Unit5 topic1重点单词与短语,句子 一. 单词:
1.微笑 smile 2.无一人none 3.品尝 taste 4.傻的 silly 5.苦恼 upset 6.惊讶surprise
7.哭泣 cry 8.孤独的 lonely 9.活泼的 lively 10.角色 role 11.姿势gesture 12.文化culture
13.外国人foreigner 14.感激的grateful 二.短语
1.邀请。。。做。invite sb to do sth 2.向。。。道谢 say thanks to sb 3.似乎担心 seem worried 4.对。。。无情 be cruel to sb 5.以。。。为自豪 be proud of 6.摆放餐具 set the table 7.发疯 go mad 8.首先at first
9.落入 fall into 10.形成、成立 come into being
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11.脸谱 facial paintings 12.与。。和解make peace with
13.最喜爱的电影之一one of my favorite movies 14.为。。。做准备prepare for 15.受到。。。的欢迎be popular with 16.得到一张。。的票 get a ticket to… 17.对。。。满意 be pleased with 18.能够 be able to 19.发烧 have a fever/temperature 20.给。。。打电话 ring up 21.因为 because of 22.充满 fill with/be full of 23.找到。。。的办法 find the way to… 24.以。。。结尾 end with 25.到达。。。参观arrive at/in…for a visit 三.句子
1.为什么都笑容满面?Why all the smiling faces? 2.一个也没有留下There was none left
3.一切顺利 Everything goes well 4.一位
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住在。。。的年轻妇女 a young woman living… 5.叫做。。。的轮船a ship named… 6.有着。。。年的历史.have …years of history.
7.你看起来很激动 You look excited 8,它尝起来很美味It tastes delicious
9.这个人似乎很焦虑 This man seems worried 10.他非常伤心疯了.He was very sad and went mad
11.父亲很寂寞,经常因为吵闹的孩子们而变得生气The father was lonely and often became angry because of his noisy children 12.你好吗?How are you doing? 13.请向你妈妈致谢Please say thanks to your mother 四.语法:系表结构
Unit5 topic2重点
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一. 单词:
1.害羞 shy 2.发送、邮递 send 3.感觉、感情 feeling 4.经验、经历experience
5.紧张 nervous 6.外地人 stranger 7.接受 accept 8.拍手 clap 9.年长的elder 10.理解
understand 11.忧伤
12.不公平unfair 二.短语
1.对。。严格 be strict with 2.别紧张take it easy/don’t be nervous 3.没能成功做。。 fail to do 4.。。。失败fail( in )sth
5.讲笑话 tell jokes 6.给。。。一些建议 give sb some suggestions 7.做。。。很正常It’s normal to do…
8.听轻音乐 listen to soft music 9.像。。。一样。。
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as …as 10.像平常 as usual 11.习惯做be/get used to doing
12.处理 deal with 13.拒绝做 refuse to do 14.尽管 even though 15.不再no longer/not …any longer 16.和。。。交谈 have a talk with/talk with 17担心 worry /be worried about 18.感谢。。。做。。Thank you for doing 19.做的不好do badly in 20.在。。。的年龄at one’s age 21.做。。。有困难 have difficult doing 22。在。。。的帮助下 with the help of =with one’s help 三 。句子
1.有事吗?anything wrong? 2.似乎是什么问题What seems to be the problem?
3.时光飞逝 How time flies 4.一切变了Everything has changed
5. 她正在洗手间哭因为她英语考试没考好She
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