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Oxford English 2A

M1 U1(1)

Aims Teaching focus To learn the following words, e.g, afternoon, evening, night, morning. To greet the others, e.g., Good …. Teaching Aids media, mask, cards, etc. Procedures Step Pre-task preparation Teacher's activities 1. Sing a song. 2. Say a rhyme. Students' activities 1. Sing a song. 2. Say a rhyme. 1. Ss: Good afternoon. 2. Boys read it. Girls read it. 3. Say “Good afternoon.” to the others. 4. Say together. (Good afternoon, …) 1. Ss: No. 2. Choose the answer. 3. Play a guessing game. 4. Role-play in the evening show (animals’ masks) 5. Work in pairs. 1. S: I see… 2. Read 3. Say a rhyme. 4. Make a rhyme 1. Ss: Good night.

Purpose 利用歌曲,让学生进入学习状态。 While-task procedure 1. To teach :afternoon (1) To elicit: T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. (Show the word and picture.) (2) Read the word. (3) T: Say “good afternoon” to your classmates or teachers. (4) Show some pictures (Kitty, Alice, Danny, Eddie, Miss Fang.) 2. To teach: evening (1) Show a picture and ask: Look at the sun. Is it afternoon? (2) Read the word. (3) Fill in the blanks: _vening (4) Guess: Morning or Evening? (5) Say “Good evening” to Mr tiger, Mr dog, … (6)Let student do pair-work 3. To teach: night (1) T: Look, the sun is missing. What do you see? (2) Read (3) Show a picture (a girl says “Good night” to 根据上课的实际时间,先教授afternoon一词. 从情景过度到实际生活,学生从学到用。 通过这一练习,使学生初步感知单词evening的词形。 创设情景,给学生特定的语境,

her mum and dad.) (Enjoy a song: Good night.) Rhyme: 2. Follow the teacher Night, night, good night, 3. Sing or enjoy the song Mum. Night, night, good night, Dad. Good night, good night, Hu----hu--- (4) Make a new rhyme. (5) Show a picture of night. T: It’s night. Good night, children. 4.To teach: morning (1) Listen to a cock (sound) (2) Read (3) Enjoy a song. 回归生活实际。 通过歌曲,活跃课堂气氛的同时巩固单词。 Post-task activity 1. Follow the teacher, then read 2. What is missing? 3. Clap or repeat 4. Look and say 5. Look and choose e.g. Good ____. (picture) 1. afternoon 2. morning 1. Say after the teacher 2. Do more exercises Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read the new words. 2. Try to greet your parents. 养成课后复习、坚持听录音的学习英语的好习惯。 板书设计 教学反思 Oxford English 2A M1 U1 (2)

Content 2AM1U1 Greetings Look and say

Aims To learn the sentences: How are you, …? I’m fine. Thank you. / And you? I’m fine, too. To greet others fluently. media, mask, cards, etc. Procedures Teacher’s activities 1. Song 2. Look and say. 3. Quick response. 1. Teach: How are you, ...? I’m fine. Thank you. ① Show a picture about Miss Fang and Eddie. T-P ② Play the media and Teach “ I’m fine. Thank you. P-P ③ Put on the mask of Eddie on the head and greet the students. 3. Teach: I’m fine. Thank you. And you? / I’m fine, too. ① Put on the mask of Miss Fang on the head and greet with the students. T-P ② Teach: I’m fine. Thank you. And you? ③ Teach: I’m fine, too. T-P ④ Work in pairs. T-S S1-S2 Students’ activities 1. Sing the song. 2. Look and say. 3. Quick response. 1. Learn: How are you, ...? I’m fine. Thank you. ① Follow the teacher and say. T-P ② Learn “I’m fine. Thank you. P-P ③ Greet Eddie. 3. Learn: I’m fine. Thank you. And you? / I’m fine, too. ① Greet Miss Fang. T-P ② Learn: I’m fine. Thank you. And you? ③ Learn: I’m fine, too. T-P ④Work in pairs.

Purpose 歌曲,互相招呼中让学生对前一课时的内容进行适当的复习和回顾。 开门见山,突破难点和重点。 联系实际生活,对学生的语言量进行适当的扩充以达到在生活中的运用。 联系生活,让学生正确使用所学知识在生活加以实践。 Language focus Teaching aids Step Pre-task preparation While-task procedure

G1-G2 B-G Post-task activity 1. Look and choose. 2. Look and say. 3. Act out the dialogue. 1. Look and choose. 2. Look and say. 3. Act out the dialogue. 让小朋友在看一看、选一选、读一读、演一演中加强对本课的巩固。 Assignment 1. Read the text and recite it. 2. Greet your parents or friends. 板 书 设 计 1A M1U1 Greetings How are you, ...? I’m fine. Thank you. I’m fine. Thank you. And you? I’m fine, too. 教学 反思

Oxford English 2A

M1 U1 (3)

Content Aims 2AM1U1 Greetings Say and act Learn the letters 1.To learn the letters: A , a, B, b 2. To use the daily expressions in the different situations. 3. Try to say the tongue twister: An apple and a bag. To greet others fluently. Media, mask, cards, etc. Procedures Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities Purpose Language focus Teaching aids Step

Pre-task preparation 1. Song 2. Look and say. 2. Look and say. Morning, afternoon, etc… 3. Quick response. 3. Quick response. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good night. Good evening. Goodbye. I’m fine. Thank you. How are you? I’m very well. Thank you. 1. Teach: How are you, ...? I’m very well. ① Show the word card. T-P ② Play the media and Teach “ I’m very well. Thank you. T-P ③ Ask the pupils to practice. 2. Say and act ① Play the cassette. ② T-P 3. Play the media. Song Play it again. 4. Learn the big letters. ① “A” T. Write it on the blackboard. ②Then show “B” ③ Show the letter cards “A, B” “a” 5. Learn the small letters ① “a” T. Write it on the blackboard. ②Then play a match game. ③ Teach “b” 歌曲,进入英语的学习氛围。 快速问答中让学生对前两课时的内容进行复习和回顾。 While-task procedure 1. Learn: very well 由复习自然过① Follow the teacher and 渡到今天的新say. 授。 well, very—very well T-P ② Learn “I’m very well. Thank you. ③ Ask and answer How are you? I’m very well. Thank you. P-P 2. Learn it. ① Listen and follow 运用头饰表演② Work in groups 故事,比一比演Act out the story. 一演评一评。 Share in class. 以歌曲来让学3. Listen and follow the 生休息放松,同song 时引出新授字 母。 Listen and sing again. 4. Look at the letter. ①Pp: Look and copy. 学写字母,注意 仿写。 ② Copy it. ③ Read the letters 5.Read the small letters 把刚所学的字①Pp: Copy it. 母大小写连线, 复习巩固同时② Look and match. 引出小写字母A ,B, a, b b. ③ Read and write the



