un it 5 P160 翻译
1) 由于不了解艾滋病,以前人们称 HIV感染者为 祸害”
Owing to ignorance of AIDS, people used tolabel HIV infected/carriers/victims as evils. 2) 普及艾滋病知识的活动需要继续开展,这个阶段的重点放在这种病的传播途径。
(con tract)
The campaign of Knowing More About AIDS needs to be carried on , and for/at this stagethe emphasis is put on the way (how) the diseases contracted. 3) 我们真切地向青年人呼吁:请保重身体,良好的健康将使你能最好地应对生活中的任何困难。
We appeal to the young earnestly : Take care of your health, with which you be best eq'uipped to han die any tough problems in your life.
4) 众多杰出科学家们将于本周五齐聚日内瓦(Ge neva)讨论主要源于现代社会激烈竞争的诸多问题。
The leading scientists will be meeting in Geneva on Friday to discuss problemlargely caused by the fierce competition in modern society. 5) 他的恐高归因于童年时期一次非常痛苦的经历。 他曾经被迫独自一人站在10米跳台上长达10分 钟。His fear of heights was attributed to an extremely painful experienee in his childhood. He was once forced to stand alone on the 0-meter diving board for up to 10 minutes. 6) 我们相信新发布的关于改善农村医疗系统的文件必将终结农村地区缺医少药的时代终将结束。 We believe that with the newly issued document on improving the medical system in rural areas, the era is tbe brought to an en d when such areas are alwayshort of doctors and medicines. 大学英语三期末复习unit 8 P257
Tran slati on
1) 在饭桌上,我们中国人会习惯性地劝客人多吃菜,以证明我们热情好客
the table.
As a proof of our hospitality , we Chinese will habitually urge our guests to help themselves to more dishes on 2) 移居到一个新的国家,你可以通过倾听人们的谈话,观察他们的举止来适应当地文化。
When you move to a new land, you can / mayorient yourself to the local culture by means of listening to what people say an dobserv ing how they act. 3) 熟悉的环境给人安全感,所以人们往往有意无意地抵制或避开陌生环境。
avoid new situations, consciously or unconsciously . 4) 对某地区的人产生偏见甚至敌意,这经常源于我们对他们缺乏了解。
(hostility; result from)
Prejudice against or even hostility towards people from a certain region ofterresults from the fact that we know very little about them /we know virtually nothing about them. 5)我觉得直接拒绝是一种礼貌,而我父母却很少说 不”以免使对方为难 (decli ne)
a | ”
I believe it is polite to decline directly , while my parents seldom say No emfeamiaiss others.
(familiarity; tendency)
Familiarity with the environment gives a persona sense of security; so peoplehave the tendency to resist or
There are two means tebuild up kno wledge : to get it person ally or by sec on d-ha nd experie nee. Readi ng, which ope ns up a new world of differe nt cultures for us, bel ongs to sec on d-ha nd experie nee. 1 / 7
(unit 5 P160 Cloze)
AIDS is a terrible disease. It poses ^threat (1) to all the huma n beings without cari ng whether you are black or white, male or female, gay or straight, young or old. But what iat risk (2) 2 / 7
now is not just the peopleinfected (3) with the disease. Human civilization itself is being threatened. This is because the whole society tolerates both ignorance of arpTejudice (4) against HIV or AIDS. Once diag no sed 被
诊断)as HIV-positive, the victims are isolated (5) or treated as outcasts. They are believed to have con tracted (6) someth ing evil or to have en tered some alie n state of being. AIDS.滋病是一种可怕 的疾病,对所有的人类都构成
了威胁,不管你是白人还是黑人,男性还是女性,同性恋还是直男,年 轻还是年老。但是现在面临的不仅仅是人类感染艾滋病的风险,
无知和偏见的容忍,人类文明本身也受到威胁。一旦被诊断为艾滋病毒阳性,受害者就会被孤立或者 被遗弃。他们会被
As a result, these poor people have
to shelter (7) the flickeri ng can dle of life from the cold wi nd of rejectio n by their family members. When they die of the disease, their families dare not whisper the word AIDS. They juaj rieve (8) sile ntly. 这些 Thus, our prejudice and sile nee have helped the diseasing (9). 因此,从家庭成员的抗拒冷漠中,
可怜的人不得不掩藏了生活中的闪烁亮光。当他们死于艾滋病时候,他们的家人没有勇气轻声说出 艾 滋病”这个词,他
们只是独自地悲伤。因此,我们的偏见和沉默助长了疾病的蔓延。_Now HIV marches
firmly towards AIDS in more than a million American homes, littering its pathway (10) with the bodies of the you ng.现在在一百多万美国家庭里,艾滋病病毒正稳步地向艾滋病迈进,沿途丢弃的尽是年轻人 的尸骨。To guard against the disease effectively, we must take thissue (11) seriously. People should be educated tobring (12) those negative attitudesto an end. We should not see AIDS as something^vil (13) and the patie nts as alie n. In stead, we shoucbneern ourselves with (14) the preve nti on of the disease and render strongsupport (15) to the patients with more compassion. Only in this way can we have a better cha nee of winning the war against为了有效地对抗
接受教育,把所有的消极的态度抛弃掉,我们不该视艾滋病为邪恶的东西,也不该视艾滋病人为怪异 的生物体。相反地,我们应该关注疾病的预防,并带着更多的同情心给予病人更多的支持。只有靠这 种方式,我们才有更好的机会去赢得对抗艾滋病的战争。
(P256 unit 8 Cloze) When we are suddenlytransplanted (1) abroad, we may lose the peace of mind we need for everyday work and life. All the familiar cues (2) disappear including words, gestures, facial expressions, customs, or norms. We reject the foreign environment and slip into thdendency (3) to believe that our culture, race and n ati on form the cen ter of the world. The frustrati on (4) a nd an xiety that can be attributed (5) to the loss of familiar sig ns are symptoms of culture shocl当 我们突然置身国外的时候,我 们可能会失去我们每日工作和
生活所需要的心灵的平静。熟悉的暗示都消失了,包括语言、手势、面 部表情、风俗习惯或社会行为标准。我们排斥外国环境,并且往往相信我们的文化、种族和民族构成 了世界的中心。这种由于熟悉标志的消失产生的挫败感和焦虑感就是文化冲击的症状。
One of the
effective cures (6) for this ailme nt is to know somethi ng about the n ature of culture and its relati on ship to the in dividual. We should bear in mind that we are born with thecapacity (7) to learn culture and use it. The culture of any people is the product of history and isbuilt up (8) over time. It is by means of (9) culture that we lear n to adapt to the physical en vir onment and to the people with whom we associate 这种病的一种有 效治疗办法就是了
解文化的本质,以及文化与个体的关系。我们应该牢记我们生来拥有学习和使用文 化的能力。任何人类的文化都是历史的产物,是经过漫长的时间才得以积累形成。通过文化,通过文 化学会适应周围的物质环境,学会和周围的人打交道。
Therefore, it is due to (10) our own lack of un dersta nding of other people cultu'lsbackgro und and of the means of com muni cati on that we can not orient ourselvesto (11) the host country. Another quick way to get over (12) culture shock is to know the Ian guage. Once we are equipped with the Ian guage, a whole new world of cultural meanin gsopens up (13) for us. We will begin to find out not only what people do and how they do things, but also what their interests are因此,因为自己
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