2.how many tonnes/cubic metres can vessel still load? 3.vessel can still load…tonnes/cubic metres. 4.what is size of hatch openings? size of hatch openings…by…metres 5.r bob cats available for trimming?
eg:how do u read me?(你听我信号如何?) i read u 1/2/3/4/5 or
i read u bad/poor/fair/good/excellent
weather reports beaufort scale of wind
由三部分组成,beaufort number ,descriptive term,meaning 0 calm 无风 1 light air 软风 2 light breeze 轻风 3 gentle breeze 微风 4 moderate breeze 和风 5 fresh breeze 劲风 6 strong breeze 强风 7 near gale 疾风 8 gale 大风 9 strong gale 烈风 10 storm 狂风 11 violent storm 暴风 12 hurricane 飓风
beaufort scale of sea 0 calm sea(glassy) 无浪 1 calm-rippled 微浪 2 smooth sea 小浪 3 slight sea 轻浪 4 moderate sea 中浪 5 rough sea 大浪 6 very rough sea 巨浪 7 high sea 狂浪 8 very high sea 狂涛 9 phenomenal sea 怒涛
beaufort scale of visibility 0. dense fog 大雾 1. thick fog 浓雾 2. fog 中雾 3. moderate fog 轻雾
4. mist or thin fog 薄雾 5. vis.poor 能见度不良 6. vis.moderate 能见度中等 7. vis.good 能见度好 8. vis.very good 能见度很好 9. vis.exceptional 能见度极好 distress communications 1.fire explosion
.1 i am/mv…on fire(after explosion) .2 where is the fire .2.1 fire is on deck in engine room in holds
in superstucture/accommodation .3 r dangerous goods on fire? .3.1 yes dangerous goods r on fire .3.2 no dangerous goods r not on fire .4 i am … not under command .5 what kind of assistance is required? .5.1 i require … requires fire fighting assistance
breathing apparatus -smoke is toxic foam extinguishers fire dump medical assistance
What course? course 155 course again keep present course how answer? answer all right.
answer too slow. nothing to port/starboard middle two buoys keep to middle of channel port a little port easy 左舵慢 port more hard a port port 15 degrees ease her 回舵 ease the helm 回舵
ease the wheel 回舵 midship
steady as the goes 把定 steady so 把定
steer 120 degrees
heading to the buoy 对准灯浮 keep straight to the lighthouse 对准灯塔
对准导标 how heading?
are you on your course? right on the course
Is the rudder answered? answers back how is the steering? no steerage 无舵效 no steering 无舵效
meet the helm 压舵 check the helm 压舵 what rudder? 舵角几度? starboard a bit sluggish alter course to 220 finish with the wheel