【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2009(037)033
【摘要】[目的] 研究1-MCP处理对贮前不同预熟度南果梨贮后生理及货架品质变化规律的影响. [方法] 以南果梨为试材,采收后用1.0 μl/L 1-MCP在室温(20~25 ℃)下处理18 h,将经1-MCP处理过的果实贮前分别进行0、5、10 d的预熟处理,研究1-MCP处理对冷藏后货架期间的不同预熟度南果梨生理和贮藏品质变化规律的影响.[结果] 1-MCP处理显著地降低了南果梨果实呼吸强度与内源乙烯生成量,抑制果实硬度的下降,延缓了果皮转色,有利于果柄保鲜,抵制果实腐烂率、果心褐变的发生, 还明显地延长果实贮后货架期.1-MCP处理对贮前预熟5 d处理的果实各项指标均好于预熟10 d处理的果实.[结论] 采用1-MCP处理南果梨果实,贮前预熟5 d的果实适于长期贮藏;贮前预熟10 d的果实适宜中短期贮藏.%[Objective] The purpose was to study the effect of 1-MCP treatment on the change law for the physiology and shelf-life quality of Nanguo pear fruit with different pre-ripeness degree after refrigeration. [Method] With Nanguo pear as the tested material, the harvested fruits were treated with 1.0 μl/L 1-MCP at root temperature (20-25 ℃) for 18h, and then the treated fruits were again treated for pre-ripeness for 0, 5, 10 d resp. before the refrigeration to study the effect of 1-MCP treatment on the change law for the physiology and storing quality of Nanguo pear fruit with different pre-ripeness degree
during shelf-life stage after refrigeration [Result] 1-MCP treatment reduced the respiration rate and endogenous ethylene formation amount of Nanguo pear fruits obviously, inhabited the decrease of fruit firmness, delayed the color-changing of fruit peel, made for the fresh-keeping of fruit stem, resisted the emergence of fruit decay and core browning and extended the shelf-life of fruits after storage remarkably. The various indexes of the 1-MCP-treated fruits with pre-ripeness treatment for 5 d before storage were better than that with pre-ripeness treatment for 10 d. [Conclusion] After Nanguo pear fruits were treated with 1-MCP, the treated fruits were again treated with pre-ripeness for 5 d before storage was suitable for long term storage and that treated with pre-ripeness for 10 d before storage was suitable for medium and short term storage.
【关键词】南果梨;1-MCP;预熟;生理;货架品质 【作者】杨卫东;李江阔;张平;孙希生
【作者单位】天津市农业科学院,天津,300192;国家农产品保鲜工程技术研究中心,天津农产品采后生理与贮藏保鲜重点实验室,天津,300384;国家农产品保鲜工程技术研究中心,天津农产品采后生理与贮藏保鲜重点实验室,天津,300384;美国罗门哈斯中国公司,北京,100016 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】S609~+.3
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-anhui-agricultural-sciences_thesis/020122181650.html 【相关文献】
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