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考研英语翻译部分在试题中分值占10%,建议同学们还是要重视起来,为自己争取更多的分数。小编考研为大家搜集了有关社会生活、科普知识、文化教育等方面的相关句子,以此拓展大家的视野。一起来学习吧! 本期主题【汉语热】
Chinese language craze refers to the phenomenonthat a growing number of
foreigners start to learnChinese. The number of Chinese learners
increasesrapidly in many countries. According to statistics,more than 3000
institutions of higher education in109 countries are offering courses on Chinese
language. A survey indicates that they learnChinese for the main purposes of
traveling in China, engaging in trade activities and knowingChina and the
Chinese culture. The underlying reasons for this craze lie in the
rapiddevelopment of China s economy, which enhances the international status and
the influence ofChina. This global Chinese language craze conveys a message that
people around the world areeager to know the Chinese culture. 参考翻译:
汉语热指近年来越来越多的外国人开始学习汉语的现象。在很多国家,学汉语的人数在迅速增长。据统计,全世界已有109个国家、3000多所高等学校开设了汉语课程。一项调查显示,他们学习汉语的主要目的是去中国旅游、从事贸易活动、了解中国和中国文化。汉语热背后的原因是中国经济的飞速发展,它使中国的国际地位和影响力得到了提升。全球 汉语热 传达了世界各国人民渴望了解中国文化的信息。
2017考研英语翻译每日一句:汉语热 - 毙考题