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二.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 16. –What is on the paper? --Some advice about ______. 6. Making small talk when necessary 7. Turn off cell phones during meeting 8. Excuse yourself when you leave a meeting before it is over A. going green B. charity work C. keeping fit D. improving manners

17. I have read the _____ of the park. It is the best place for us to spend a relaxing weekend. A. invitation B. introduction C. instructions D. interviews 18. –What do you think of the my ideas in this article?

--I agree with you ____, but not all of them sound practical(实际的). A. in the way B. on the way C. in some ways D. in this way

19. I helped the Students’ Union prepare for the show. I _______ 1,000 leaflets. A. handed out B. turned out C. passed out D. sold out

20. –What is the sign on the rubbish bin? –Is is a sign for “______”.

A. cycling B. reducing C.

21. –Have(雾霾) has been a serious problem in our city in the past few months.

--I agree. And the situation will be worse if nothing ____ to fight pollution in the future. A. has done B. will do C. will be done D. is done 22. –Does Dr. Li work for an international charity?

--Yes, he is a volunteer working for _____, which is part of the United Nations. A. OXFAM B. UNICEF C. ORBIS D. World Vision 23. –Can you use your phone to do word processing?

--Yes. My Huawei Mate 30 can be used _____ a minicomputer. A. for B. as C. with D. by

24. ‘Sara is not old enough to dress herself.’ Which of the following sentences has the same meaning?

A. Sara is so old that she can dress herself. B. Sara is so old that she can’t dress herself. C. Sara is not too old to dress herself. D. Sara is too young to dress herself. 25. –The job seems to be hard.

--So it does. I have made up my mind ____ it. A. to take B. to taking C. take D. taking

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26. Which of the following sentences uses punctuation marks correctly? A. When Jim was at primary. He often walked to school.

B. If you want some to move out of your way, say ‘ excuse me.’ C. ‘ I used to be afraid of flying’, said Mrs. Li.

D. ‘What an exciting experience it was!’ shouted John. 27. –Dad, how soon can we get the tickets? --Be patient. It will be our ____ soon. A. turn B. order C habit D. subject

28. It is nice _____ your mother ____ so much nice food for us. A. for, cooking B. of, cooking C. for, to cook D. of, to cook 29. –Mrs. Green is sometimes as ____ as a stone.

--That’s true. But you need to be patient enough to repeat your words when she does not catch them.

A. blind B. deaf C. elderly D. disabled

30. –A homeless man won a big prize. He became rich overnight. --_______.

A. Better safe than sorry B. The early bird catches the worm C. Every dog has its day D. Actions speak louder than words

三.完形填空(共10小题, 每小题1分,共10分)

Do you know that each day one person in the us throws away 4.4 pounds of rubbish? Several weeks ago the tv news said that in the city in Italy tons of rubbish were peeled up in the streets and smell was rather 31 . What can we do to help? We should 32 the three R's.

First, reduce. To reduce means to make 33 rubbish. That is one of the first thing we all should do for the 34 . We can reduce rubbish by doing things like picking your lunch in reusable containers(可利用的容器), Taking smaller portions at dinner. So you don't waste food when you have had enough, Writing on both sides of paper and using less water when taking a shower.

Second reuse to reuse is to use things again. Think about the bags you get from the stores 35 . can be re used to carry your lunch, to hold your rubbish, to collect use cans. 36 time you can even take them back to the store to carry your things instead of getting a new bag. It is light and takes little 37 . As bags in many stores are not Free for charge(收费), you can save money in this way!

Third, recycle. This idea. It's different from reuse. Recycling is a 38 that old products are used to make new ones. For example, you can send old clothes, broken computers or used paper products to local collection centers. With some work done, they will become part of 39 products.

Follow the three R's , and every one of us can do something to 40 the earth. It is also the best way to save ourselves. 31. A. good B. nice C. delicious D. terrible 32. A. follow B. separate C. touch D. borrow 33. A.no B. lights C. much D. feel 34. A. family B. school C. environment D. game 35. A. We B. He C. It D. They

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36. A. Last B. Second C. First 37. A. filling B. pollution C. time 38. A. process B. subject C. survey 39. A. new B. foreign C. dirty 40. A. punish B. bump C. lift


A Charity Run D. Next D. space D. unit D. cheap D. save

2.5Km Family Run Family (one adult and a child) $45(early bird) $50(normal) Every additional(额外的) adult: $25(early bird) $30(normal) Every additional child: $20(early bird) $25(normal) 5Km Fun Run Individual: $35(early bird) $40(normal) Group of 4: $130(early bird) $150(normal) 10Km Competitive Individual: $45(early bird) $50(normal) Group of 4: $170(early bird) $190(normal) Charity Run 2019, Jun 29, Saturday 7am onward Silver leaf-The gardens buy the bay For more information, please visit: charityrun. com Early bird pricing ends on Friday, April 19 2019 Registration(注册)closes on Tuesday, may 16 2019 Join us at the Family Carnival from Sam-3pm after running! 41. Sandy (10 years old), her parents and her young brother want to join the Family Run. How much should they pay before April 19? A.$90 B.$95 C. $100 D. $105 42. Which of the following is true?

A. The cost of charity, run is all the same.

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