come to London?

9.Betty is_leaving (leave) for Guangzhou by plane at 3:00 this afternoon. 10.If we sit near the front of the bus, we’ll have a better view.

11.He has got the job because he has the advantage over others of knowing many languages.

12.Liu Hulan was so brave and determined that she wouldn’t give in to enemies. Ⅱ.单句改错

1.The mother insisted on that he finish his homework first,which made his son very angry.去掉on

2.I am determining to change my job.No one else can change my mind.determining→determined

3.That you will succeed in doing the work depends on your attitude to it.That→Whether

4.Before it got dark, the campers put up for their tents in a field.去掉for 5.She kept insisting that she be ignorant of such things.be→was

6.I managed to persuade my father to give up smoking,but he wouldn’t listen.managed→tried或attempted

7.I don’t care the price,so long as the car is in good condition.care后加上about

8.Once seeing,it is difficult to forget.seeing→seen

9.Don’t be too familiar to him;he is a dishonest man.to→with

10.Leave your key with a neighbor in case that you lock yourself out one day.去掉that Ⅲ.阅读理解

(2016·试题调研) Dear Olivia,

As I opened my eyes this morning,I realized that you will be starting a new school


year at a new school today.As we rode the elevator down I thought of so many things I wanted to say to you.They are what I’ve already covered in the many conversations we’ve had,but as a mom I can’t help but feel the urge to repeat them in case you didn’t hear me the first time.

Floor 4:I know what it’s like to be a new kid.I understand the butterflies in your stomach,but do believe in yourself.Try to make more friends.

Floor 3: Try not to look so nervous.Sometimes the simple act of smiling can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words.I believe a smile is worth at least that much.

Floor 2: If at any moment today you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, just breathe.You’ll be amazed how a couple of deep breaths can help you see things in a whole new light.

Floor 1: I wanted to tell you how my heart is torn between wanting to keep you at home with me all day, where I can love you and protect you, and wanting you to go out there and have experiences I can’t provide for you.Don’t grow up too fast, OK?

Ground: As we exited the building for our short walk to school, I took each of your hands in mine and said, “Just be yourself, and remember how much I love you.I’ll be waiting to hear all about your experiences this afternoon.” I realized that’s really all you need to hear. Love, Mom 语篇解读 本文是一封书信。作者以书信的形式在开学第一天给了孩子一些爱心提示。 1.What does the first paragraph suggest? A.The writer will go to a new school.

B.The writer cares about her child quite a lot. C.The writer enjoys talking much with her child. D.The writer doesn’t know what to say to her child.

B [推理判断题。根据第一段中的“They are what I’ve already covered in the many conversations...in case you didn’t hear me the first time.”可推知作者十分关心自己的孩子。]

2.The writer encourages Olivia to be confident in making friends________. A.on the first floor B.on the second floor C.on the third floor D.on the fourth floor

D [细节理解题。由Floor 4中的“Try to make more friends.”可知选D。] 3.Which of the following may help Olivia to make friends at school? A.Smiling to others. B.Taking a picture. C.Talking a lot. D.Walking to school.

A [细节理解题。根据Floor 3中的“Sometimes the simple act of smiling can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”可知,微笑有助于Olivia交友。] 4.The writer sent Olivia to school________. A.for her to receive more information B.for her to get good marks for college C.to save herself a lot of time


D.for her to experience more D [细节理解题。根据Floor 1中的“wanting you to go out there and have experiences”可知,其主要目的是让孩子在外面有更多的经历。] Ⅳ.书面表达

假如你是张志强,是东华中学学生会主席。今年暑假学校有些老师和学生要去伦敦附近著名的Harrow School进行为期四周的学习和旅游。请根据下面表格的内容给Harrow School的史密斯先生写封信,请他为你们做好安排。 参加人数 活动内容 住宿 共25人,男12人,女11人,另有两名教师 上午上英语课,下午在伦敦市内游览或参加一些体育活动;星期六、星期天参观其他城市 住在英国当地人家,以便了解英国人的生活并提高口语能力 注意:1.包括所有要点,可以适当增加细节,使其连贯、完整; 2.词数:100左右;

3.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mr.Smith,

I’m Zhang Zhiqiang,chairman of the student union of Donghua Middle School. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ We’re looking forward to visiting Harrow School. Thank you!

Yours sincerely, Zhang Zhiqiang 参考范文


I’m_Zhang_Zhiqiang,chairman_of_the_student_union_of_Donghua_Middle_School. According to our agreement,some students and teachers from our school will go to your school for a four-week study tour this summer vacation.I’m writing to tell you about our group and what we’d like you to arrange for us.

Our group is made up of two women teachers and 23 students,of whom 12 are boys.We expect to stay in host families so that we’ll be able to learn more about your life and have more opportunities to speak English.We’d like to have English classes in the morning and do some sightseeing in London or take part in some sports in the afternoon.We hope to visit other cities of your country on Saturday and Sunday. We’re_looking_forward_to_visiting_Harrow_School. Thank_you!

Yours sincerely, Zhang Zhiqiang




