【期刊名称】《中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版)》 【年(卷),期】2012(006)003
【摘要】Objective To analyze the pathogenic diagnosis of hand-foot-mouth diseases ( HFMD ) in Taian in 2010. Methods Total of 437 feces specimens and 25 throat swabs specimens from clinical-diagnosed HFMD patients were collected. Pan-enterovims was detected by real-time flueorecent PCR,and Coxsackie A16 ( CA16 ) and Enterovims 71 ( EV71 ) were detemined by species-special primers. Results Positive rate of Pan-enterovims, CA16 and EV71 were 82.47% ( 381/462 ), 38. 31% ( 177/462 ) and 19.48%( 90/462 ), respectively. The positive rate of CA16 was significantly higher than that of EV71. positive rate of feces specimens( 84.67% , 370/437 ) was significantly higher than that of throat swabs specimens ( 44% , 11/25 ) ( x2 = 27.05,P< 0.01 ). The age of onset was mostly from 1 to 5 years. The prevalence rate of male was higher than that of female. Conclusions CA16 was the dominant pathogen of the HFMD in Taian in 2010. The feces specimens have a higher positive rate. Molecular biological methods on pathogenic diagnosis plays an important role in the surveillance and control of HFMD.%目的 对2010年泰安市手足口病病例进行病原体检测和分析.方法 对临床收集的手足口病病例的粪便标本437份、咽拭子标本25份,采用实时荧光
PCR筛选出肠道病毒通用引物阳性标本,分别用CA16和EV71型的特异引物进行分类检测.结果 肠道病毒总阳性率为82.47%(381/462),其中CA16阳性率为38.31%(177//462),EV71阳性率为19.48%(90/462),CA16的阳性率显著高于EV71.粪便标本的阳性率为84.67%(370/437),显著高于咽拭子的44%(11/25)(χ2 = 27.05,P< 0.01).本研究病例发病年龄多为1~5岁,男性略多于女性.结论 2010年度泰安市手足口病疫情以CA16感染为主,粪便标本的阳性率较高,采用分子生物学方法检测手足口病病原体对手足口病的监测及防控具有重要意义.
【关键词】手足口病;肠道病毒;EV71;CA16;实时荧光PCR 【作者】侯佩强;张荣强;倪楠
【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_chinese-journal-experimental-clinical-infectious-diseases-electronic-edition_thesis/0201234753375.html 【相关文献】
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