【期刊名称】《电子测试》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)008
【摘要】 在现代金融机构日常的经营活动中,大量的高质量数据被用于各金融机构业务流程运转、决策支持、风险管理、绩效考核等管理决策过程中。为了使这些数据更好地加以利用,构建一套行之有效的数据平台体系尤为重要和迫切。本文从分析国内金融机构数据平台建设的发展概况出发,以中小型金融机构数据平台建设实践为例,构建了基于 ETL 数据处理,以源系统、ODS、FSD 到目标系统金融数据集成过程为核心的金融机构数据平台,实际应用效果显著。%In the daily business activities of modern financial institutions,a large number of high-quality data are used for management and decision-making process,for example,operation of business process, decision support,risk management,performance appraisal,et al in various financial institutions.In order to make these data be better exploited,it’s particularly important and urgent to build a set of effective data platform.This article starts from the analysis of data platform in domestic financial institutions, takes building data platform of small and medium-scaled financial institutions for an example,it is ETL-based and integration process of financial data as the core that is from source system,ODS,FSD to target system.The actual application is remarkably effective. ETL ODS FSD ODS FSD ETL Research on Building