1.The following four sentences present four different usages of the word不过. Please discuss the distinctions and connections among the four usages, illustrating your points with your own examples where necessary.1)不过二年,君必无患。2)他十七岁就结婚,一年后当了爸爸不过十八岁。3)这是个乖巧不过的孩子。4)我也没有长策,不过这种事情,其事已迫,不能计出万全的。(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Comment on the following observation in about 150 words.(武汉大学2010研)\meaning of a word is not an unanalysable whole. \(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.When a teacher says \to the theory of pragmatics when you analyze the situation.(人大2002研)(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.A speech act consists of three related acts according to J. L. Austin\Speech Act theory. What are they? Analyze the following conversation in the light of Speech Act theory.(北航2008研)Customer; Waiter! There\(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Explain speech act theory and list the different kinds of speech acts with examples for each.(浙江大学2004研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.Discuss the following sentences in terms of violation of maxims in the cooperative principle.(浙江大学2007研)a. I think he was married and had a lioness at home.b. A: What do you intend to do? B: I have a terrible headache.c. A: Where\(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Discuss the following advertisement extensively: \你不理财,财不理你\浙江大学2007研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.Imagine you were at a bus stop and two people approached you one after the other. The first said哎,几点了? and the second said不好意思,打搅一下,请问您戴表了吗?What assumptions would you make if you were addressed in these two ways and why would you make them?(北外2007研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.What kind of linguistic phenomenon can you identify in the following dialogue? Define, analyse and explain the phenomenon.(北外2010研)甲:上车请买票。乙:三张天安门。甲:您拿好。(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.What is meant by the term \from the term \(上海交大2007研;浙江大学2005研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.In interpreting utterances such as(1)and(2), the hearer generally treats the events described in the two sentences in each group as causally related even though such relationship is not encoded in the meanings of the sentences. That is, the hearer tends to think that Helen fell on the ground because of Tom\pushing and that the vase broke because it was dropped. Explain why.(1)Tom pushed Helen. Helen fell on the ground.(2)Peter dropped the vase. It broke.(北外2005研)(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________
12.In a coherent piece of writing, words and clauses are tied together in some ways. Use the following text to discuss what are some of the ways of tying together words and clauses to make a coherent piece of writing.With the careful dress of a bank manager and a fiat, classless accent, John Major is impossible to pigeonhole on either right or left of the Conservative Party. He has made remarkably few enemies in his rapid rise, although his easygoing charm reputedly conceals \long-standing friends.(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 13.What kind of implicative do the following exchanges of conversation possibly make? A; The skirt she is wearing is beautiful, isn\the pattern is nice.(The conversation is made when Speaker B knows for sure the obvious beauty of the skirt.)(南开大学2010研)(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.Why do you think that, all other things being equal, women use more standard variants of stable sociolinguistic variables than men?(北外2006研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.How do you understand the role of linguistic research in social and economic development?(南开大学2004研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 16.What are sociolinguistics of society and sociolinguistics of language?(武汉大学2007研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.How much does our language influence the way we think? How deeply do language and culture interpenetrate and influence one another? These questions about language have fascinated thinkers throughout the ages. For example, Johann Gottfried Herder and Wilhelm yon Humboldt in the German Romantic tradition regarded language as a prisma or grid spread over things in the world so that each language reflects a different worldview. Write a short essay to explain your position on this view.(北外2004研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.What is linguistic relativity and why is it so important in linguistic studies?(中山大学2006研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.Eskimos have many different words for different types of snow, Aborigines for different types of sand, and in Arabic one must choose from a whole range of words which are subsumed under the Western category CAMEL. Can you explain these phenomena with your linguistic knowledge?(北航2008研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.Research has found that two-year-old English children produce negative sentences such as a)to d), but not e):a)He doesn\cabbage.e)* Him doesn\(北外2006研)(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 21.In informal speech, people often omit sentence subjects because they are commonly understood. What are the omitted subjects in the following two sentences? Why do people know that these are the correct subjects?(南京大学2008研)a. Hope you like everything here.b. Just imagine what has just happened here.(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 22.Please briefly answer the following question IN ABOUT 500 WORDS:(四川大学2010
研)Anthropological linguists E. Sapir and B. Whorf claim that the language a people use shapes their perspective of perception, which in turn shapes their thought. The key notions of their famous \Hypothesis\include \determinism\and \relativity\Do you
know anything about the notions of theirs? If you do, what is your opinion on it? Please briefly express your ideas in a passage.(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 23.Comment on the following statement based on your own experience.Knowing words is the key, to understanding and being understood. The bulk of learning a new language consists of learning new words. Grammatical knowledge does not make for great proficiency in a language.(Vermeerl992)(武汉大学2005研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 24.What do you think are the similarities and dissimilarities between learning a first and a second language?(北外2003研)(分数:2.00)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 25.Analyze the following speech errors, by commenting on how they might have arisen;a. He rode his bike to school tomorrow.(←yesterday)b. gone mild.(←wild/mad)c. He misfumbled the ball.(←mishandled/fumbled)d. That\←terrible/horrible)(北外2006研)(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________