【期刊名称】《电子测试》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)023
【摘要】随着城市建设的不断发展和人类生活水平的不断提高,人们对建筑装饰的要求也越来越高,建筑装饰工程的施工管理是控制工程进度以及质量的关键。目前在实际的建筑装饰施工管理过程中,普遍存在为赶工程进度而调整施工计划,或为抢工期而忽略阶段性的节点工期,从而导致工程延期,质量无法保证,安全事故频繁发生等现象,这些情况的发生主要缘于建筑装饰施工计划的调控职能没有发挥其主要作用。本文从装饰施工进度管理计划重要性的总结入手,条分缕析了目前国内影响装饰工程施工进度的主要因素,在此基础上探讨了对施工进度控制的有效措施。%Along with the continuous development of city construction and the improvement of human life, people on the building decoration is also more and more high,the construction management of building decoration engineering is to control the project progress and quality of the key.At present in the actual building decoration construction management process,common adjustment to the construction plan to drive the progress of the project,or time limit for a project to repair and ignore the node construction stage, which lead to project delay,quality can not be guaranteed,and frequent occurrence of safety accidents, these situations are mainly due to the architectural decoration construction