英语国际音标48个 元音(20个)
class door her tea lose 发音方法
[ɑ:]长元音 口腔打开 嘴张大 舌身放平 舌尖不抵下齿 下巴放低 轻松发音 [?:]长元音 双唇收得小而圆 并向前突出 舌身往后缩 [?:]长元音 嘴形扁平 上下齿微开 舌身放平 舌中部稍抬起
[i:] 长元音 嘴角微微张开 舌尖抵下齿 嘴角向两边张开 流露出微笑的表情 与之母E的发音相同
love lock teacher it book
/e/ /?/ /e?/
/??/ leg bag late like
/??/ /??/
here bear hour No house
Yes wide 边音(舌侧音)/?/ table
pleasure red age dress 鼻音
/n/ /?/
moon thank
[u:]长元音 嘴形小而圆 微微外突 舌头尽量后缩
[]短元音 嘴唇微微张开 伸向两边 舌尖轻触下齿 舌后部稍稍抬起 []短元音 口腔打开 嘴张大 舌头向后缩 双唇稍收圆
[]短元音 嘴唇微微张开 舌身放平 舌中部稍微抬起 口腔自然放松发声[]短元音 口腔打开 嘴张大 舌头向后缩 双唇稍收圆
[i] 嘴唇微微张开 舌尖抵下齿 舌的前部抬高 嘴型扁平 [u]短元音 嘴巴张开略向前突出 嘴形稍微收圆并放松些 [e] 短元音 嘴型扁平 舌尖抵下齿 舌前部稍抬起
[?] 短元音 嘴张大 舌尖抵下齿 嘴角尽量拉向两边 成扁平形
[ei]由[e]和[i]两个单音组成 [e]重读 [i]轻读 口形由半开到合 与字母A发音相同 []由[ɑ]和[i]两个单音组成 前重后轻 口形由开到合 与字母I的发音相同 [i]由[]和[i]两个单音组成 前重后轻 双唇从圆到扁 口形从开到合 []由[i]和[]两个单音组成 [i]重读 []轻读 双唇始终半开
[]由[]和[]两个单音组成 前重后轻 舌尖抵住下齿 双唇半开 []有些类似于[] [u]由[u]和[]两个单音组成 [u]重读 []轻读 嘴唇由收圆到半开
[]由[]和[u]两个单音组成 []的发音也是一个过程 口形由半开到小 与字母O的发音相同
[]由[a]重读[u]轻读 口形由大到小
[p] 双唇紧闭 然后快速张开让气流冲出口腔 发出爆破音 但声带不振动
[b] 和[p]的发音相似 双唇紧闭 然后快速张开让气流冲出口腔 发出爆破音 但声带振动 [t]舌尖抵上齿龈 憋住气 然后弹开舌尖 让气流从口腔中喷出 但声带不振动
[d]和[t]的发音相似 舌尖抵上齿龈 憋住气 然后弹开舌尖 让气流从口腔中喷出 但声带需要振动
[k] 舌后部抵住软腭 憋住气 然后突然离开 将气送出来 像咳嗽一样 但声带不振动 [g] 舌后部抵住软腭 憋住气 然后突然离开 将气送出来 但声带需振动
[f] 上齿轻轻接触下唇 然后吹气 使气流从唇间通过 形成摩擦 但声带不振动 [v] 上齿轻轻接触下唇 然后吹气 使气流从唇间通过 形成摩擦 但声带需要振动 [s]双唇微微张开 舌端靠近齿龈 舌头是自然放松 气流从齿间送出 但声带不动
[z]口形与[s]相似 双唇微微张开 舌端靠近齿龈 舌头自然放松 气流从齿间送出 但声带需振动
[θ]舌尖微微伸出 上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖 送气 但声带不振动
[]口形与[θ]相似 舌尖微微伸出 上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖 送气 但声带需振动 [h]嘴唇自然的张开 自然呵气 声带是不振动
[l]舌尖抵住上齿龈 舌尖轻微用力弯曲 气流从舌的旁边送出 声带振动 [r]舌尖向上卷起 舌头不要接触任何部位 双唇稍微突出 声带振动
park it look wife think small bike dive glass live mother whose ship hard chair tree [m]双唇紧闭 舌头平放 气流从鼻腔送出 声带振动
[n]双唇微开 舌尖抵上齿龈 气流从鼻孔里出来 声带振动
[]双唇张开 舌尖抵下齿龈 舌后部自然往上顶起 气流从鼻腔送出 声带振动 [∫]双唇收圆并稍微突出 舌尖稍微上卷 舌尖接近上齿龈 送气 声带不振动
[]口形与[∫]相似 双唇收圆并稍微突出 舌尖稍微上卷 舌尖接近上齿龈 送气 声带振动 []双唇略微张开突出 舌尖抵住上齿龈 用力吐气 声带不振动
[]和[]发音相似 双唇略微张开突出 舌尖抵住上齿龈 用力吐气 但声带振动 [ts]舌尖抵住上齿 堵住气流 使气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出 声带不振动
[dz]和[ts]发音相似 舌尖抵住上齿 堵住气流 使气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出 但声带需振动 [tr]双唇收圆向前突出 舌尖上翘抵住上齿龈 采取[r]的姿势 声带不振动
[dr]和[tr]发音相似 双唇收圆向前突出 舌尖上翘抵住上齿龈 采取[r]的姿势 声带需振动 [j] 嘴形成微笑状 舌尖抵住下齿 舌面贴住上颚 声带振动
[w]双唇缩小并向前突出 舌后部抬起 嘴慢慢的向两旁滑开 声带振动
一、选出划线部分与其他三项发音不同的一项 ( C )1.A.cake B.take C.nap D.wave ( A )2.A.bread B.eat C.tea D.seat ( D )3.A.never B.leg C.red D.he ( B )4.A.good B.too C.book D.neighborhood ( B )5.A.father B.crab C.shark D.car ( A )6.A.soda B.hot C.box D.not ( D )7.A.bike B.five C.my D.his ( B )8.A.order B.doctor C.boring D.corner ( A )9.A.what B.water C.walk D.talk ( C )10.A.go B.no C.to D.nose ( D )11.A.day B.play C.they D.Sunday ( C )12.A.lot B.not C.to D.follow ( A )13.A.each B.idea C.theatre D.dear ( B )14.A.flower B.follow C.how D.brown ( C )15.A.slide B.hi C.toilet D.bike ( A )16.A.you B.house C.blouse D.trousers ( D )17.A.study B.puzzle C.bus D.busy ( D )18.A.find B.dining-room C.behind D.pumpkin ( B )19.A.kitchen B.sandwich C.China D.peach ( B )20.A.street B.coffee C.meet D.see ( A )21.A.toilet B.apple C.bottle D.table ( C )22.A.back B.lamp C.parent D.have ( D )23.A.pig B.together C.garden D.swing ( B )24.A.music B.telescope C.newspaper D.maths ( A )25.A.sofa B.off C.pot D.lot ( B )26.A.room B.foot C.too D.food .
( C )27.A.teacher B.driver C.term D.waiter ( B )28.A.behind B.bedroom C.jacket D.eleven ( C )29.A.family B.camping C.dance D.blanket ( B )30.A.over B.other C.clothes D.home ( D )31.A.morning B.horse C.door D.tomorrow ( D )32.A.diamond B.around C.elephant D.change ( C )33.A.house B.blouse C.laugh D.mouth ( B )34.A.building B.child C.children D.buscuit ( A )35.A.tennis B.find C.white D.kite ( B )36.A.street B.theatre C.triangle D.tree ( C )37.A.wash B.want C.parent D.what ( C )38.A.large B.laugh C.sofa D.vase ( A )39.A.name B.lamp C.camping D.am ( A )40.A.food B.cook C.foot D.look ( B )41.A.cry B.circle C.class D.picture ( D )42.A.thing B.theatre C.bathroom D.there ( D )43.A.wash B.sure C.shape D.square ( A )44.A.on B.diamond C.crayon D.o’clock ( B )45.A.near B.heart C.tear D.hear ( C )46.A.tea B.meat C.weather D.beach ( B )47.A.back B.fast C.have D.map ( A )48.A.warm B.garden C.market D.party ( D )49.A.school B.tooth C.choose D.good ( B )50.A.book B.too C.look D.cook ( C )51.A.June B.ruler C.put D.menu ( A )52.A.push B.fun C.sun D.cut ( B )53.A.tiger B.her C.officer D.over ( D )54.A.go B.no C.cold D.hot ( C )55.A.like B.lion C.pizza D.Friday ( C )56.A.teacher B.seat C.weather D.please ( B )57.A.yellow B.brown C.window D.know ( C )58.A.cake B.face C.apple D.late ( A )59.A.me B.leg C.bed D.set ( B )60.A.hut B.ruler C.duck D.cup ( C )61.A.clock B.hot C.go D.sock ( D )62.A.head B.dead C.deaf D.sea 二、判断发音是否相同,打√或× 1. wait play ( √ ) 2. cake apple 3. Train bag ( × ) 4. make name 5. like little ( × ) 6. wife sit
× )
√ ) × )
(( (7. try fly ( √ ) 8. pain wait ( √ )
9. boy my ( × ) 10. toy joy ( √ ) 11. go no ( √ ) 12. so do ( × ) 13. know now ( × ) 14. rose not ( × ) 15. how house ( √ ) 16. how flower ( √ ) 17. dear bear ( × ) 18. pear near ( × ) 19. deer cheer ( √ ) 20. pair chair ( √ ) 21. great meat ( × ) 22. pig big ( √ ) 23. her dirty ( √ ) 24. her teacher ( × ) 25. five nice ( √ ) 26. bed we ( × )
27. stop hot ( √ ) 28. week eat ( √ ) 29. dish hi ( × ) 30. use under ( × ) 31.like pizza ( × ) 32. cat father ( × )
33. egg he ( × ) 34. ask park ( √ ) 35. sun hungry ( √ ) 36. cut put ( × )
37.come from ( × ) 38. under uncle ( √ ) 39. sing evening ( √ ) 40. bed head ( √ ) 41. bird girl ( √ ) 42. learn shirt ( √ ) 43. juice who ( √ ) 44.food foot ( × ) 45. learn near ( × ) 46. drop hot ( √ )
47. short shirt ( × )
教学内容 语音与填空
1. 元音字母a,e,i(y),o,u在重读开音节和重读闭音节中的读音。
2. 辅音字母在单词中的基本读音。
3. –r音节在重读音节中的读音。
4. 常见的元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音。
5. 常见的元音字母和辅音字母组合在重读音节中的读音。
1. 名词:可数名词单、复数及所有格形式和不可数名词。
2. 代词:人称单词的主、宾格形式和物主代词的形容词性名词性、特殊疑问词。
3. 动词:原形、现在分词、第三人称单数和不定式结构。 一. 找出划线部分发音不同的单词 ( )1. A. name B. game C. orange ( )2. A. from
B. come
C. love
( )3. A. Sunday B. day C. Friday ( )4. A. whose B. what
C. when
( )5. A. chair B. China
C. peach
( )6. A. catch B. cup C. carry
( )7. A. him
B. with C. knife ( )8. A. grade B. at
C. and
( )9. A. thing B. English C. thank
( )10. A. eat
B. meat
C. tea
( )11. A. what
B. want
C. water
( )12. A. food
B. goodbye C. look
( )13. A. seven
B. very
C. next ( )14. A. run
B. us C. jump
( )15. A. do
B. clothes C. homework ( )16. A. count
B. young
C. about ( )17. A. early
B. dictionary
C. fly
( )18. A. maths B. back
C. Saturday
( )19. A. rest
B. help
C. evening ( )20. A. things
B. thanks
C. girls .
D. age
D. worry
D. Monday D. which
D. school
D. pencil
D. think
D. has D. orange D. sweater
D. watch
D. bedroom D. me D. full D. close
D. trousers
D. certainly D. after D. then
D. apples
( )21. A. read B. meat C. break
D. clean ( )22. A. men
B. women C. mend
D. pen ( )23. A. think B. sing
C. difference D. bring ( )24. A. think B. father C. mother D. their ( )25. A. row
B. brown
C. down
D. how ( )26. A. worker B. mother
C. father
D. hers
( )27. A. worker
B. morning
C. for
D. forty
( )28. A. machine B. watch
C. teach
D. much
( )29. A. no
B. clock
C. not
D. stop
( )30. A. many B. bye
C. why
D. fly
二. 找出与所给单词音标相同的单词 ( )1. [e]
A. language
B. many
C. machine
D. basket ( )2. [au] A. know B. country C. Australia D. count ( )3. [u]
A. cook
B. food
C. broom D. shoe ( )4. [i? ] A. wear
B. early C. careful
D. dear
( )5. [n]
A. uncle B. hungry C. monkey D. month ( )6. [ei] A. catch
B. match
C. about
D. face
( )7. [Λ ] A. brother B. woman C. lot
D. to ( )8. [i :] A. easy
B. great
C. head
D. idea
( )9. [s]
A. clock
B. cinema
C. crane
D. close ( )10. [ T ]A. mouth B. thirsty C. with
D. health
三. 用数字表示有几种发音
( )1. play say name Sunday ( )2. please many
desk head ( )3. my
( )4. today clock home
row ( )5. pupil
四. 根据音标、句意写单词
1. Which is your [’feiv ? rit] doll ?
2. There is a picture on the wall [bi’twi:n] the two windows . 3. Can you [spi:k] Japanese ?
4. How many [’pi:pl] are there in your family ? 5. There are many [’? nim ? l z] in the park .
五. 写划线部分音标
train [ ] holiday [ ] year [ ] story [ ]
kilo [ ]
begin [ ] vegetable [ ] because [ ]
great [ ]
every [ ] Thursday [ ] Saturday [ ] drink [ ]
something [ ]
fruit [ ] volleyball [ ] hair [ ]
minute [ ]
六. 填空
1. I have two .(watch) 2. Tell your name .(they)
3. This is a bird . name is Polly .(it)
4. Please put coats on the desk .(they)
5. Are there any in the picture ?(woman teacher) 6. Listen ! The girl in the classroom .(sing) 7. He often football on Friday afternoon .(play) 8. There some bread in the bag .(be) 9. What about TV ?(watch) 10. Let me you find it .(help)
11. She is a writer . She often books .(write)
12. speak English and French .(Canada)
13. Tom likes in summer .(swim)
14. Look ! What his friends ?(do)
15. My house is far from the school . What about ?(you) 16. Jim and Mike are football .(play)
17. We have some new (woman)coats in the shop today . 18. The boy in Row 3 is writing .(careful)
19. Mrs Green looks (worry), because her daughter is ill . 20. They are very (friend)to us .
21. The English-Chinese dictionary is very (help)to you . 22. (walk)is good for you health . 23. daughter is she ?(who) 24. A friend of (I)is in Grade 2 .
25. There are no between the two pictures .(different)
26. Miss Gao teaches (we)English .
27. My uncle and aunt are both English .(teach) 28. There are four in his family .(people) 29. Do you have the basket ?(shop)
30. The shop near our school school things .(sell) 参考答案
一. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. A 26. D 27. A 28. A 29. A 30. A
二. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C
三. 1. 3 2. 2 3. 2 4. 3 5. 2
四. 1. favourite 2. between 3. speak 4. people 5. animals
五. ei ? i ? ? : i: i ? ? ei e ? : ? ? θ u: i ? ? i
六. 1. watches 2. them 3. Its 4. their 5. women ; teachers 6. is singing
7. plays 8. is 9. watching 10. help 11. writes 12. Canadians 13. swimming 14. are ; doing 15. yours 16. players 17. women’s 18. carefully 19. worried 20. friendly 21. helpful 22. Walking 23. Whose 24. mine 25. differences 26. us 27. teachers 28. people
29. shopping 30. sells 英语的五大基本句型