participate in. (2000.06)
A) content B) generous C) confident D) conservative
4. Mr. Smith says: “The media are very good at sensing a mood and then it.”(2004.06)
A) overtaking B) enlarging C) widening D) exaggerating 解题小贴士 1. 【B】
re-的前缀有again, back之意,re-(again)+serve(to keep)= 储备,保存,保留,预定;re-(again)+strain(to draw tight)=抑止,限制(再次拉紧);re-(back)+tain(to hold)= 保持,保留(保存在后面);re-(again)+place(to put)= 取代,替换(重新放置)。正确选项B,题目译文为:“你应该尽力抑制你的野心,并且更加现实一些。” 2. 【D】
ex-的前缀有out of, fully之意,它的变体e-也有此意。ex-(out)+pose(to place)= 暴露,陈列(放在外面);ex-(out)+haust(to draw)=用尽,使筋疲力尽(抽出);ex-(out)+hibit(to have)= 展出,陈列(用手捧出来);exploit vt. 开拓,开发(公之于众人之前的行为)。正确选项为D,题目译文为:“他们力图利用工厂的废弃物牟利。” 3. 【A】
con-的前缀有together, with, wholly之意,con-(wholly)+tent(to hold)=满足的,满意的(完全抓住);con-+fid(to trust)+ent(形容词后缀)=自信的,确信的(完全相信);con-+serv (to keep)+tive(形容词后缀)=保守的,守旧的(完全守住);generous慷慨的,大方的。正确答案A,题目译文为:“年轻人们并不满意站在一旁观望艺术作品,他们想要一些他们能参与的作品。” 4. 【D】
此题中一共有三个前缀,over-(above, across, beyond)+take=赶上,追上;en-(使成为)+large=to make large扩大,增加;ex-(out)+ag((to)+ger(carry)+ate(动词后缀)=夸大,夸张(超过一定程度的)。正确选项D,题目译文为:史密斯先生说:“媒体非常善于捕捉一些情绪的东西,然后再对它夸张处理。” 1. re-=again, back
recall vt. 回忆,回想,记起【re-+call=唤回】 recede v. 后退【re-+cede(to go)=往后退】
reclaim vt. 要求归还,收回【re-+claim(to cry out)=反复叫喊】 reduce vt. 减少,缩小【re-+duce(to lead)=引导回归】
refer v. 提交,谈及,查阅【re-+fer(to bear, to carry)=运回】 refresh v.(使)精神振作,(使)精力恢复,更新【re-+fresh=使再度凉爽】 regress v. 复原,逆行,使倒退【re-+gress(to walk)=向后行走】 remedy vt. 治疗,补救【re-+medy(to heal)=重新冶疗】 resist vt. 抵抗,反抗【re-+sist(stand)=站在??对面】
2. ex-=out of, fully
exhaust vt. 用尽,耗尽,抽完,使筋疲力尽【ex-+haust(to draw)=抽出】
exhibit vt 展出,陈列【ex-+hibit(to have)=用手捧出来】
expire v. 期满,终止,呼气,断气【ex-+pire(to breathe)=吐气 inspire鼓舞(吸气)】 explicit a. 外在的,清楚的,直率的【ex-+plicit(folded)=向外折叠→表现在外面,
3. com, con=together, with, wholly
coexist vi. 共存【co-+exist=共同存在】
concord n. 和谐,一致,和睦【con-+cord(heart)=同心】 confront vt. 使面临,对抗【con-+front(forehead)=面对面】
correct vt. 改正,纠正 a. 正确的,恰当的【cor-+rect(right)=使完全正确】 4. over-=above, across, beyond overact v. 夸张表演
overburden vt. 装载过多,负担过多 overcome vt. 战胜,克服,胜过
overcrowd vt. 容纳过多的人,使过度拥挤 overlap v. 重叠
overturn vt. 推翻,颠倒
overwhelm vt. 淹没,覆没,受打击,制服,压倒
5. im-/in-=in, into, on
incline vt. 使倾向于,使倾斜【in-+cline(to lean)=向??靠过去】 include vt. 包括,包含【in-+clued(to shut)=关在里面exclude除外】 income n. 收入,收益【in-+come=进来的东西】
infect vt. [医]传染,感染【in-+fect(to make; to put)=to put in进入病菌】 inflate vt. 使膨胀,使得意,使(通货)膨胀,使充气【in-+flate(to blow)=吹进去→使膨胀】
inhibit vt.(常与from连用)阻止,抑制【in-+hibit(to have)=持着→压制】 insight n. 洞察力,见识【in-+sight=the power of seeing into】 insert vt. 插入,嵌入【in-+sert(to join)=加在里面】 implant v. 灌输【im-+plant=种入脑海中】
6. sub-=under
subject vt. 使屈从于??,使隶属【sub-+ject(to throw)=往下投掷】
succeed v. 继??之后,继任,继承【suc-(=sub-)+ceed=跟随??走下去】 suppress vt. 镇压,抑制【sup-(=sub-)+press=往下压】
imprison vt. 监禁,关押【im-+prison=to put in prison】
suspect v. 怀疑,猜想【sus-(=sub-)+pect=看下面】 科技给我们带来的变化是无法估量的,从计算机到互联网:但我们仍然期望科技会更完善。
He acknowledges the Internet he helped build is far from finished, and changes are in store to meet growing demands for multimedia. Network providers now make only “best efforts” at delivering data packets, and Crocker said better guarantees are needed to prevent the skips and stutters(口吃,结巴)now common with video.
1. acknowledge: vt. 承认,答谢,报偿。 I acknowledge the truth of his statement. 我承认他说的是事实。
【单词变形】acknowledgement(n. 承认)。经常放在一起考的几个单词:acquaint: 了解,认识;associate: 联合,结交;enlighten: 启发,开导
2. multimedia: multi-的前缀有many和much之意,multi-(many)+media=多媒体;multi-(many)+ply(to fold)=增加,乘(许多东西重叠在一起);multitude:多数,群众,民众。 3. guarantee: vt. & noun. 保证,担保。① guarantee(that) ② guarantee to do sth. Many
shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers. 许多店主对顾客保证满意。
1. We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the economy out of . (2003.06)
A) rejection B) restriction C) retreat D) recession
2. His business was very successful, but it was at the of his family life. (2004.06) A) consumption B) credit C) exhaustion D) expense 3. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to the skills they need to succeed. (2002.12) A) adopt B) acquire C) accommodate D) assemble
4. Their products are frequently overpriced and in quality. (2002.06) A) influential B) inferior
C) superior D) subordinate
5. The at the military academy is so rigid that students can hardly bear it. (2004.06) A) convention B) confinement C) principle D) discipline
6. It was in the United States that I made the of Professor Jones. (2002.12) A) acknowledgement B) acquaintance C) recognition D) association
7. All their attempts to the child from the burning building were in vain. A) regain B) recover C) rescue D) reserve
8. If you need further information, please our office. A) constant B) construct C) contact D) contain 9. White teeth are a sharp to black skin.
A) content B) contract C) contrast D) contain
10. The Car Club couldn’t to meet the demands of all its members. (2001.06)
A) ensure B) guarantee C) assume D) confirm
Light as a feather, there is nothing in it; the strongest man can’t hold it for much more than a minute?
unit 1 同形异义词辨析(10天)Day 8
1. He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he us that he would try as hard as possible. (2003.06)
A) insured B) guaranteed C) assumed D) assured
2. Some well-known scientists believe that there is not enough oxygen on Mars to human life.
A) remain B) retain C) sustain D) last
3. He is easily so I do not like to talk with him. A) defended B) afforded C) created D) offended
4. It took her a long time to the skills she needed to become a driver.
A) acquire B) request C) require D) inquire.
5. He asked us to them in carrying through their plan. (2003.12) A) provide B) arouse C) assist D) persist 解题小贴士 1. 【D】
词根sure意为“确定的,安全的”;in-(into)+sure=保险,投保(使进入安全状态);as-(=ad-=to) +sure=保证,使确信,常考assure sb. that、assure sb. sth.;as-(=ad-=to)+sume(to take)=担任,假定(拿取衣服、外表、他人物品、思想);guarantee:vt. 保证,担保,guarantee to do sth.。正确答案D,题目译文为:“被选入参加这场比赛,他感到非常骄傲,并向我们保证他会尽可能地努力。” 2. 【C】
词根tain意为“保持”;re-(back)+tain(to hold)=保持,保留(保留在后方);sus-(up)+tain(to keep)=支撑,维持相关考点词汇:detain拘留,阻止(隔离于另一处)。正确答案C,题目译文为:“许多著名的科学家认为火星上没有足够的氧气来维持人的生命。” 3. 【D】
词根fend意为打击;de-(down)+fend(to strike)=保护,辩护;of-(ob-=against)+ fend(to strike)=冒犯,触怒。正确答案D,题目译文为:“他非常容易被激怒,所以我不喜欢和他说话。”
4. 【A】
词根quire意为追求;ac-(=ad-=to)+quire(to seek)=获得,习得(求得,取得);re-(again)+quire(to seek)=需求,要求(再度求取);in-(into)+quire(to seek)=询问,调查(深入探求)。正确答案A,题目译文为:“她花了很长时间才学会如何成为一个合格的司机。” 5. 【C】
词根sist意为站立;as-(=ad-=to)+sist(stand)= 援助,帮助;per-(though)+sist(to stand)=坚持,固执(始终屹立)。正确答案C,题目译文为:“他让我们帮助他执行这个计划。” 既然有偏旁,必不可少的还会有部首,也就是我们平日所了解的词根。英语中共有418个词根,和113个前缀及122个后缀在一起就构成了庞大的英语词汇。这里给大家讲授的也是重要词根。我们在做题时经常会见到一些相同词根的单词,让我们多少有一些分辨不清,在前2天学前缀的基础上,再学词根记单词就容易多了。此篇同样也是对前缀进行复习。 1. sist=to stand(站立)
assist v. 出席,援助,帮助【as-(=ad-=to)+sist=站在一旁】
consist vi. 由??组成,在于,一致【con-(=together)+sist=站在一起】 persist vi. 坚持,持续【per-(=through)+sist=始终屹立】 insist v. 坚持,强调【in-(=on)+sist=站在??之上不动】 resist vt. 抵抗,反抗【re-(=back, against)+sist=站在反方向】 2. sume=to take(拿取)
assume vt. 假定,设想,采取,呈现【as-(ad-=to)+sume=拿取衣服、外表、他人物品、想法。名词assumption】
consume vt. 消耗,消费【con-(=wholly)+sume=完全用尽。名词consumption】 resume vt. 再继续,重新开始;n. 履历【re-(=again)+sume=重新】 presume vt. 假定,假设【pre-(before)+sume=比别人先拿】
3. sur=sure(确定的),secure(安全的)
assure vt. 断然地说,确告,保证,担保【as-(=ad-=to)+sure=朝向安全】
ensure vt. 保证,担保,使安全【en-(to cause to be)+sure=使确定,确保,保护,保
insure vt. 给??保险【in-(into)+sure=使进入安全状态】 4. cess,ceed, cede=to go(去),to yield(让步)
access ① n. 通路,访问 ② vt. 存取,接近【access】
process ① n. 过程,作用,方法 ② vt. 加工,处理【pro-(=forward)+cess=向前走】
excess a. 过度的,额外的【ex-(=out)+cess=走出去了】
recess v. 暂停【re-(=back, against)+cess=退居】
5. form=to form(形成)
inform v. (~ of/about) 通知,告诉,获悉,告知【in-(=into)+form=在里面造成】 reform ① n. 改革,改善 ② vt. 改革,革新,重新组成【re-(=again)+form=再造形】
transform v. 转换,改变,改造【trans-(=across)+form=移转形状】 perform vt. 履行,执行,表演【per-(through)+form=完全的造形】 6. ject=to throw(投,掷)
eject vt. 逐出,撵出【e- (=out)+ject=向外投】 inject vt. 注射,注入【in-(=on)+ject=投掷进来】
object v. 反对,拒绝【ob-(=before)+ject=被掷于眼前的东西】
project ① n. 计划,方案 ② v. 设计,计划,投射,放映【pro-(=forward)+ject=投掷到前方】
reject vt. 拒绝,抵制,否决【re-(=back)+ject=投掷回去】 7. spect=to see, to look(看见)
inspect vt. 检查,视察【in-(=on)+spect=窥视内部】 respect vt. 尊敬,尊重【re-(=against)+spect=一再注视】
prospect ① n. 景色,前景,前途,期望;② vi. 寻找,勘探【pro-(=forward)+spect =看前方】
suspect v. 怀疑,猜想【sus-(=-sub=under)+spect=猜疑外表之下的东西】 expect vt. 期待,预期【ex-(=out)+pect=等待着向外看出去】 8. tain=to hold, to keep(保持)
contain vt. 包含,容纳,容忍【con-(=with)+tain=保护】
maintain vt. 维持,维修【main-(=manus=hand)+tain=保有于手掌中】 retain vt. 保持,保留【re-(=back)+tain=保留在后方】
sustain vt. 支撑,撑住,维持,持续【sus-(=up)+tain=拿起,举起】
Almost 55,000 people who have had a major impact on British society are profiled (记录)in a new 60-volume book that has taken 12 years to compile. It has cost more than £25m and taken 10,000 writers to update the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 1. impact: n. 碰撞,冲击,冲突,影响,效果
【固定搭配】impact on对??产生影响。a speech that lacked impact 毫无影响力的演说
2. compile: v. 编辑,汇编 com-(together)+pile(heap) 汇集在一起。
They are compiling a dictionary of new words. 他们正在编写一部新词的词典。 3. update: verb. 校正,更新,up-(aloft)+date = update 【单词变形】updated(a. 最新的); The immigration information booklet is updated