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英 语 试 卷


一. 单项选择( 20 分) ( ) 1.This is _____elephant. _____elephant is from Africa.

A . an , An B. an, The C. a, The

( ) 2.-----______________do you want to join ?

-----I want to join the music club .

A. What club B. How C. What sport

. ( ) 3. Bob can play ________ tennis . but he can’t

play ______violin

A. the ; the B 不填 , the C. the ;不填

( ) 4. My brother can ’tgsin__________play the guitar.

A. and B. or C. but

( ) 5. Miss Read is good ____music .She can be good ___children in the music club.

A. at ; at B. with; with C. at; with

( ) 6.I________ sing , but I ______dance

A. can; can’t B. can; can C. can ’t; can ’t

( ) 7.We have breakfast ________seven _________the morning.

A . in ; at B . on; in C. at; in

( ) 8. What time ________she___________?

A. do; go to bed B. does; go to bed C. do ; goes to bed

( ) 9. He ’d like some ________ and ________.

A. beef, tomatoes B. beefs, tomatoes C. beef, tomato

( ) 10 . _______did Mrs Black cook dinner? --- For half an hour.

A. When B. How long C. How often

( ) 11. ------_________do you go to school every day ?

------I go to school at half past seven .

A. Where B. When C. What

( ) 12.-------What time do you take a walk in the morning ?


A. On weekends B. With my friends C. At about 6:30

( ) 13.----- ___ does Mary get _________school ?

------She takes the subway .

A. How; to B. How ; for C. What ; to

( ) 14 .------______is it from your home to the school ?

命题人:杨永宏 考试时间: 90 分钟 满分: 120 分



------ About twenty minutes ’ walk . A. How far

B. How long

C. When



) 15.Mary practices ________ every day.

A. dance B. to dance C. dancing (

) 16.------What do they look like? -------They are medium build.

A. of B. in C. at

( ) 17-------What does he _________the trip ?

-------- It ’ s interesting .

A. think of B. think over C. think hard

) 18. It ’s easy __________to school . A. to get B. for get C. get

) 19 Jim is ___________boy.

A. eleven years old B.a eleven--year--old C. an eleven--year--old ( ) 20. Where is the bank near here?

It ’ sthe post office.

A.next B. across from C. between 二.完形填空。20 分)(


Li Lei is a student 21 Class Two, Grade One. He likes football very 22 .He often plays it after school. And he often goes home 23 .His home is 24 the school. His mother doesn't worry 25 him. One Sunday morning, Li

Lei goes to a shop 26 his mother. The shop is very

27 .There aremanythings 28 it. They get some things. Then


mother says to Li Lei, “ What 29do ?you”

“I want to get a red blouse, ” says Li Lei. “A red blouse? ” asks his mother30. .You“ can'twearYouare a red b louse.

Li Lei smiles (笑了)。 “ OK, please get me football clothes.

) 21. A. in B. of C. on (

) 22. A. good B. fine C. much (

) 23. A. early B. back C. late ( ) 24. A. near B. in C. on (

) 25. A. for B. with C. about (

) 26. A. with B. from C. on (

) 27. A. small B. big C. nice (

) 28 . A. on B. in C. at ( ) 29. A. want B. get C. put ( ) 30.A.girl B. woman C. boy B

I am a middle-school student. Now let ___31___ tell you something ___32___ our classroom. It's very ___33___. There are two maps ___34___ the back wall. ___35___ is a map of China. ___36___ is a map of the world (

世界 ). --专业文档--可编辑--指导学习-


There are ___37___ desks and chairs in our classroom. There is a big desk ___38___ the teacher in the front of it. We

___39___ four classes in the ___40___ and two in the afternoon.

B. my C. me ( 31. A. I

C. on ( 32. A.about B. in

C. ) 33. A.

B. big bigger ( small



( ) 34. A. in

C. One ( ) 35. A. It

C. The ) 36. A.

B. Others other ( Other

) 37. A.

B. forty C. forteen ( fourty ( ) 38. A. for

) 39. A. ( there is

) 40. A. ( moning

三.阅读理解 (50 分 )

B. of B. there are

C. to C. have

B. on B. It's

C. under

B. mourning C. morning


A I ’ m a police officer. My work is very exciting. It can be dangerous ,but I like it. Sometimes I

work around the city and

sometimes I work in the police station. I'm an actor. I work in a theatre( 剧场 )and I work late every night. When there ’ s too much work. I can It ’ s a difficult job, but it has lots of fun.

I'm a newspaper reporter. I'm always very busy. I 采访 )people on the street, and then I go back to interview( the office to write the story. My job is never boring. I am a bank clerk. I work with lots of money in a 富有 ).I meet’ manynot rich(people every day. bank, but I They give me their money or get their money from me. Sometimes I feel it boring. ( ) 41. Where does an actor


A. In the police station. B. In a theatre. C. On the street. ( ) 42.What do reporters often

do? A.They meet people on the street and ask them questions.

B.They work late in a theatre.

C.They work with lots of money.

( ) 43. How does a bank clerk think of his job? A.It has a lot of fun. B. It ’ s boring.C.It ’ s difficult. ( ) 44.If you find a thief, you should go to ________ for help.

A. a police officer B. an actor C. a reporter ( ) 45.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.A police officer always works in the

police station. B.An actor can relax many hours every day. C.A reporter often goes back to the office to write stories.



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