Management psychology, School of economics and management(经
Course paper of Wuhan International Trade University
College: School of economics and management: class two in marketing
Name: pay double student number: 0802020210
Topic: how to conduct communication and management according to personality differences?
Course Name: Management Psychology
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Date: October 10, 2010
How to conduct communication and management according to individual differences?
Student: pay double
Marketing two classes, student number 0802020210
Abstract: This article starts with the understanding of
personality, introduces personality, sorts the personality from different angles, and analyzes the corresponding communication and management strategies.
Key words: personality; communication management; characteristics
As a member of the society, the introduction speaker must be able to interact with other people. But communication is not what we see on the surface. It is only the two parties talking to each other. It should contain a deeper meaning, that is, to establish a good relationship and friendship between the two sides of the communication. In real life, how to communicate is a lot of skills and experience to follow, which requires us according to ourselves, and other people's personality, as well as the needs of communication management, dealing with the surrounding interpersonal relationship. The quality of a relationship directly affects a person's work, life, and study. However, interpersonal relationships vary from person to person, which requires individuals to conduct communication and management according to their personality differences
Nowadays, personality has become a central subject in modern philosophy, economics, sociology, ethics, education and psychology. Some famous psychologists both at home and abroad are showing more and more interest in the study of personality problems. Therefore, on the one hand, it is for the purpose of certain social production. Personality problems actually, is how to treat people and the nature of the problem, in psychology, is to pay more attention to the subject of Psychology -- Study of people, to the people of the psychological wholeness and
psychological nature of the society as the basic starting point for the study of human psychology, not only to the individual process and characteristics of human psychology. The overall structure and appearance, but also to study the individual psychology, reveals the development rules of it, what is the good personality to clarify the ideal talents that society expects the society, pointed out how to mobilize people's enthusiasm and creativity, how to use and control of its producers, according to what direction it should cultivate a new generation of successors and make their personality all-round and harmonious development, to meet the social requirements for new generation. Therefore, the major theoretical issues of personality psychology is currently facing problems should be solved, but also how to walk out of the \close contact with the actual construction of socialism.
Individuality refers to the unique and integral features that distinguish one person from another. It is the sum of the psychological characteristics and qualities of a person, and each person's personality is unique. Live in the colorful world, because people contact with different external stimuli, their living environment, the characteristics of physiological activities and the activities of the nervous system, the victory course in which everyone showed a unique style. There are individual differences that are common among people - individuality. Human personality is the combination of congenital nerve type and acquired social environment. Two, according to individual characteristics of selective communication and management
Management psychology, School of economics and man