【期刊名称】《医学信息》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)029
【摘要】Objective To improve the level of understanding of giant lymph node hyperplasia, to discuss the CT manifestations and diagnostic value. Method: through the analysis of 5 cases confirmed by operation and pathology in GLNH cases, combined with literature review, discussion of the image in the diagnosis and dif erential diagnosis of. Results:the giant lymph node hyperplasia with GLNH is a heterogeneous rare benign lymphoproliferative disease, its organization form can be classified as hyaline vascular type and plasma celltype two, CT enhanced after dif erent degree enhancement, hyaline vascular type of moderate or marked enhancement, plasma celltype for mild enhancement. Conclusion:giant lymph node hyperplasia have characteristic cT findings.%目的:提高巨淋巴结增生症的认识水平,探讨其CT表现及诊断价值。方法通过5例经手术及病理证实的 GLNH的病例分析,结合文献复习,对本病的影像诊断与鉴别诊断进行讨论。结果巨淋巴结增生症GLNH是一种异源性的罕见的淋巴组织增生性良性疾病,其组织形态上可分为透明血管型和浆细胞型两类, CT增强后有不同程度增强,透明血管型呈中等或明显强化,浆细胞型为轻度强化。结论巨淋巴结增生症具有特征性cT表现。 【总页数】1页(455-455)