龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者: 闫婧
【摘要】 目的:探讨住院冠心病患者护理中应用认知行为干预的效果。方法:选定2017年7月-2024年2月笔者所在医院收诊的136例住院冠心病患者,完全随机法分为观察组(认知行为干预+传统护理干预)68例与对照组(传统护理干预)68例,比较两组认知行为变化(不良习惯改善评分、康复知识掌握评分、疾病知识掌握评分)及护理满意率。结果:观察组不良习惯改善评分、康复知识掌握评分、疾病知识掌握评分、护理总满意率均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:认知行为干预方法可有效提高住院冠心病患者的护理满意度,改善其认知行为,值得推广使用。
【关键词】 认知行为干预 护理 冠心病 价值分析
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the effect of cognitive behavioral intervention in the nursing of patients with coronary heart disease. Method: A total of 136 patients with coronary heart disease admitted to our hospital from July 2017 to February 2024 were enrolled. They were randomly divided into the observation group (cognitive behavior intervention + traditional nursing intervention) with 68 cases and the control group (traditional care) with 68 cases, and the