Unit 6 Tell me when the pain started.教学设计
基 本 信 息 章节名称 学科 设计者 《英语》(基础模块2)Unit 6 Tell me when the pain started (Listening and Speaking) 英语 任云雅 授课班级 所属学校 15旅游班 汨罗市职业中专学校 授课时数 1课时 教 材 分 析 本课内容选自高等教育出版社《英语》基础模块2第二版第六单元“Tell me when the pain started”。该教材是中等职业教育课程改革国家规划新教材,各单元内容充分体现任务性、实践性、应用性等特点,以任务为导向,以活动为依托,以语言为载体,话题贴近生活,设置多个职场环境,体现职业特色。每个单元都设计有Lead-in, Listening and speaking, self-check, life and culture等8项内容。修订后的教材内容更精炼,重点更突出,更加注重职场环境中英语语言应用能力的培养。同时,新版教材设计了全新的版式,情景更真实,教材更美观,使学生们更具学习乐趣。 本单元的任务是掌握有关疾病、健康的常用词语,就病情进行简单描述,电话中预约医生,进行简短对话等。本单元话题“叙述病症和就医”是《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》涵盖内容,与实际生活紧密结合,容易激发学生的学习热情,调动学生的学习积极性。本课为本单元的听说环节,重在词汇和句型的应用,为阅读和写作打下基础。 任教班级为旅游管理专业一年级学生,全班都是女生。职校学生普遍英语基础较薄弱,英语词汇量有限,学习上缺乏自信心,自主学习能力,理解和分析问题的能力、书面和口头表达能力较欠缺,但旅游专业学生大都属于外向型性格,热情,活泼,喜欢交流,表现欲望强,活动能力、协调能力、交际能力、组织能力、应变能力等方面明显优于其他专业或普高学生,在英语课堂上对感兴趣的活动会积极参与。另外,班级还有半数学生为对口高考生,学习目标明确,基础较好。鉴于这些特点,教师要因材施教,分层教学,设置学生感兴趣的活动,让他们投入到课堂活动中来。此外,学校标准的多媒体教室、丰富的数字化资源、全面覆盖的校园网络等也为学生的学习提供了便利条件。 根据教材的特点,结合任教学生的具体情况,把教学内容分成一个个小任务,对话练习时进行情景模拟,让学生进行小组合作,探究式学习,针对不同层次的学生有不同的要求(如脱离材料表演、带着材料表演、带着材料朗读、跟着老师或同学读、)。为了吸引学生对话题的兴趣,教师在导入环节设置了一组生动有趣的图片和一个猜词游戏来导入课堂内容,充分利用多媒体教室、智能手机、数字化资源库、互联网等信息化教学手段。课前,利用班级微信群向学生布置任务,让每个学生利用多方面途径登陆学校资源库或者互联网,搜索相关资料,自主学习。课上,在多媒体教室播放教学视频、课文录音、知识点微课录像等, 有效提高课堂效率,激发学生参与各项任务的热情,从而培养学生在日常生活和职业场景中的英语应用能力。 学 情 分 析 设 计 思 路 1 / 71 / 71 / 71
(一)知识与技能: 词汇和短语stomachache, toothache, fever, cough, headache, back pain, runny nose, sore throat等。 学习预约和就医的常见句型: 1) I’d like to make an appointment with…… 2) What’s wrong/the matter/the trouble with you? 3) How long have you felt this way? For……/Since…… 能运用相关句型就病情进行简单描述、与医生、护士进行交谈。 能运用相关句型针对特定情况改编对话并进行自由交谈。 (二)过程与方法 通过对话的练习和改编,让学生认识到套用一定的模式改编对话并不难。 通过单词学习、对话的练习和改编,以及分层教学和评价,让学生意识到自己属于哪个层次,对自己有个清晰的定位,对于英语学习既不丧失信心又不高看自己,保持良好的心态和学习热情。 通过电话预约、描述病况等模拟真实交际活动提高用英语交际的能力。 (二)情感、态度和价值观: 通过点评学生的课前课堂表现,让学生拥有成就感,增强自信心。 通过小组合作,培养学生的合作精神和组织协调能力。 引导学生用积极的人生态度、健康的生活方式面对生活,养成良好的生活习惯。 引导学生了解“预约服务”的意义,在今后的生活中养成“预约服务”的习惯,提高办事效率。 学生能够掌握重点词汇和短语stomachache, toothache, fever, cough, headache, back pain, runny nose, sore throat等; 学生能够掌握并运用重点句型I’d like to make an appointment with……/What’s wrong/the matter/your trouble? How long have you felt this way? For……/Since……等进行交流 让无法独立朗读一个较长句子的学生学会完成对话的朗读。 让学生通过小组合作,运用重点单词和句型,完成叙述病情、电话预约医生等任务。 教法:以任务型教学为主,结合交际型教学进行情景模拟训练,适当运用分层教学 学法:任务型学习、小组合作探究学习、自主学习 多媒体教学设备、 数字资源库、智能手机、互联网 制定具体任务,发布到班级微信群和QQ群。 让旅游班学生发挥特长,课前搜集资料,准备课堂表演。 分组(6-7人一组)每组尽量分配一个英语口语基础相对好一点的学生做组长,起引领作用。 对课文录音进行剪辑,以备逐段、逐句播放时使用。 准备PPT课件。 录制微课视频。 制定课堂评价表。 2 / 72 / 72 / 72
教 学 目 标 教学 重点 教学 难点 教学 方法 教学 手段 课 前 准 备
教学过程 教学环节
Greet the whole class as usual Ask: Is everybody here today?
If everybody is present, show & the Ss a short video.
If not, ask:
What’s wrong with him/her? Is the boy or girl ill?
Activity 1: Word study
Show some pictures to the Ss one by one and ask them to name the illness.
T: Well done! Look at these pictures. What’s wrong with these people?
Uses different sentences to ask:
What’s wrong with the man/woman?
What’s the matter with the girl/boy/baby?
What’s his/her trouble? Correct Ss’ mistakes if any. Help them use complete sentences to answer questions: E.g.
He/She has a headache/sore throat/back pain, etc.
Ask: Do you know some other common illnesses?
Help Ss recall more words about illnesses and explain the
Greet as usual
Answer: Yes/No.
Ss explain the reason of absence.
设计意图 通过查看班级日志,了解班级出勤情况,结合当天或平常学生请病假的情况导入话题,以贴近学生生活的实例引入话题,简单,真切,激发学生学习的积极性和学习兴趣。 预习单词是学生的课前任务之一。
Step 1: Greeting lead-in (3 minutes)
Step 2: Brain-storm (2+2+6=10 minutes)
Ss are required to learn words before class.
Ss may answer like these:
Fever/toothache/cough/headache/back pain (sore back)/stomachache/sore throat/runny nose.
Ss may answer like this:
Heart disease, cancer,high blood pressure
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meaning if necessary.
Activity 2: Read aloud.
When reading, show the pictures again to help Ss remember the meaning of words.
Activity 3: Act and guess. Consolidate important sentences again.
What’s wrong with her?
What’s the matter with the girl?
What’s her trouble?
Step 3: Listening & speaking (6+6+6=18 minutes)
Activity 1: Listen and finish the tasks.
T: Congratulations to our best actress! Good job in last three activities! Now let’s listen to a dialogue carefully and finish the tasks on the screen.
Task 1: What’s the relationship between the speakers?
Task 2: Please underline the sentences about illness and translate them.
(Repeat the tape twice or more based on Ss’ feedback. Check Ss’ answer and make comments. Draw Ss’ attention to the sentences about illness.)
Activity2: Language points. T: Well done, girls! Now, let’s emphasize on the important points in the dialogue. Have you previewed my micro lecture? Let’s learn it again and you please do these exercises by yourselves.
(T records a micro lecture on the language points and show it to the Ss. Upload it to the digital resource database of
Ss read the words aloud after the 活动2的目的是teacher. 让学生准确读出 单词,掌握词义, 为接下来的对话 学习作准备。
One of the assignments is to prepare 活动3的目的是for the acting. 检测学生课前任Ask 3 Ss to act before class and other 务的完成情况,Ss guess the illnesses. 同时,增加课堂Compare the Ss’ acting and other Ss 趣味性,调动学decide the best actress. 生积极参与,帮
助学生再现常见疾病的名称和询问健康问题的句式。 Ss listen to the tape and work in groups and each group leader reads aloud their answer.
Ss are supposed to preview the language points by watching the micro lecture. In class,
Ss have to do some exercises.
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the school or QQ zone so that Ss can study the points whenever they need to.) Activity 3: Read aloud after the tape and practice. Ss read the dialogue aloud after the T: Now, dear Ss, if you haven’t tape and practice speaking with their understood the language partners. points, you can use your smart phones to watch the micro lecture after class. Let’s move to next activity. Please read the dialogue aloud after the tape and practice with your partners. Later, I’ll ask you to act it out.
(T pays close attention to those Ss who have difficulties in pronunciation and communication. Encourage and help them. After reading, ask different groups to read together as the nurse or patient.)
Step 4: Role play. (10 minutes)
T: Good job! Now, let’s work in groups, make a similar dialogue like the one you have just learned. Each group can choose one to make a dialogue. I’ll ask some pairs to act it out after you finish it. Let’s see which group can make it better. You can use the model on the screen to help you.
(T shows the models through PPT to help the students if necessary.)
Ask each group choose a pair to act out the dialogue before class.
Ss work in groups; make a similar dialogue like the one they have learned.
Ss watch a short vide0.
Some pairs act it out after they finish it in a simulated environment, including a telephone, a nurse uniform and the sound of telephone.
Step 5: Evaluation Summary (3 minutes)
T:All of you have done a good
& job in today’s class! Now let’s Ss review what they learnt in class
review what we have learned with the help of PPT. today.
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