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1.A: I like documentaries on TV. B: ____________. A.So am I B.So do I C.So have I [答案]: B

2.A: I am from England. B: ____________. A.So am I B.So do I C.So have I [答案]: A

3.A: I have a light breakfast early in the morning. B: ____________. A.So have I B.Me too C.So am I [答案]: B

4.A:I don't get up late on Sundays. B: ____________. A.Neither have I B.Neither am I C.Neither do I [答案]: C

5.A: I haven't got a car. B: ____________. A.Neither have I B.Neither do I C.Neither am I [答案]: A

6.A: ____________ is the nearest chemist's? B: On the corner. A.What B.Where C.How

[答案]: B

7.A:____________was the meeting like? B: It was very exciting. A.How B.What C.Why

[答案]: A

8.A:____________time do you have lunch? B: I usually have lunch at 12. A.Where B.What C.When [答案]: B

9.A:____________will the meal take? B: It'll take two hours, I think. A.How long B.How many C.How much [答案]: A

10.____________ people are coming for the party? A.How often B.How much C.How many [答案]: C

11.This radio is ____________than that one. A.more expensive B.very expensive C.as expensive

[答案]: A

12.James is ____________French than Polly. A.a bit better at B.a bit more good at C.a bit good at [答案]: A

13.This watch is____________that one. A.as expensive as B.very expensive than C.more expensive to [答案]: A

14.I'm bad at spelling, but Jane is ____________ me. A.bad with B.worse than C.less than [答案]: B

15.John is ____________ experienced at training than Mary is. A.more B.worse C.much [答案]: A

16.It ____________ heavily here at this moment. A.rain B.rains

C.is raining [答案]: C

17.When ____________ for London? A.is she flying B.she flies

C.she is going to fly [答案]: A



