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二Real IE Value工业工程的真正价值

1、On the other hand,today’s IE has at his or her disposal more technology and tools than the IE of 30 years ago could have ever imagined.


2、If a person loses sight of the total job and starts looking at the individual pieces,it comes out a little hairy.


3、Problems associated with renaming IE departments to describe their particular function may have more to do with appearance than with the actual job being performed.


4、In fact,even though ABET accredits many IE and IET programs in the United States,there remains much variance and flexibility among each of the programs.

【ABET是工程与技术鉴定委员会(the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)的简写。该委员会是美国用来检查和评价各工程类大学全部课程的官方机构,ABET鉴定目的是向公众和工程类毕业生的雇主保证学校的课程满足了规定的最低标准。】


6、But if the individual IE will assume the role as a change implementor—not a change follower—broad opportunities are on the horizon.


7、If we’ve got a problem,it’s of our own doing and our own unwillingness to take the lead in a lot of these major improvement activities.


三、Operetions Research运筹学

Operations research,as defined by the Operations Research Society of America,“is concerned with scientifically deciding how to best desigh and operate man-machine systems,usually under conditions requiring the allocation of scarce resources.” 美国运筹学学会将运筹学定义为:在需要对紧缺资源进行分配的前提下决定如何最好地设计和运作人—机系统的决策科学。

四、Work-measured Labor Standards 基于作业测量的劳动标准

4.1 Perhaps the only thing wrong with these tools is their lack of a buzz word or catchy acronym.


4.2 Human workers come in at least a billion models with varying physical,mental,and emotional specifications and work under varying environmental conditions. 由于身体、精神和感情等方面以及工作环境的不断变化,工人至少可以被分为十亿种不同的类型。

4.3 Standard times are standard times only because all parties involved agree they are standard times.




4.4 Like any standards system, a computerized standards system won’t help-and can be counterproductive-if it is not kept up-to-date. 同其他的任何标准系统一样,如果不能做到与时俱进,计算机化的标准系统将起不到相应的作用并且可能会降低生产率。

五、Ergonomics 人因学

5.1 Accident proneness implies that there are certain individuals with enduring personality characteristics,who incur a majority of accidents.


5.2 The transformation from a rural,agrarian to an urban,,industrialized lige has come at a cost,and workers are ‘paying’in terms of a tremendous increase in industrial and in terms of worker stress.


5.3 Technology transfer from the Western word is important,but must be concerned not only with the adaptation and use of machines but also with the entire infrastructure of training local users to develop independent capabilities so that they can act freely on the global market.


5.4 Ergonomics is rather a design methodology that is used to arrive at safety,productivity and satisfaction.


六、 Next Generation Factory Layouts 21世纪的工厂布局

6.1While grouping resources based on function provides some economies of scale and simplicity in allocating workloads,it makes the layout susceptipble to manufacturing inefficiencies when there are changes in product mix or routings.


6.2 Layout design procedures,whether for functional or cellular layouts,have been largely based on a deterministic paradigm.


6.3 In fact,the relationship between layout flexibility and layout performance is poorly understood and analytical models for its evaluation are lacking.


6.4 Facility planner had to choose layouts that make material handing efficient not only in each individual plant but throughout the complex. The challenge for facility planners is then to develop a layout and a material-handling system to permit high efficiency at the core and flexibility and reconfigurability at the periphery.





6.5 They create hybrid facilities consisting of flow-line-like components where they build the common platforms and job shop-like components where they customize the products. 他们建设由通用和个性化平台组成的混合型设施,前者以流水线方式生产通用零部件而后者则用专业化车间的生产方式生产体现产品个性化的零部件。

6.6 Depending on downstream congestion,products can move in and out of neighboring production lines,creating multiple paths,or channels,minimizing queueing and congestion. 根据生产线下游的阻塞情况,产品可以在相邻的生产线之间相互调配,这样就产生了多个生产路劲或通道,同时可以最小化排队等待和阻塞(时间)。

第八、The role of IE in engineering economics(工业工程在工程经济学中的作用)

1.It may seem trivial to state that an industrial project must be evaluate in order to justify it.


2.As a result,management must resort to the “leap of faith” approach to justify new systems that are intuitively sound from a strategic point of view but that are not convincing economically.


3. Armed with economic models tailored to specific technologies, industrial engineers are able to measure, for instance, the cost of flexibility and, in turn, help integrate this figure in accounting cost systems and financial justification models.


4. Without going into detail, let’s say that IT has far-reaching implications for firms in general,as its enabling capabilities can significantly modify business processes.


5.Without claiming that engineering economy has solved all problems, it can be said that help in available.


6.These full-blown typologies give extensive cost classification in terms of discrete vs. periodical costs and in terms of tangible, irreducible, and intangible costs.




