Unit 3 Sports
Lesson 21 A Basketball Game
1. 知识与技能:通过课文的学习,使学生能过了解一些有关篮球比赛的知识。 并使学生能够读、写、说出并听懂词汇:player team game win lose。并能综合运用英语知识简单表述一场比赛的过程。
2. 过程与方法:这节课将采用分析教法学法。 通过引导逐步让学生去发现规律,激发学生的求知欲望;在课上以“竞赛”的形式教学。“竞赛”贯穿与整节课,充分调动学生的积极性、主动性,确保学生在学习中的主体地位。
3. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生的竞争意识,体会队员之间的合作精神。
教学重点:能够读、写、说出并听懂词汇:player team game win lose。 教学难点:简单介绍参加比赛的双方和比赛的过程。
教学过程 Teaching Process 课程导入 ( Lead-in) 教学媒体 教师活动 Teaching Media 卡片,多T: How are you today? 媒体(电Ss: … 视频) game? 出示卡片:game 球比赛 Ss… T: Do you often watch basketball game? Ss: … T: Now, let’s watch a basketball game. Teacher’s Activities 学生活动 设计意图 Students’ Design Activities Answer the Purpose To of enhance students the interest 脑,课件,T: Do you like basketball teacher’s and basketball game. questions and lead in the text. 板书:basketball game 篮watch a (Play the video) 呈现新课 (Presentation Of lesson) 卡片,多Step 1 认识并掌Step 1 make the 词,学会students 并能综合know 知识简单Step 2,3,4 表述一场To 程。 know context learn introduce. Step 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. To make students know a game and retell the game to the others. make the ad to 媒体(电T: Do you like basketball 握新单To 视频) 网。 Ss: basketball team? 出示卡片:team 队 Ss: … T: A basketball team needs many players, right? Ss: Yes. 出示卡片:player 板书:Player 队员 T: Now, let’s read these words. player, team, game. Step 2 T: Now, let’s look at a game. 展示精品课件Lesson 5-1。 Step 3 Read the text. Step 4 活动操练 将学生按照男生,女生分成几个小组,进行传球比赛。 首先要求每组出一个代表向大家介绍自己所在组的成员。然后进行快速传球比赛。输了lose, 赢了的说win. 课件,game? the new 脑,篮球, 球T: Do you want to have a 运用英语new words. 板书:basketball team 篮球比赛的过students Step 5 展示精品课件Lesson 5-2。 Step 6 阅读课文。 Step 7 让学生合上课本,把学生分成左右两部分,教师可以提出如下问题让学生进行回答。答对者,说win. 答错者说 lost. Questions: 1. Where is the game? 2. When did they arrive? 3. What do they wear? 4. What’s the score? 5. Which team wins? 6. Who puts the ball in the net? Step 8 Read the text again. Step 9 Ask some students to tell the game. 课堂评价 (Evaluation) l. 连线 player 队 team 游戏 game 运动员 2. 用win和lost练习说话。 家庭作业 (Homework) 1. 活动手册 2. 让学生观看或参与一项比赛,说说自己的体会和比赛过程。 Do exercise. To make students grasp the key points of the text 巩固知识,进一步培养学生运用英语的能力,并为下一节课的开展打下基础。