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北师大版高中英语选修八 Unit23 conflict-词汇篇2(学生版)

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Unit 23 Confilct词汇篇2

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1、掌握第二单元第二课及第三课的重点单词||,短语及句型||。 2、灵活运用第二单元第二课及第三课的重点单词||,短语及句型||。 1. keep off 减去||,让开||,不接近 归纳拓展: keep away 使离开

keep back 阻止||,阻挡;隐瞒(某事);扣除(钱) keep down 控制||,压制 keep out 关在门外||,不准入内 keep to 坚持||,保持||,不离开 keep up 继续||,坚持 典型例句:

You keep away from my daughter!你离我女儿远点! You can use herbicides to keep down the weeds.你可以用除草剂控制杂草的生长||。 There was a notice saying “Keep off the grass”.那儿有一块告示||,上面写着“勿踏草地||。” I don’t think I can keep this up any longer.我认为这事我再也坚持不下去了||。 2. come about 发生 归纳拓展:

come across 被理解;(偶然)遇见 come around/round 恢复知觉||,苏醒 come at sb. 扑向某人 come by sth. 设法得到

come down on sb. 斥责||,训斥||,惩罚 come down to sb. (从很久以前)流传下来 come along进展||,发展 come out 出版||,发行||, come up上升||,靠近||,

come up with sth. 找到(答案);提出 come to an end 结束 典型例句:

Can you explain how it came about that you were an hour late?

How’s your English coming along?你英语学得怎么样?



He came at me with a knife.他拿着刀子向我冲过来||。 3. get one’s own back 报复 归纳拓展:

get back 返回||,回去||,回家

get sth.back 寻回||,找回||,重新获得(丢失的东西) get back at sb. 向某人报复

get back to sb. 以后再答复、回复某人 get along 合得来;进展

get behind (with sth.) 拖延||,落后

get by (on/in/with sth.) 靠……维持生计||,勉强应付 get down to sth./doing sth. 开始做某事/开始认真注意某事 get at sb. (通常用于进行时)一再批评||,不断指责||,老是数落某人 get over 从(疾病||,痛苦的经历)中恢复过来 get through 熬过;设法对付;打通

警示误区:get back 本意为“拿回||,找回(属于自己的东西)”||,at 为介词||,表示目标“对着||,向着”||,所以get back at sb.表示“向某人报复”||。 典型例句:

If you get back in time||,you can come with us.


He got his old job back.他恢复了原职||。 I’ll get back at him one day.有一天我会报复他的||。

I can’t give you a definite answer now||,but I’ll get back to you about it. 我现在不能给你明确的回答||,但以后会再作答复的||。 I’ve got a lot of work to do||,but I can’t seem to get down to it. 我有好多工作要做||,可我好像就是没法安下心来去做||。 4. carry off 掠去||,夺走; 获得; 成功对付

People used to be afraid of that the gypsies might carry their children off. 人们过去总害怕吉卜赛人会把他们的孩子拐走||。

Although he had only rehearsed the part a few times||, he carried it off beyond all expectations. 他对这角色虽然只排练了几次||,但是他完全出人意料地演得非常成功||。 归纳拓展:

carry out 实行||,履行 carry on(with/doing sth.) 继续做 carry away 运走; 使……失去自制力 carry through 完成; 渡过难关 carry sb. back(to sth.) 使某人回忆起

Three students were chosen to carry out the experiment. 挑选了三名学生进行这项实验||。


They will carry on their negotiations next week. 他们将于下周继续进行谈判||。

Only his courage carried him through his illness. 他完全是靠勇气渡过了疾病这一关||。

5. Seldom has drumming caused such conflict. 由于练鼓而引起 这样的纠纷是很少见的||。 归纳拓展:

这是一个倒装句||。seldom“很少”||,当seldom放在句首时||,句子要部分倒装||。 Never/Seldom has there been so much protest against the bomb. 这么强烈的反对原子弹的抗议活动从未/很少有过||。

Little does he realize how important this meeting is.他对这个会议的重要性不甚了解||。 On no account must you accept any money if he offers it. 他如要给你钱||,你可绝不能接受||。 当这种副词不在句首时||,当然应该用正常词序:

There has never/seldom been so much protest against the bomb. 从未/很少发生过这么强烈的反对原子弹的抗议活动||。 He little realizes how important this meeting is. 他不甚明白这个会议的重要性||。 (1)倒装的原因


seldom(很少)||,little(很少)||,rarely(很少、难得)||,hardly(几乎不)||,never(从不)||,on no account(没任务条件)等 (2)倒装后的句子结构


Rarely did he go anywhere except to his office.他难得去什么地方||,除了他的办公室以外||。 ②副词+be动词+主语+其它

Never is he interested in that.他对那个从不感兴趣||。 6. It was only after careful consideration that we gave Yang Ming a warning.在慎重考虑之后||,我们给了杨明一个建议||。 归纳拓展:

该句是一个强调句||,强调的是时间状语:only after careful consideration||。

原句是We gave Yang Ming a warning only after careful consideration.强调句型It is... that... ||,可用于强 调主语、宾语、状语等句子成分||。

London will host the 2019 Olympic Games.伦敦将主办(原句)

It is London that will host the 2019 Olympic Games.将主办2019年奥运会的是伦敦||。(强调主语) It is the 2019 Olympic Games that London will host.伦敦将主办的是2019年奥运会||。(强调宾语) It is in 2019 that London will host the Olympic.伦敦主办奥运会将是在2019年||。(强调时间状语) 用法归类——强调句的用法




(1)连接词通常用that||,强调“人(主语)”时可用who||。 (2)用于强调主语、宾语、状语等句子成分||。

(3)时态分为两类:如果原句是现在时态或将来时态||,用“It is... that... ”的句型;如果原句是过去时态||,用“It was... that... ”的句型||。

(4)强调句中的“It is... ”不可缩写为“It’s... ”||。 用法拓展——强调句的疑问句

(1)一般疑问句:Is/Was it + 被强调的部分 + that + 句子的其他部分?

Is it in 2019 that the next Olympic Games will be held?下一届奥运会是在2019年举行吗? (2)特殊疑问句:疑问词 + is/was it +被强调的部分+that+句子的其他部分? When was it that the Gulf War broke out?海湾战争究竟是在什么时候爆发的||。 例1. ________ oil ||, or else it will perish your rubber boots. A. Keep back B. Keep off C. Keep down D. Keep to

解析:考查keep 的短语辨析||。 keep back“阻止”;keep off“让开||,不接近”;keep down“控制”;keep to“坚持”||。句意为:远离油||,否则它将损坏你的橡胶靴||。 答案:B

例 2. When he came to himself||,he couldn’t remember how the accident ________. A. came across B. came about

C. came along D. came from

解析:句意为:当他醒来时||,他记不起车祸是怎样发生的||。 come about “发生||,产生”||,符合句意||。A、C、D三项分别为“偶然遇见”||,“出现||,来到”||,“来自某地”||,均不符合题意||,故选B项||。 答案:B

例3. He tricked me this time but I’ll ________ him one day. A. get over B. get by C. get back at D. get through

解析:句意为:这次他欺骗了我||,但总有一天我会报复他的||。 get over“从(疾病||,痛苦的经历)中恢复过来”;get by (on/in/with sth.)“靠……维持生计||,勉强应付”;get back at sb.“向某人报复”; get through “熬过||,设法对付||,打通”||。 答案:C

例4. Hardly ________ to school late these days. A. does she go B. she does go C. she goes D. goes she


解析: 因为hardly位于句首||,所以要把助动词does提前构成部分倒装||。 答案:A

例5. Little ________ like playing the piano when he was a boy. A. he does B. does he C. did he D. he did

解析:因为否定词little位于句首||,所以要把助动词did提前构成部分倒装||。 答案:C



1. In my opinion||, schools should __________(采用)different approaches to arouse the students’ interest in study .

2. It was __________(考虑周到的)of you to remind me of the meeting tonight. Otherwise||, I would have forgotten it.

3. He got the position on the strength of his skills in __________(财政). 4. You should __________ (分配)the same amount of time to each question. 5. The soldiers __________(使锋利)up their knives.

6. It has been __________ (推算)that the project will last five months. 二、单句写作||。

1. 在某种程度上我与你意见一致||,但我并不同意你的所有观点||。

I agree with you __________ __________ __________ ||, but I don’t agree with everything. 2. 他除了脸部和双手受伤外||,两条腿也断了||。

__________ __________ the injuries to his face and hands||, he broke both legs. 3. 一个错误就有可能导致整个工程失败||。

A small mistake can even __________ __________the failure of the whole project. 4. 总之||,跟他辩论是没用的||。

__________ __________ __________ ||, it is no use arguing with him.

5. 我们在任何情况下都不要被困难打倒||,相反||,我们应该利用一切可能的办法来战胜困难||。 __________ __________ __________ can we be defeated by difficulties||, Instead||, we should use __________ __________ __________ to overcome them. Keys:



【 】1.It is Harry Potter Ⅶ________ has just been published.

A. that

B. which

C. who

D. when

【 】2. It was what he meant rather than what he said ________ annoyed me. A. which B. as

C. what D. that

【 】3. No one has ________ a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs die out. A. come up B. come across


北师大版高中英语选修八 Unit23 conflict-词汇篇2(学生版)


