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现代大学英语精读4 - lesson1 - lesson8课后答案

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10) The Business Bank now offers a special loan to students who can’t pay for their


11) The boy asked Mrs. Stow for the loan of her binoculars.

12) She concluded her speech by saying that she hoped she could come again some day and

see more of the country.

13) As soon as they concluded the investigation, they were to report to the Security


14) During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India. 15) Based on those reasonable doubts, the jury had to conclude that the boy was not guilty. 16) She is flying to New York by way of Tokyo.

17) I’d like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century

by way of an introduction to the movie.

18) They decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest.

5. Put the most appropriate words in the blanks.

1) while/although; to 2) over/about; with 3) to; in

4) led to/resulted in/caused 5) with; lends/gives/brings 6) from; in 7) as to; of

8) in the even of; survive 9) to; to; study 10) out; in

11) in; weight/priority 12) denote; of

13) immersed/buried; more or less 14) rather; the more

15) at; stems from/comes from/originates from/results from 16) base; filled in

Lesson Four A Drink in the Passage

I. Oral work (omitted)

II. Vocabulary Test: 1 Translate

1) into Chinese. (1)难以解决的两难困境 (2)一本难以看懂的书 (3)一个爱交际的女人 (4)黑市

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(5)黑色幽默 (6)害群之马

2) into English

(1)to celebrate its Golden Jubilee (2)to excite admiration (3)to touch the conscience (4)to win the prize

(5)to receive a reprimand (6)to omit the words

2. Study the difference between the following pairs or groups of words. 1)

(1)renounce (2)announce (3)renounce (4)denounced 2)

(1)avoid; prevent (2)prevent (3)avoid (4)averted/ avoided/ prevented

III. Grammar work

1. Complete the following sentences with the right from of the verb in the brackets. (1) is (2) are (3)was (4)frightens

2. Translate the sentences into English.

1) Using “It is/ was said/ believed, etc.” to express general beliefs. (1)It’s widely rumored that Linda’s getting promoted.

(2)It is estimated that the project will cost RMB three billion. (3)It is assumed that the Labor Party will remain in power.

(4)It was proposed a few years ago that the president be elected for one term only. 2) Paying special attention to subject-verb agreement. (1)The jury is having trouble reaching a verdict.

(2)Whenever either of us is in a tight corner, we always come to each other’s help. (3)Statistics are facts obtained from analyzing information given in numbers.

(4)Statistics is a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of information that is expressed in numbers.

3. Put in appropriate connectives.

(1)as , where , that/which, if/ whether, but , if.

4. Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (1) B (2)A (3)A


Key to the exercises Vocabulary 1. Translate.

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2) into Chinese.

(1)非理性因素 (2)过去的好日子 (3)思想模式 (4)旧的故事 (5)思路 (6)鲜明的对比

(7)强烈的满足感 (8)感情上的联想 (9)一场恶吵 (10)酸葡萄 (11)—毫无根据的意见 (12)社会地位

(13)重要而有说服力的因素 (14)怀疑的余地 (15)一种教条的观点 (16)大学者们/大才子们 (17)不可避免的结果 (18)长期的斗争 (19)互相矛盾冲突的观点 (20)鲜明的例子 (21)根深蒂固的信仰 (22)仅仅是断言 2) into English.

(1) to classify propositions (2) to hold an opinion

(3) to establish convictions (4) to reverse the process (5) to question the truth (6) to adopt a new belief , (7) to demonstrate the contrary (8) to credit the fact (9) to entertain an opinion (10) to acquire wealth (11) to extend the term (12) to abandon belief

(13)to value their respect (14) to belittle their opinions (15) to make an allowance (16) to alter our thought patterns (17) to take the same course (18) to parrot others' ideas 2. Put appropriate prepositions or adverbs in the blanks.

1) out/:over 2) on/upon 3) at; about 4) off 5) on; off 6) out; as 7) as; out 8) off 9) as; out 10) on; as 11) off; as 12) at; as 13) as; out 14) out; out

3. Replace the words and expressions italicized with suitable words and expressions from the text.

1) meet with; proposition; bare assertion 2) accept a view uncritically; rests upon; mere

3) deeply-rooted propositions; established 4) hold opposite views; conflicting interests

5) parroting; tend to; such ideas as fit in with 6) conceive of; consistent with

7) is also true of; make allowance for 8) stock subjects; going to the dogs 9) in fashion; a strong argument in its favor 10) bear grudge against; or as the case may be

11) belittle; are jealous of 12) attribute to

13) As a rule; would be the last person to 14) consists in; shaking off 15) In light of; on our guard 16) left us with no doubt 4. Translate.

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1) We’ll achieve this result at any cost.

2) Our economy began to grow by leaps and bounds as a result of the reform and opening- up policy.

3) His repressive policies only resulted in his quick fall.

4) Many of our present problems in a way result from our large population. 5) The fact that you like somebody may dispose you to like his ideas also. 6) So far we still have not found a safe way to dispose of nuclear waste. 7) These shoes fit me perfectly. I'll take them.

8) This set of furniture fits into our sitting room.

9) The innkeeper found that the man fit the description of the wanted murder suspect.

10) To keep fit, you should avoid eating too much salt, sugar and fat. 11) The water was no longer even fit to swim in, let alone to drink. 12) He was suddenly seized by a fit of laughter.

13) She has had fits every now and then since she was a child. 14) This subway will be extended to Cover the whole city.

15) I would tike to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to you.

I6) The effect of the economic reform will naturally extend to other fields. 17) Many people prefer government bonds to stocks.

18) This kind of jacket is out of stock.

19) This is one of his stock jokes. I have heard it many times. 5. Complete the following sentences.

1) were brought up in a different country; think and behave like a native of that country.

2) will produce ten million kilowatts of power annually

3) that she did not care for office work 4) the boy stabbing his own father 5) postpone my retirement for another year 6) pursue her studies overseas 7) go to my brother 8) why we should accept it 9) give us the excuse for doing wrong things

10) he had been unusually lucky to have the best learning and working conditions

11) she had very poor health 12) school education is useless 13) as 14) as 15) share my basic value 16) say no 17) take money

18) the rewards hey cannot get 19) good food and drink(s), sex, etc. 20) of which; in which/on which/under which21) she was very angry

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22) we must not allow others blindly 23) teachers are also inspired by good students

6. Give brief comments on the following, using some of the expressions listed below.

1) Not always true. If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it will still be a foolish thing.

Truth always has to be discovered by one individual first.

2) Then why do we need to recruit workers? Why do we ask people to give us a hand?

3) And how many is \ry?

4) Are we sure it will not lead to poor efficiency?

5) Time is money. What about many other things? There was a time when we believed that money was dirty and an evil monster, and now we hear that money is everything. Isn't it just like a fashion that comes and goes?

6) To change things in what way? Can't they choose just to destroy? Isn't it possible that they will replace the old order with an order just as bad? Won't they upset social stability when stability is necessary for the whole nation?

7) A popular saying during the \ way around? Isn’t it true that the water of the mighty river comes from the small tributaries in the first place?

8) But who are the people? Do the voters really have equal power and influence? In a country where wealth is concentrated, how can power avoid being concentrated too?

9) This sounds pleasant in the ear, but it is not exactly true. Our arable land is only 7% of the world’s total; pur per-capita water only one-third of the world’s average; timer, one-sixteenth; oil, 2% of the world's total; natural gas, 1.2% of the world's total.

10) This old saying is based on a false analogy. It is popular in a male-dominant society.

Men cling to this view not because it is true, but because it is useful to them.

11) Not necessarily true. Good deeds should be their own reward. This old saying is meant to encourage people to do good, but because it is based on the concept of investment for future profits, many people refuse to make this unwise investment.

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现代大学英语精读4 - lesson1 - lesson8课后答案


