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元音字母 a ,i,o,u 的发音规则的教学设计

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教学内容: 字母a / i / o / u的发音规则 学情分析:

本节课的授课对象时小学五年级的学生。经过两年的英语学习,有了简单的英语基础知识和听说读写能力;同时,学生对英语学习有着较浓厚的兴趣,喜欢表达自己的观点,也具备初步的自主,合作,探究的能力。 授课教师:卢 静

教学目标: 1.知识目标:

能够听懂,会读字母a/i/o/u在开音节与闭音节的发音,并利用发音规则拼读,拼写单词。 2.能力目标:

启发学生通过朗读单词,总结发音规律,让学生获得成就感,从而提升自主学习的能力。 3.情感目标:

鼓励学生积极主动的参与课堂,提高学习英语的积极性。 教学重难点:

掌握字母a/i/o/u在开音节与闭音节的发音规则,通过训练,学生能够做到 “看词读音”, “听音拼词”.


Teaching procedures: Warming up ⑴ Greetings.

⑵ Sing a song “ ABC”song

⑶ Look at the screen, say the letters quickly. Lead-in

T: Do you know how many letters do we have? Ss: 26

T: Great! How many vowels do we have? And what are they? Do you know?

Ss:Five. Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu

T: Excellent! Today we will learn something about them. Presentation

1. Learn the pronunciation of “a-e” and “a”. ⑴ Read the words: cake, face

⑵ Observe the two words, and say what they can find. These words contain the letter “a-e” and “a-e” pronounce /e?/. ⑶ Read the word: cat

⑷ Think the question: the letter “a” still pronounces /e?/ ? Ss find the answer. “a” pronounce /? /

⑸ According to the rules, work in four, try to read the

following words: cake face make bag cap cat.


⑹ Call some students to read together.

⑺ Put the words into the correct baskets. /e?/ or /? /

2. Learn the pronunciation of “i-e” and “i” ⑴ Read the words: like, white

⑵ Observe the two words, and say what they can find. These words contain the letter “i-e” and “i-e” pronounces /a?/. ⑶ Read the word: pig

⑷ Think the question: the letter “i” still pronounce / a? /? Ss find the answer. “i” pronounce / i /

⑸ According to the rules, work in four, try to read the following words, then show it.

five kite like six big pig

⑹ Pick the apples: put the apples in two baskets “i” and “i-e”.

⑺ Find the baby’s home: classify the words in its pronunciation / a? / or / i /

3. Learn the pronunciation of “o-e” and “ o” ⑴ Students say the words: nose, open

⑵ Students observe the two words, and say what they can find. These words contain the letter “o-e” and “o-e” pronounces /?? /


⑶ Read the word: dog

⑷ Think the question: the letter “o” still pronounce /?? /? Ss find the answer. “o” pronounces / ? /

⑸ According to the rules, try to read the following words:

hope note nose

dog box hot

⑹ Pick the apples: put the apples in two baskets “o” and “o-e”.

4. Learn the pronunciation of “u-e” and “u” ⑴ T: What’s this? Ss: It is a cat. T: What colour is it? Ss: It is white. T: It is a white cat. Ss practice the sentence.

T: Do you like the cat? I like the cat. It’s cute. Ss read the sentences loudly.

⑵ Pronounce the word: use, use a pen , excuse,. Excuse me. I lost my cat.

⑶ Pronounce the words: use cute excuse ⑷ Observe the two words, and say what they can find. These words contain the letter “u-e” and “u-e” pronounces / ju?/.


⑸ Spell the words: cut bus cup up

⑹Think the question: the letter “u” still pronounce/ ju?/? Ss find the answer. “u” pronounces / ? / ⑺ Practice

① List some words contain the letter “ u”.

② Find their home , divide the words into “ u-e”and “u” ③Read and judge the words. ④ Choose the different ones.

5. Summing up

a-e [ ei ] cake i-e [ai] like a [ ? ] cat i [ i ] big

o-e [?u] note u-e [ju:] cute o [ ? ] dog u [Λ] duck

6. Homework:

Summaries the pronunciation of “e-e” and “e”, then list some words contain “e-e” and “e”.

7. Blackboard design

a-e [ ei ] i-e [ai] o-e [?u] u-e [ju:]


a [ ? ] i [ i ] o [ ? ] u [Λ] Reflection:

本节课是一节纯语音课。在之前的教学中,我们没有尝试整节课上成语音课。因此,这也是第一次尝试。因为是第一次上语音课,心理没有底,也不知道一节课到底要讲多少的内容。于是,我做了一次大胆的尝试。字母a/i/o/u的发音其实早在四年级上册的时候就讲过,但因为是分散在每个单元 Let’s spell 中的,学生在整体上没有概念。另外,根据艾宾浩斯的遗忘规律,学生早已忘记的干干净净。授课过程中也出现了许多问题:1. 应变能力与处理突发事件的能力较弱。2. 自身的口语水平还需要加强练习,做到发音标准,吐词清晰。 3. 教师的教学指令还需要规范,丰富课堂教学指令。4.学生对音标的认读还存在问题。因此,学生可以尝试的记忆音标,甚至可以写写音标。尽管这节课中存在很多不完美的地方,但鉴于是第一次尝试,总体效果还比较满意。在以后的教学过程中,我会努力探索各种课型,不断尝试,取别人之长,补自己之短。


元音字母 a ,i,o,u 的发音规则的教学设计


