(2) 介词词组
From Knowledge Engineeringto Knowledge Management(介词词组+介词词组)On the correlation between working memory capacity and performance on intelligence testsitdfitllitt(3)名词/名词词组+介词词组(3)
Simulation of Controlled Financial Statements (名词+介词词组)
The impact of internal marketing activities on external marketingoutcomes(名词+介词词组+介词词组)marketing outcomes (
Diversity in the Future Work Force (名词+介词词组)Models of Sustaining Human and Natural Development (名词+介词词组) 标题中的介词词组一般用来修饰名词或名词词标题中的介词词组般用来修饰名词或名词词组从而限定某研究课题的范围这种结构与中文组,从而限定某研究课题的范围。这种结构与中文的“的”字结构相似,区别是中文标题中修饰语在的的字结构相似,区别是中文标题中修饰语在前,中心词在后。英文正好相反,名词在前,而作为修饰语的介词短语在后。例如:
Progress on Fuel Cell and its Materials (燃料电池及其材料进展)(4)其他形式(4)
Is B2B e-IsB2Be-Is B2B ee-commerce ready for prime time?commercereadyforprimetime?Can ERP Meet Your eCanERPMeetYoure-e-Business Needs?BusinessNeeds?
模式1 研究课题:具体内容。例如:
Microelectronic Assembly and Packaging Technology:Barriers and Needs
The Computer Dictionary Project: an update模式2 2研究课题:方法/性质。例如:B2B E-B2B E-Commerce: A Quick IntroductionThe Use of Technology in Higher Education Programs: a National Survey模式3 研究课题:问题焦点。例如:
Caring about connections: gender and computingCaringaboutconnections:genderandcomputing
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