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Start Unit 1 Good morning!



1. 好的_______ 2.早晨__________ 3. 你好_________ 4. 下午__________ 5. 晚上__________ 6.你们__________ 7. 健康的;美好的__________ 8. 谢谢_______


( ) 1. 一Good evening, Eric.

一_________, Cindy. A. Good morning

B. Good afternoon C. Good evening

( ) 2. 一Good morning!

一_________. A. Thank you. ( ) 3. 一Hello! 一_________. A. Hello!

B. Thank you.

C. I'm fine.

B. Good morning! C. Hello!

( ) 4. 一How are you? 一_________. A. I'm fine, thanks

B. My name is Li Lei C. Thank you

( ) 5. 早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说:“_________ ” A. Hello!

B. How are you?

C. Good morning, Mr. /Miss…! D. Good afternoon!

( ) 6. 当别人问你 “How are you?” 时,你应该说: “_________”

A. My name is Lin Lin. C. I am not.

B. Yes, I am.

D. I'm fine, thank you.


A ( ) 1. How are you? ( ) 2. Good afternoon, Cindy. ( ) 3. Hello! 四、连词成句

1. good, you, to, morning 2. you, hi, how, Grace, are 3. name, my, Jim, is 4. sit, please, down

5. fine, you, thank


A: Hello! B: _____1___________! A: What’s your name? B: _____2______name is Kate Green. A: ____3___ are you? B: Fine, ___4_______you. How are you? A: I’m fine. What’s this?


A. Good afternoon, Dale. B. Hello C. I'm fine, thanks.

B: _______5______ “Gg”. A: Thank__6_____. 答案:

一、1.good 2.morning 5. evening 6.you 二、1~5 CBAAC 6 D 三、1~3 CAB

四、1. Good morning to you. 3. My name is Jim. 5. Fine, thank you

五、1. Hello 2. My 5. It’s 6.you

3.hello 4.afternoon 7.fine 8.thanks 2. Hi, Grace, how are you?

4. Sit down, please. 3. How 4.thank

Start Unit 2 What’s this in English?




1. It’s a r______. 2. It’s a k_____.

3. It’s j______. 4. It’s an o______. 5. What’s this in E______? 6. Can you s______ it, please? 7. And w______ this? 8. Sit down, p______.


( ) 1.This is ____pen. It’s _____ English pen. A. a…an B. a…a C.an…an D.an…a ( ) 2.What’s this? ____ a quilt.

This’s B. This is C. It’s D. Its ( ) 3.What’s this in _____ English? A. an B. a C. the D./ ( ) 4. “I”和“O”是______。

A. 元音 B. 辅音 C. 元音字母 D. 辅音字母 ( ) 5. — Your jacket is nice.

— ______.

A. Thank you B. Yes, it’s nice C. That’s OK D. No, it isn’t ( ) 6. 与单词“eye”同音的字母是______。 A. Rr B. Ii C. Tt D. Aa


1. This is (an, a) orange. 2. It (is, are) black and white. 3. How are (I, you)?

4. Tom is my (fine, good) friend. 5. Well, (it’s, it) a blue quilt.


从方框中选择句子完成对话。 A: Hi, Alice! How are you? B: I’m fine. 1 A: I’m OK.

B: What’s this in English? A: 2 B: Good. 3 A: R-U-L-E-R.



