【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2011(039)028
【摘要】Village regulations and folk conventions is a code of conduct in rural society and play an important role in the new rural development. Tlie supervision of village regulations and folk conventions can ensure die validity, prevention, error correction and efficiency of village regulations and folk conventions. At present, diere are still supervision of consciousness, lack of supervision, supervision principal is not clear, the supervisory measures do not reach the designated position and other issues. Therefore, for the problems in the supervision of village regulations and folk conventions, administrative supervision, judicial oversight and supervision of social are put forward, the methods for supervising village regulations and folk conventions are adopted, namely, strict record review, eliminating unlawful pacts and strengthening the judicial application. Thus, it not only can ensure effective supervision, but also can not interfere the self-government of villagers.%村规民约是一种存在于乡村社会中的行为规范,在新农村建设中发挥着重要作用.对村规民约进行监督具有保障村规民约的合法性、预防、纠错以及增效的作用.目前村规民约监督还存在监督意识淡薄,缺乏监督依据、监督主体不明确和监督措施不力的问题.针对村规民约的监督中存在的问题,提出应通过行政