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The changes are also reflected in other aspects. 38 . It’s tailored(量体裁衣) to meet each student’s needs. Special education refers to a range of services that can be provided in different ways and in different settings. If your child qualifies for special education, he’ll receive individualized teaching resources. The specialists who work with your child will focus on his strengths as well as his challenges.

39 . Making the curriculum accessible to students with disabilities is a lot like making buildings accessible to people in wheelchairs. School districts have a process in place to determine which students are qualified for special education. This process involves a systematic evaluation that looks at the way your child thinks. 40 . If the district agrees to evaluate your child, the testing will be conducted at no cost to you.

A. “Access” is an important term in education

B. You or your child’s school can request an evaluation C. This may have been the normal situation in the past

D. There is no “one size fits all” approach to special education E. To clear the learning barriers is the purpose of special education F. But this no longer means placing kids in a special classroom all day long G. The qualification for special education is assessed by local school districts

第三部分: 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)

第一节: 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Last month, Alex posted his painting of a fox on Reddit hoping to raise money for an animal rescue group. But when a video of him working on the painting went viral with more than 44,000 “likes”, 41 on social media from people hoping to

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buy copies of his work 42 in. His fans were amazed when they watched him paint by holding a brush in his 43 because he has lost the use of his hands.

Drawing and painting always came 44 to Alex. When he was a kid, he would sit down to draw something almost every day. It continued 45 high school and college. He loved creating with his hands.

But in 2004, Alex 46 a rare disease that caused sensory(知觉) loss and weakness. One day, he suddenly could not use his left hand. Then the problem 47 quickly to his right hand. As the pain and numbness 48 and more tests were done, the physicians 49 Alex had a rare immune disorder. 50 , he was no longer able to draw, paint or play the piano. By September 2005, he had difficulty 51 , as his legs and feet had also weakened. 52 , he needed a wheelchair. He had to quit his job and move to live with his parents.

Alex didn’t follow his artistic dreams 53 his mother showed him some paintings created by artists who also could not use their hands and arms in 2015. He was very 54 and then began to teach himself to paint with his mouth and to 55 the right pressure to the canvas(画布).

Three years ago, Alex successfully had a major transplant 56 . The process of recovery is 57 but steady. With supporting aids on both legs, he is walking again without pain. Alex hopes one day he will be able to 58 a paintbrush in his hand. If not, he will continue to 59 his visions with his mouth.

“I have a lot to be 60 . I’m painting again, I’m walking again. Life feels really good for me right now,” Alex said. 41. A. requests invitations 42. A. dropped

B. poured

C. called

D. burst

B. complaints

C. donations


43. A. hand B. foot C. arm D. mouth

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44. A. suitably naturally 45. A. through 46. A. witnessed 47. A. reduced

48. A. disappeared weakened 49. A. predicted


50. A. As a result return

51. A. running

52. A. Occasionally Basically 53. A. unless 54 A. impressed 55. A. present


56. A. operation substitute

57. A. fulfilling accessible 58. A. test out 59. A. replace

60. A. occupied with accused of


13 - B. actually C. particularly D.

B. before C. from D. upon B. recognized C. developed D. assessed B. spread

C. adapted

D. referred

B. attacked

C. worsened


B. apologized C. observed D.

B. On the whole C. Without doubt D. In

B. walking C. painting D. living B. Eventually

C. Normally


B. once C. although D. until B. sympathetic C. confused

D. sensible

B. contribute

C. apply


B. performance C. assessment D.

B. challenging C. beneficial D.

B. set aside C. sort out

D. pick up

B. reward

C. express

D. target

B. concerned about C. grateful for



注意:将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节 满分45分) 第二节 (共10题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容( 1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Barbara Jordan was a lawyer, educator and member of Congress. As a politician, Barbara Jordan worked for social change. She 61 (seek) to make a difference for all Americans using her 62 (politics) influence.

Barbara Jordan became the first African-American woman 63 (elect) to the United States Congress to represent Texas. 64 helped Barbara gain her national 65 (recognize) was that she became a member of the congressional committee investigating President Richard Nixon in 1974.

Barbara Jordan was born in the southern city of Houston, Texas in 1936. She was 66 (young) of the three daughters in her family. Her father was a Baptist minister. When she was a child, Barbara's parents pushed her to succeed. Barbara Jordan said her parents would criticize her for not 67 (speak) correct English. They urged her to become a music teacher, because they said that was the only good job for a black woman at that time. Her sisters did become 68 (teacher). Barbara Jordan, however, explained later that she wanted to do something unusual.

At first she thought about being a pharmacist, 69 scientist who is an expert in medicines. After she became the first African-American state senator(参议员), her career in politics took 70 .


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



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修改:在错的词下面画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

A skinny Wolf was dying because of hunger when he was happened to meet a fat house-dog who was passing by. “Ah, Cousin,” said the Dog. “I know how it is; your irregular life will sooner and later kill you. Why don’t you work steady as I do, and get your food regularly giving to you?”

“I would be glad,” said the Wolf, “if I could only get a place.” “I will easily arrange that for you,” said the Dog; “come with me to my master and you are welcome to share my works.”

So the Wolf and the Dog went towards the town together. On the way the Wolf noticed that the hair on certain part of the Dog’s neck was very much worn away, so he asked him why that had come about.

“Oh, it is nothing,” said the Dog. “That is the place which the chain is put on at night to keep myself tied to a tree; it hurts a bit, but one soon got used to it.”

“Is that all?” said the Wolf. “Then good-bye to you, Master Dog.” 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 Peter在中国留学。他给你发来邮件,说国庆期间准备

参加中央电视台组织的建国70周年系列庆祝活动之一“外国人唱中文歌 (Foreigners Singing Chinese Songs)”的比赛,希望你给些参考意见。请你回复邮件,内容包括:

1.推荐你认为合适的歌曲; 2.就演唱成功的关键提两条看法。

注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Peter,

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