设 计 题 目: 儿童家具设计 分 院: 艺术分院
专 业 (方 向): 艺术设计(产品造型) 年 级、班 级: 产品0701 学 生 学 号: 071054145 学 生 姓 名: 郭清华 指 导 老 师: 李 争
2011 年 5 月 18 日
论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日
摘 要
【关键词】概儿童家具 创新意识、手动能力、思维、想象力。
In recent years, as China from the political, economic, sports fields on the international stage, the foreign and Chinese in various fields of competition will undoubtedly more acute, fierce. And these competitive core is talent competition, namely the talents cultivation, education, training, and use of the competition. Therefore, in your child's higher and higher demands on mental development also extremely concerned children, tried to get the training children become useful talents. Through educational children furniture subconsciousness train children's thinking, imagination and practical ability, so as to improve the children's innovative consciousness. In graces, fu lai Sally doing is in place, fu lai Sally children furniture make child in limited space enjoy entertainment, but also based on fu lai Sally children furniture can freely assembly characteristics, can cultivate children's innovation consciousness and practice ability.
【Key Words】GM crops; International Trade; Commercializing; Technical Barriers; Competing
目 录
引言 ??????????????????????1 一、设计课题概述分析 ??????????????2 二、课题的展开设计 ???????????????3
(一)儿童市场调 ????????????????3 (二)儿童家具使用环境调研总结???????????5 (三)儿童家具品牌调研??????????????5 (四)家长和儿童对儿童家具市场调研?????????6 三、 课题的分析与定位??????????????7
(一)儿童家具设计分析??????????????7 (二)设计分析??????????????????8 四 、创意与表现?????????????????8
(一)设计草图?????????????????8 (二)创意过程?????????????????9 (三)表现方法?????????????????10 五、作品的设计说明 ???????????????10 六、设计感想 ??????????????????11 七、设计作品 ??????????????????11 八、参考文献 ??????????????????16 九、附录 ????????????????????16 十、致谢 ????????????????????26
儿童家具设计论文 - 图文