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B-I-N-G-O! X-I-N-G-O! X-X-N-G-O! X-X-X-G-O! X-X-X-X-O! B-I-N-G-O! X-I-N-G-O! X-X-N-G-O! X-X-X-G-O! X-X-X-X-O! And Bingo was his name-Oh! 宾果是他的名字哦! 10/15 Unit 6

(1)more[m?:]更多(2)word[w?:d]单词(3)factory['f?kt?ri]工厂(4)I’ve got我有 (5)just a minute [d??st ? 'minit]稍等片刻(6)ready['redi]准备好(7)another[?'n?e?]又一个(8)bad[b?d]坏的(9)please wait[pli:z weit]请等一等(10)sound[saund]发音(11)same[seim]同样(12)a little bit [? 'litl bit]一点点(13)way[wei]道路(14)interesting['int?risti?]有趣的(15)boring['b?:ri?]无趣的(16)favourite最喜欢的(17)fun[f?n]乐趣(18)horse[h?:s]马(19)eat[i:t]吃(20)panda['p?nd?]熊猫(21)hold[h?uld]拿着(22)look[luk]看着(23)make words [meik]组词(24)corn[k?:n]玉米(25)fork[f?:k]叉子(26)torch[t?:t?]火炬(27)porter['p?:t?]搬运夫(28)story['st?:ri]故事(29)you’d better['bet?]你最好(30)soccer game ['s?k? geim]足球比赛(31)about[?'baut]关于(32)class[klɑ:s]班级

Oh!How happy I am!I’v got a name.喔,我好高兴啊,我有了个名字。Hi!Which is my name?嗨,那一个是我的名字。Just a minute. It’s ready. 等一下就好了。Oh,another bad name!喔,又一个难听的名字。Hey!Please wait!嘿,请等一下。We sound the same!我们的声音听起来一样。Well,a little bit.But not the same.恩,只是相似而已,不是完全一样的。 Hello!I’m your friend!你好,我是你的朋友。Yes,we’re friends.是的我们是朋友。

Can we be friends?我们能成为朋友吗?Yes,we’re in the same family.能我们在一个家族里。 Same family word.This way,please!同一个家族的这边请a,e,i,o,u a,e,i,o,u This way,please!Meet your new friends!这边请来认识你门的新朋友。

There is a word game book for you!给你一本单词游戏书。Thank you!谢谢!

(三)1)The horse is eating some corns 2)The horse is eating with a fork 3)The panda is holding a torch 4)The cat is looking at the porter (四)Words,words,let’s make words.词,词,让我们组词。Big words,small words,long words and short words. 大词,小词,长词和短词。

New words,old words,interesting and boring words. 新词,旧词,有趣的和无聊的话。 Words,words,let’s make words. 词,词,让我们组词。

(六)Ann:Hi,Bob,Lucy has a story to tell. 安妮:嗨,鲍勃,露西要讲一个故事。 Bob:What is it? 鲍勃:一个什么故事?

Ann:I don’t know,You’d better ask her.I have a new book to read.安妮:我不知道,你最好问她,我有一本新书要看。 Bob:What is it? 鲍勃:什么书。

Ann:It’s about farm animals. 安妮:有关农场动物的书。



Bob:Well,I have a game to watch.I must go now. 鲍勃:哦,我要去观看一场比赛,我现在必须得走了

Ann:What game is it? 安妮:什么比赛?

Bob:It’s a soccer game between our class and Class Two. 鲍勃:我们班和2班的足球比赛。

Ann:That’s great.Let’s go to together. 安妮:好极了,让我们一起去吧。 10/22 Unit 7

(1)reading-room阅览室(2)picture[ ?pikt∫? ]图片(3)pardon[ ?pɑ?dn ]原谅(4)cartoon[ kɑ??tu?n ]卡通(5)every day每天 (6) music[ ?mju?zik ]音乐 (7)English[ ?i?gli∫ ]英文(8)easy容易(9)maths[ m?θs ]数学(10)Chinese[ ?t∫ai?ni?z ]中文(11)give you 给你(12)eat me吃我(13)bounce me拍我(14)eating[ ?i?ti? ]吃(15)walking[ ?w??ki? ]走(16)playing

玩(17)resting[ ?resti? ]休息(18)drinking[ ?dri?ki? ]喝

(19)climbing[ ?klaimi? ]爬(20)clothes[ kl?uez ]衣服(21)food[ fu?d ]食物(22)bring[ bri? ]带来(23)favourite[ ?feiv?rit ]喜爱的(24)sentence[ ?sent?ns ]句子(25)in在…里面(26)on在…上面(27)in front of在前面(28)under[ ??nd? ]在下面(29)hockey[ ?h?ki ]曲棍球(30)badminton[ ?b?dmint?n ]羽毛球(31)basketball[ ?bɑ?skitb??l ]篮球(32)tennis[ ?tenis ]网球(33)wear[ wi? ]穿戴

(一) Hi,Zhang Ming!I’m here. 嗨,明我在这儿。Hi!Come here!Please sit down. 嗨,过来请坐下。I’m coming.我来了。

This reading-room is very nice.I like it.这间阅览室很不错,我很喜欢。I like this room,too.I come here every day.我也很喜欢这间阅览室,我每天都来。

Is it OK to say this?这样说可以吗?Pardon?What did you say?对不起请再说一遍,你说什么 What books do you like reading?你喜欢读什么书I like picture books.我喜欢图画书 Which book would you like to read?你喜欢读那种书?I’d like to read a book on animals.我喜欢读与动物有关的书。I love animals.我喜欢动物。

(二)Animals 动物书 Story Book 故事书 Picture Book 图画书 Cartoons 卡通书 Music 音乐书 English 英语书 Easy Maths 数学书 Chinese Book 语文书

(三)1)I give you milk.我给你牛奶2)I can swim.我会游泳3)You can eat me你可以吃我.4)You can bounce me你可以拍打我.5)I say“Oink”我会昂昂叫.6)You can wear this.你可以带上这个。

(七)Books,books,I like reading books. 书籍、 书籍、 我喜欢读书。Animals,fruit,clothes and food. 动物、 水果、 衣服和食物。Books,books,I like reading books. 书籍、 书籍、 我喜欢读书。 Books,books,I like reading books.书籍、 书籍、 我喜欢读书。书籍、 书籍、 我喜欢读书。



(八)Bring your favourite thing from your house and tell us something about it. 从家里带来你最喜欢的东西,然后给我们讲述有关他的一些事情。

Bring one of your favourite books to class.Show it and talk about it. 带一本你最喜欢的书到班里,给同学门展示一下你的书并说一说。

You can say:This is my favourite book.It’s about animals.I like it very much. 你可以说:这是我最喜爱的书它与动物有关,我非常喜欢它。

(十)Read the sentences and add things to the picture.

A bird is in the tree树上有一只鸟.Tow red apples are on the tree.树上有2个红苹果A boy is in front of the house.房子前面有一个男孩A cat is under the table.桌子下有只猫A .pink ball is under the tree.树下面有一个粉红的的球There bananas are on the table 桌子上有3只香蕉。.

10/29 Unit 8

(1)learning['l?:ni?]学习(2)fair[f??]游乐场(3)parrot['p?r?t]鹦鹉(4)black[bl?k]黑色(5)blue[blu:]蓝色(6)brown[braun]棕色(7)green[gri:n]绿色(8)grey [grei] /gray[grei]灰色(9)orange['?:rind?]橙色(10)pink[pi?k]粉红(11)purple['p?:pl]紫色(12)red[red]红色(13)white[hwait]白色(14)yellow['jel?u]黄色(15)smart[smɑ:t]聪明(16)heart[hɑ:t]心脏(17)clown[klaun]小丑(18)know[n?u]知道(19)important[im'p?:t?nt]重要的(20)Christmas['krism?s]圣诞节(21)rainbow['reinb?u]彩虹(22)along with me [?'l?? wie mi:]和我一道(23)rose[r?uz]玫瑰(24)funny['f?ni]可笑的(25)grass[grɑ:s]草地(26)both[b?uθ]两只(27)sun太阳(28)star[stɑ:]星星(29)sky[skai]天空(30)at night在夜晚(31)balloon[b?'lu:n]气球(32)with[wie]用(33)everything['evriθi?]每件东西(34)become[bi'k?m]变成

(一)I’m learning colours.我在学习颜色。I become smart.我变聪明了。I put the colours in my head.我把颜色装在我的脑子里。I know them all by my heart.我用心去了解他们

Red Red is an apple. 红色是一个苹果。Red is a rose. 红色是一朵玫瑰。Red is the colour of my funny clown’s nose. 红色是我滑稽小丑鼻子的颜色。

Green Green is a pear. 绿色是一只梨。Green is a tree. 绿色是一棵树。Green is the grass under both my feet. 绿色是我双脚下的小草。

Yellow Yellow is the sun. 黄色是太阳。Yellow is the star. 黄色是星星。Yellow is the lemon painted on my car. 黄色是我车上的柠檬色。

Brown Brown is a dog. 棕色,的狗。Brown is a bear. 棕色,的熊。Brown is the colour of a Barbie doll’s hair. 棕色是一个芭比娃娃头发的颜色。

Blue Blue is a shirt. 蓝色是一件衬衫。Blue are his eyes. 他的眼睛是蓝色的。Blue is the sky where a big plane flies. 蓝色是一架大飞机飞行的天空。

Black Black is a sheep. 黑色是一只羊。Black is a kite. 黑色是一只风筝。Black is a big



cat catching mice at night. 黑色是一只大猫在晚上抓老鼠。

Which coloured parrot do you like?你喜欢什么颜色的鹦鹉?I like this blue parrot!我喜欢这只兰色的鹦鹉。

Which coloured balloon do you want?你们想要什么颜色的气球Yellow,please.请给我黄色的。Green,please.请给我绿色的。Red!Yellow!Green! 红黄绿。Which colour do you want to see?你们想看那一种颜色?Red!红色!

(四)Red and yellow and pink and green. 红色和黄色、 粉红色和绿色。Purple and orange and blue. 紫色和橙色和蓝色。I can sing a rainbow. 我会唱的彩虹。 Sing a rainbow. 唱的彩虹。Sing a rainbow,too! 唱的彩虹。

See with your eyes. 用你的眼睛看。 Listen with your ears. 用你的耳朵倾听。And sing everything you see. 和你所看到的一切都唱。I can sing a rainbow. 我会唱的彩虹。Sing a rainbow. 唱的彩虹。Sing along with me. 一起唱圣灵降临我。

(六)Lemons are yellow.柠檬是黄色的Yes! Yes! Yes! 是是是 Yes! Yes! Yes! 是是是 Yes! Yes! Yes! 是是是 Yes! Yes! Yes! 是是是 11/5 Unit 9

(1)smell the flowers [smel e? 'flau?] 闻花香(2) shining ['?aini?] 照耀(3)talk [t?:k] 谈话(4)lots of [l?ts ?v]许多(5) see-saw ['si:s?:] 跷跷板(6) join them [d??in eem]加入他们(7) ride a bike [rid ? baik] 骑自行车(8) catch a butterfly ['k?t?i? ? 'b?t?flai ] 抓蝴蝶(9) paint a picture [peint ? 'pikt?? ] 画(10) listen to music ['lis?ni? tu: 'mju:zik] 听音乐(11) read a book ['ri:di? ? buk] 看书(12) bounce a ball ['baunsi? ? b?:l] 拍球(13)kick a ball [kik ? b?:l]踢球(14) take a photo ['teiki? ? ['f?ut?u] ] 拍照片(15) have lunch ['h?vi? l?nt?] 吃午餐 (16)colour['k?l?]涂色(17)pat [p?t]轻拍 (18)share[???]分享(19)more[m?: ]更多 (20)choose[t?u:z]选择(21)describe[di'skraib]描述(22)empty['empti]空的(23)correct[k?'rekt]正确的(24)people['pi:pl]人们

(一)It’s a nice day,isn’t it?今天天气真好,是吗?Yes,it is.是的。Look!Lots of children are playing in the park. 看!很多小孩在公园里玩耍。Yes,they are smelling the flowers. 是的,他们在闻花香。Let’s go and join them. 我们也去加入他们吧。Good idea!Let’s go.好主意!走吧。

riding a bike 骑自行车 playing on the see-saw 玩跷跷板 talking 说话smell the flowers 闻花香 shining 照耀 painting a picture 绘画 catching a butterfly 捉蝴蝶 listening to music 听音乐 reading a book 读书 kicking a ball 踢球 having lunch 吃午餐 taking a photo 拍照片 bouncing a ball 拍球

(二)Colour the flower pink,blue and yellow. 把花涂成粉色、兰色、和黄色相间的



Draw a red ball under the tree.在树的下面画一个红色的球

Colour the kite green,brown and black. 把风筝涂成绿色、棕色 和黑色相间的。 Colour the butterfly blue and yellow.把蝴蝶涂成兰色和黄色相间的。 Draw a bird next to the sun. 在太阳的旁边画一只鸟。 Colour the bike black and red.把自行车涂成黑色和红色

Draw a plane and colour it yellow and blac画一架飞机并把它涂成黄色和黑色相间的 (六) It’s a nice day,isn’t it?今天天气真好,是吗?Yes,it is.是的。

What’s the boy doing?哪个男孩在干什么?He’s painting a picture. 他在绘画 Let’s go and join them. 我们也去加入他们吧。Good idea!Let’s go.好主意!走吧。 What are you doing?你在赶什么?I’m reading a picture book.我在看图画书。

(七)The boy’s in the circle.男孩在圆圈里。The boy’s in the circle. 男孩在圆圈里。Heigh-ho, 嗨喉heigh-ho. 嗨喉The boy’s in the circle. 男孩在圆圈里。

The boy wants his friend.男孩想做他的朋友。The boy wants his friend. 男孩想做他的朋友。Heigh-ho, 嗨喉heigh-ho. 嗨喉The boy wants his friend. 男孩想做他的朋友。

The friend wants a girl. 朋友想要一个女孩。The friend wants a girl. 朋友想要一个女孩。Heigh-ho, 嗨喉Heigh-ho . 嗨喉The friend wants a girl. 朋友想要一个女孩。

The girl wants her sister. 女孩想她的妹妹。The girl wants her sister. 女孩想她的妹妹。 Heigh-ho, 嗨喉Heigh-ho . 嗨喉The girl wants her sister. 女孩想她的妹妹。

The sister wants her dog. 妹妹想她的狗。The sister wants her dog. 妹妹想她的狗。 Heigh-ho, 嗨喉Heigh-ho . 嗨喉The sister wants her dog. 妹妹想她的狗。

We all pat the dog. 我们都抚摩着狗。We all pat the dog. 我们都抚摩着狗。Heigh-ho, 嗨喉Heigh-ho . 嗨喉We all pat the dog. 我们都抚摩着狗。

(九)1、dog [d?g] mop[m?p] box [b?ks] map [m?p] frog [fr?g] 2、bus [b?s] duck [d?k] sun [s?n] cup [k?p] rug [r?g] 3、apple ['?pl] bee [bi:] sock [s?k] flag [fl?g] hand [h?nd] 4、pen [pen] bag [b?g] leg [leg] hen [hen] net [net] 11/12 Unit 10

(1)number['n?mb?]数字(2)in our lives我们生活中(3)these are这些是(4)often use常用的(5)think of想(6)let让(7)guess[ges]猜(8)well-done['wel'd?n]干的好(9)double['d?bl]双的(10)zero['zi?r?u]零(11)phone[f?un](12)room房间(13)lucky['l?ki]幸运(14)flat[fl?t]公寓(15)classroom教室(16)mobile['m?ubil]移动的(17)fax传真(18)page页码(19)street街道(20)once[w?ns]曾经(21)alive[?'laiv]活着的(22)again[?'gen]又(23)because[bi'k?:z]因为(24)finger['fi?g?]手指(25)take off脱下(26)put on穿上(27)open打开(28)close关上(29)stick[stik]木棍

(一)These are the numbers we often use in our lives.这些是我们生活中常用的数字。 Now




